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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/12 in all areas

  1. Quality over quantity, sure. I agree. But consider the expenses too. Every penny spent on a voiceactor is away from something else, and this is a really limited budget thing we're talking about. They can't plan ahead too much as far as money goes as the overall budget is a subject to change up until the Kickstarter timelimit is reached (if they even put it to realisation at all, that is). Think long term. Quality can be had without someone reading the text for you, and there's also the matter that how much quantity are you willing to sacrifice for quality (as well as how much quantity will hurt quality - PST had a lot of quality with minimal voiceacting, for example).
    2 points
  2. I feel the exact same way! where can I dump my money!?
    1 point
  3. I leave the content of the game up to you (though a new IP would be nice), but for the format I would love to see an RPG in the style of the Infinity Engine games. I suggest that because with a project funded through kickstarter you want to be cost-effective, and that format I suspect would give you the best return on your dollar. Here's why: 1 - Visuals: as opposed to graphics. Infinity Engine games don't have great graphics by today's standards, but they do have great visuals, thanks to the painted 2d backdrops, which contain a ton of scene and mood-setting detail. I would guess that compared to a 3D game, a @d isometric one would give a great visual return per artist-hiring dollar invested. 2 - Dialogue: I'm not necessarily against fully-voiced RPGs but I do think they make it more difficult to manage dialogue in games. A game like this I don't think would have to apologize for not being fully voiced. This means you could have more story depth per dollar invested. 3 - Gameplay: I always thought that a hidden strength of the Baldur's Gate series was that it had it's gameplay systems essentially pre-designed. Second edition wasn't exactly the most elegant system, but it had a huge library of classes, monsters, and encounter design knowledge over the arc of 20+ long levels that the BG series benefited from. 4 - Nostalgia value: A kickstarter project is gonna be trading in on this, and promising the next Fallout/BG2/Planescape will get people interested. For all these reasons and more, a 2D, isometric, Infinity Engine-style game is the way to go. Make it happen!
    1 point
  4. Wulf. If you want to be constructive how about by starting to not trying to discredit everyone else and holding your own opinion up high despite of what you think of them? Because that's REALLY not constructive nor are such posts any more "detrimental" to this thread. I mean, it isn't wrong to discuss opinions here (and I don't agree with that poster myself. At least about the Planescape part) but don't do it like a ****.
    1 point
  5. Hi, me again... After seeing some very heated arguments pop up on various sites about what a game should be to be a true old-school RPG, I'm convinced that unlike Double Fine have been you should be *very clear* about the scope and goals of the game that is going to be made, so you don't get the sort of long term resentment and grief that Notch gets from some Minecraft "fans". I.e have this on the Kickstarter page: Related to that, with my earlier suggestion that you do like Order of the Stick and add milestone rewards to increase pledges, be careful that you don't alienate early donators. For instance, if you add iPad/console as a new reward if we would double the initial amount, I'm sure non-PC owners would (rightly) be overjoyed, and while I wouldn't begrudge them having the game there too, I'm sure you know you would face a level 10 inferno worth of people going "OH GOD NOOO! They are going to dumb down the interface!!". Because on the internet, believing something makes it true, no matter how much evidence to the contrary is produced. Also, for goodness sake don't overcommit and burn out on this Kickstarter. Create something small(ish), original and most of all polished! Then do another one if it is successful. Best suggestion so far in this thread in my opinion has been from ex-Obsidian "tevans": With all that said, I think something with the graphics level and gameplay complexity of Age of Decadence would make me very satisfied. Final comment: If isometric turn based would become a "thing" with you but Kickstarter is too limited, consider talking to Fredrik Wester of Paradox. They are growing as publishing company and have shown they are willing to fund some out there stuff. I'm sure they would be delighted to have a famous team like you as a feather in their hat.
    1 point
  6. Difficult to tell people in a Western roleplaying game the way their character must believe; makes more sense for a genre that doesn't make such a big deal about players having 'choices' about how their character acts as RPGs do. (Even if choices do tend to take the form of kick puppy or save orphanage.) Would work for an adventure game perhaps. Same with the gay protagonist really. Wouldn't be a big deal if just the only available romance options happened to be homosexual because the NPCs that happen to be keen on you are only the homosexual ones, but if you go from that to "By the way, your character is definitely attracted to these characters" you'll have responses along the lines of "Um excuse me I think you'll find I'm roleplaying this character, and the way I roleplay she's definitely a heterosexual girl who just doesn't have time for a relationship, OMG stop taking away my choices. MY CHOICES!" Oh and also the Muslim protagonist would probably limit the setting somewhat.
    1 point
  7. A turn-based, party-based RPG in a unique setting with goals more ambitious than "adolescent power fantasy" and an emphasis on quality over quantity (no "RPGs must be x hours long" business filled with trivial killing and fetching tasks please).
    1 point
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