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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/12 in all areas

  1. Hey Chris... ahem, Mr Avellone, if you have spare time, why don't you go ahead and outline your hypothetical "dream game" - setting, gameplay, story, structure and themes, just an outline, no need to go into specifics - in a blogpost. Would give some nice new perspective on this whole matter, and would - I believe - launch whole new set of suggestions and interesting discussions.
    2 points
  2. Magnificent Chris Avellone, thank you for taking the initiative to study the kickstarter possibility. We all hope that the skill check is successful. Makes me wonder how you get the time to have the real work done Because of that I'll try to be succinct. The type of game we want to see is: - the type of game that gets co-...moneyblocked by publishers, aka Isometric Turn-Based cRPG (sic) And that is basically my only requirements If Obsidian goes forth with kickstarting their project, it's guaranteed that I'll support it as long as the above is true. Because with you as Chief in Command of Good Things to Come we know that good writing, great story, interesting characters, choices and consequents, non-linear, multiple solutions, multiple endings will be present in the game. And those are the type of things that RPG dreams are made of. It would be great if Master Tim Cain and Sawyer could contribute to this project as well. As for the game setting, ranked by preference: 1) cyberpunk (Blade Runner, Neuromancer, Bloodnet, Gattaca). The world needs it! There isn't really any good cRPG in a cyberpunk setting. None! (ok Deus Ex, but it's an FPS/RPG) This is also the opportunity for a new IP. 2) steampunk (Arcanum alike) with some Cthulhu twists in it 2) Planescape, however given the license issue I guess this is a no no. The best bet would be a spiritual successor, but that isn't really a setting, more like a gameplay aspect. 3) hard sci-fi space opera. The problem would be it would require many work hours in game to write the lore. 3) retro-futuristic alien infiltration/invasion during the cold war with a B movie artistic vibe to it Some gameplay aspects that would make me very happy (obviously that these need to adapted depending on the setting and balanced to avoid repetitiveness): - dystopian world (Brave New World, 1984) - mature and politically incorrect. Including themes such as: dangerous political games, global conspiracies, religious brainwashing, racism, drugs, misogyny, slavery, sexual discrimination, taboo subjects (even if only present as a comic factor), and yes tasteful rape as well. It would be up for the player to... well... deal with it
    1 point
  3. I'd love to see a "spiritual" succesor to Planescape: Torment. Ideally I'd like to see a new original IP from you guys, something you would really like to do. Regardless you'd have my support if you start a KIckstart Project. Good luck and thanks for making games.
    1 point
  4. I just can't put into words how much I appreciate this. Chris, you and the others at Obsidian rock! Regardless of what this might turn out to be, if you kickstart it, you can consider my money pledged.
    1 point
  5. Whoa, thanks for reading it ALL. This is why we wuv MCA and several other developers, they just keep the good ole 'By Gamers, For Gamers' spirit alive. Here's hoping for kickstarting success, cheers! (Another thing I forgot before is the music! A nice (even if little) score can make a game! Nowadays its all "epic" (and sadly generic) giant orchestra themes, we don't need those. Arcanum had very nice, violin-led rather quiet and emotive music, Fallout had a very fitting techno-tribal (?), heavy-on-drums score, System Shock 2 had a nice mix of atmospheric and techno tracks...)
    1 point
  6. Even though I'm capable of filling your inbox and blog responses with my ideas and preferences with hundreds of messages, I believe that whatever choice YOU guys at Obsidian make would be the right one. We have faith in you, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here and everywhere on the internet. Now, get this **** kickstarted!
    1 point
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