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While discussing the power of certain builds I had an idea for a competition here in this subforum:


We won't have PvP in PoE and therefore can't have duels. But maybe we can compete in a different way?


Why don't we define certain rules for a class build competition and then keep track of people's results with a highscrore list that gets updated?

If we make this a sticky post it could become not only a competition but also a good source of knowledge for class building. And it puts all those building we do to a fun purpose.


I'd say every attempt should go into a seperate thread (like we do it with class builds). We could name them "[ARENA FIGHT] <name of the build> (class)" and the results can be put onto the list here (also like we do with the class builds in Andrea's sticky list - which is awesome by the way).


So let's say we define the following rules (I'm totally open for different/more suggestions, just discuss):


- do a specified encounter (maybe bounty?) 10 times in a row with the same lvl 16 solo char of your liking. This would be more easy to do than 10 different encounters (too much travelling). Or do 5 times this encounter and 5 times that so that the types of enemies are more diversed?

- no consumables and resting bonuses - or doping allowed? ;)

- spell bindings, chances, holdings, defenses etc. are allowed, enchantments too.

- obvious bugs or glitches (e.g. Confident Aim bug) don't count

- count the seconds from the start of each encounter to the end and add them up over the 10 attempts. That will be your score. The less the better. Like with racing.

- we could define some additional bonuses for retaining a lot of endurance/health or something like that. And if you ask me, we could also give some bonus points for stylish appearance (if it doesn't mean too much fuzz to vote). ;)

- we need a rule what happens if you get knocked out in an encounter (penalty seconds or sth. like that?)


What do you think? This should be a lot of fun. :)



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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

The Ogres outside the cave have enormous endurance, but low defenses. This may favour builds with lots of damage but low ACC. For example. Maybe it would be fair to define three different bounties.

Upscaled Brynlod is too tedious in my opinion. It would take a lot of time to complete 10 runs against him and it favours high defense builds.

The whole thing shouldn't be too much work though - nobody will do this if you need a whole day for completing it. ;)

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


I'd probably just go paladin either way, especially vs. Brynlod ofc. :)

The burst with SA is so insane I think paladin actually has a chance to be one of the top contenders.


I'd be surprised if the best class is anything other than:








It depends if scrolls are allowed... With enough confusion scrolls you don't have to tank and it's just a matter of helping enemies kill each other efficiently. Without scrolls I think a ranger or a rogue with Sabra Marie are among the best classes to kill these bounties through kiting... Without kiting I doubt any class but the paladin can tank these bounties upscaled...


I would prefer no consumables. They lead to the same tactics with every class. Figurines would be OK I guess.


Maybe we shouldn't pick the toughest bounty which only tanks or kiters can win but choose encounters that become a bit more difficult with each "round". Like three difficult but not too hefty bounties that you can do one after another (and three times each).

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Hm, I don't know. On paper characters with High Acc and cc that can be layered will always win. Damage is unimportant. I think in order to win a PvP duel you'd build your characters differently than when going up against enemies in the game.


But we shouldn't make things too complicated. I think it's not possible to come up with a competition that will give you the best overall build. It will only give you the best build for this special competition - like you said: the best racing car for a special course. But that's ok for me. Developing a competition that takes "everything" into account will take forever and I also think it wouldn't be too complicaed to be much fun.

We shoudl keep the rules simple and the work you have to put into the competition shouldn't bee too hard.

If we want to copmare other aspects of builds (who are not good at this competition but we know they are good at something else) we can come up with another competition later, for example a supporter competition. We could define a given, generic character that needs to do an encounter and then you'll have to come up with competetive builds that support that character the best they can.  

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Personally, for the best solo build I would pick the hardest encounter (for me upscaled Brynlod) and then try to come with the best strategy (any item/consumable available solo allowed) without kiting/splitting involved...

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Personally, for the best solo build I would pick the hardest encounter (for me upscaled Brynlod) and then try to come with the best strategy (any item/consumable available solo allowed) without kiting/splitting involved...

Yeah, I'd probably find that most interesting myself, too.


But how to determine what is best without certain criteria - like how much time passed from start to end?


