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Lars Westergren

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About Lars Westergren

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I ended up in Heritage Hill early when reaching Defiance Bay, before Woedica's temple. When meeting Icantha, I had "I'm looking for Icantha" as one of the dialogue options even though I believe I had never heard that name. She replies something like "Oh, and what do you want with her?" and then the conversation just ends. I opened the door and found her "prisoners", but chose not to talk to them because I fully expected some horrible moral dilemma and wanted to know more about the situation before being made to choose. Coming back days later they are still there even though the door remained open. Minor issue, but maybe having a conversation autotrigger when opening the door and having the option to tell them - "Stay here for now, it's even more dangerous outside!"?
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  2. Notes in Hadret House (2 places): "The notes are scribbled in a cyrptic shorthand"
  3. I have one of those. When talking with Freyol, in the sanitarium, one of the dialogue choices: "Maybe you'll get there again one day. If not in this life, than in another."
  4. Entering Brackenbury, there are assassins standing around the fountain. If they see me, half of them immediately run right and kill Serel. I can sneak around them and stand between her, but someone usually runs by the party to get to her. Ranged opponents focus her too. They really don't like her! She seems to be the highest priority target for the AI (because no armor and vulnerable?) but when the fight is over and I finally managed to keep her alive, she just repeats her "The nobles really didn't like it when I moved in here" line, so I'm guessing she wasn't the real victim.
  5. When using skills, draw an arrow from caster to target. Like in this image from Dota 2. It can be improved upon from Dota - if cast target is so far away you need to move, make the target cursor or arrow yellow. If moving will provoke a disengagement attack or will move you into engagement range of an enemy when casting, make arrow or cursor red.
  6. I think it is "...pact Knights" as in Goldpact Knights, one of the paladin orders.
  7. I do have sharp canines, but I'm usually not blue unless it's really cold outside. I'm extremely happy with the portrait, especially since everyone else seem to like it as much as I do. Even RPGCodex was nice to me. This is one of the source pictures used. It's a few years old, I have even less hair now so I usually just shave everything off, Heisenberg style. I hope the AI will take into account strategies like denying an enemy Moonwell by casting a Malignant Cloud on top of it. Bonus points if you have different AI profiles, so an aggressive one might ignore the damage taken and "dive" to the Moonwell if it thinks it might kill a PC in the process with the stamina gained, while a cautious/defensive/fearful AI hangs back. Doing AI for this game will probably be very challenging, but fun. I would love if that is available for modding (but I understand it might not be possible). I seem to recall Josh mentioning the intense yet strategic battles of MOBA games like Dota 2 being an inspiration? If not, they should be. There is a huge source of spells and item mechanics to draw inspiration from, and lots of pro matches to see how even seemingly weak spells can interact in interesting ways and turn even the most challenging skirmishes around if used creatively.
  8. God suggestions: The god of transgressions, exploration, of the spaces between borders. Nomadic people, same-sex couples and all sorts of outsiders are assumed (rightly or wrongly) of worshipping this god of indeterminate gender. Many conservative, tight knit societies loathe this god and call it the Corruption. The general public often conflate it with The Leech (see below), though priests and scholars are generally aware that they are separate entities. Worshippers of this god tend to keep very quiet about it as they are often distrusted, or even actively persecuted. Transgender or other "unusual" people are considered holy, whether they like it or not. Worshippers don't completely trust their own god or other followers either, as the "transgressive" part can be problematic. The god of borders and stability. Art tend to be stylized, with clear distinct fields of color, architecture is a highly respected craft. Purity and strength is valued, as is social cohesion and unity, but all talk of "oneness" causes unease among followers. Other cultures tend to find cultures where worship of this god is dominant at best dreary and conservative, at worst oppressive, xenophobic and controlling. Relations between genders are strictly ritualized, and typical love poetry revolve around the beauty of this separation, of not fully understanding the other. These cultures produce many monastic orders. One insular clan which doesn't tolerate the worship of any other god is rumored to have special rituals to strengthen the minds and souls of children and sometimes even adults against what they call "possession" - any echoes or memories of former lives. They have never been known to share this knowledge with outsiders. Any in the clan showing signs of possession are summarily killed. The goddess of secrets and mystery. She exists, but almost nothing else is known about her among mortals. She actively discourages worship and all forms of intellectual curiousity. Scholars fear this being which oppose them, and just mentioning her is considered very bad luck. Many suspect that finding out more about this goddess would lessen her strength, but those who attempt to research her tend to quickly die in violent accidents or just vanish without a trace. The Leech. The god of parasites - animal, human, and supernatural. Worshippers do exist, but they are rare and universally hated. Their holy symbol is a small tick made of metal, usually hidden somewhere on the body. Beggars in bigger cities often form guilds that police against Leech worship, and if any are found they are driven away or quietly disposed of. The informal leaders of these guilds argue that begging is done from necessity, but true followers of the Leech seek to grow ever stronger by weakening and sickening others. It is a grave insult to call a beggar or anyone else a Leech in most cultures. This god is suspected of being the progenitor of vampires.
  9. I love dogs, but it has been done to death lately in RPGs in my opinion - Fallout 3, F:NV, Fable 2, Fable 3, several action RPGs and JRPGs... Dogs were not just included but a bit marketing point. If there is a dog, I want it controlled by telepathic brain worms with a secret agenda.
  10. Some really nice HD concept art suitable as desktop wallpaper. Like Wasteland 2 did.
  11. I think that now that we know Obsidian are using Unity just like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun, the odds that full modding support will appear as a stretch goal increased significantly. I got a full licence to Unity as part of a compaign they were having. I'm going to do a lot of tutorials this weekend.
  12. I vote strongly NO to this. There are few things that are better at ensuring that your choices in the game and the final climactic battle have no effect on the game world whatsover. See Kingdoms of Amalur for an example. "Congratulations, you beat the big bad and stopped his invasion of our lands, but now all his foot soldiers are driven insane by the defeat, so you will keep meeting the exact same enemies in the same numbers wherever you go. But you are totally the hero of the world now." Endless endgame is appropriate for grind-heavy games like Diablo 3 or World of Warcraft, not for choice & consequences and story driven games, like I hope we are getting here.
  13. That would add a lot of burden on Obsidian to create extra content and test. For many quests, they would have to write an "failed due to timeout" result path in addition to all the other result paths. Like the "can't we have both RTwP and fully turn based modes?" I think that would risk falling into the trying to please everybody and ending up pleasing no one trap.
  14. That settles it, If Justin doesn't get to do the soundtrack now, I'm going to get *angry*.
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