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It's still possible back this game?

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It don't think so, but give it a try here : http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/pledges

Very doubtful though, you're gonna have to pre-order. [or wait] 

I can't do anything here unfortunately. It's an injustice that who discover only now the game can't have the cool items of the Fig campaign. Do you think can be a possibility to contact the support? Thanks!

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It don't think so, but give it a try here : http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/pledges

Very doubtful though, you're gonna have to pre-order. [or wait] 

I can't do anything here unfortunately. It's an injustice that who discover only now the game can't have the cool items of the Fig campaign. Do you think can be a possibility to contact the support? Thanks!



Since they are a part of the company that made the decision to close down the option to back the project, and instead begin the pre-order process, I don't think there is anything they can do for you.

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It don't think so, but give it a try here : http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/pledges

Very doubtful though, you're gonna have to pre-order. [or wait] 

I can't do anything here unfortunately. It's an injustice that who discover only now the game can't have the cool items of the Fig campaign. Do you think can be a possibility to contact the support? Thanks!

Hardly an injustice as those items are there to encourage funding the game. They loose a bit of an appeal if they are sold after the game have been funded, no? Though I do feel your pain. If you talk about exclusive items ingame, yeah, I never like when backers get "extra" items in a singleplayer game. Those items aren't a big deal, but still. Whenever I back the game or buy it after launch I like to have the "complete" edition. Splitting game into various exclusive version drives me nuts. 


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It don't think so, but give it a try here : http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/pledges

Very doubtful though, you're gonna have to pre-order. [or wait] 

I can't do anything here unfortunately. It's an injustice that who discover only now the game can't have the cool items of the Fig campaign. Do you think can be a possibility to contact the support? Thanks!

Hardly an injustice as those items are there to encourage funding the game. They loose a bit of an appeal if they are sold after the game have been funded, no? Though I do feel your pain. If you talk about exclusive items ingame, yeah, I never like when backers get "extra" items in a singleplayer game. Those items aren't a big deal, but still. Whenever I back the game or buy it after launch I like to have the "complete" edition. Splitting game into various exclusive version drives me nuts. 



Yeah, exactly this.

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