Brynlod def. is the hardest encounter, but I don't know if it's a lot of fun to do only that. It's a really tedious fight. Maybe it would make a good final though. But I would start with something easier.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


I think posting ideas or strategies with each class is already a good start. When someone manages to beat the encounter he can give the details of the tactic used or post a video (so other people can try it). We can then make a poll with the builds who beat the challenge and the people can vote for the most effective, reliable, etc...


Tested upscaled Brynlod with chanter and paladin with no kiting/splitting. With the chanter it's very simple - you just drink potions while waiting for dragon trashed to kill everything (it takes 4-5 minutes). With the paladin it's much harder - SI is barely enough to kill a few mages and you have to kill the rest at melee (it took close to 10min)

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Posted (edited)

For me it's always like that with the bounties. There's just too many of them to kill them all with SI or the foes have too much endurance or too high defenses to get killed by the limited pulses. It's still a really nice ability.


I also tested Magran's Faithful again with the chanter. And while it's doable I found it to be harder than Brynlod. The druids with their Sunlances often hit me so hard (despite high defenses) that I can't heal fast enough while at the same time they have very high reflex (>140) so they often only get grazed by The Dragon Thrashed. However - it helps a lot to just run around them in circles (Fast Runner + Graceful Retreat + Night Runner armor) and drink a potion from time to time. They tend to follow you and don't cast so many spells while the chant also works while you're running. I also did that Withdraw-thing again and it works when you put summons out which you heal a bit with Ancient Memory. But they get obliterated very quickly. I didn't try yet to charm one of the mentally weaker Faithfuls and then withdraw. With 3.04 this should work.
But I admit I didn't buff up too excessively. I had no resting bonus, no story talents and no prostitutes. Also no scrolls. I only tried it with survival bonus + food + potions.


With a paladin and Sworn Enemy + Munacra Arret ist should be possible to charm, too. Does SI also work when you are withdrawn?  

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


SI works in more situations than chanting it also works when you are stunned by an enemy, so yeah it also works when withdrawn I should think..

It's a shame SI doesn't get shown as an active effect with timer running out or you could just prolong it with Spelltongue.


Yes SI works while withdrawn, but there's no way to keep a summon/charmed enemy for very long (animated weapons maybe...).


I know for sure that SI doesn't work vs Magran's Faithful because they have very high reflex/dr and they also use moonwells if you do aoe damage - you finish by taking more damage than them. However the paladin is able to tank and kill them slowly one by one, also they're more vulnerable to confusion because the priests are very squishy and they get killed quickly.


I always wanted to try a solo paladin, but each and everytime i looked at Sacred Immolation - level 13... remembered how much i hate the time before lvl 9 with chanter (JEAHA, just hit lvl 9 in this ToI chanter run... lets just hope i don't get ****y or i need a new PC and that would be a shame right before Tyranny)


Priest would be my class for PoE Arena - they have great lategame fights with the amount of buffs and AoE damage, its a shame that i don't have the time to try a bit... i really want the ultimate achievement before tyranny... it's not looking too good timewise, maybe now that i am lvl 9 i will put more time into the run...

Posted (edited)

Did not do the Magran's Faithful bounty with upscaled opponents, but on "normal" POTD, all it took was some buffs while they rushed and surrounded me, two or three Ninagauth's to leave everyone paralysed and then three Kalakoth's Freezing Rakes and just some mopping up thereafter. All-in-all, the fight took less than a minute with my Frozen Lance build. Not sure how he would have done against upscaled opponents, but he handled the normal encounter with ease.


Edit: The CC of Shadowflame combined with the excellent damage output of Freezing Rake leaves very little alive if you just nuke. Since all of these spells are fast casting, it is quite easy to clear battlefields this way.


Similar tactics with Brynold worked quite well although I did not get all of his gang in one encounter. They were quite spread out and I needed to go looking for the stragglers after the fight was over.

Edited by grausch



A wizard who stacks those pulsing things like Chillfog and Malignant Cloud and adda a Wall of Many Colors in the same AoE where he cast Pull of Eora and then pokes with Spirit Lance or uses Kalakoth's Minor Blights can deal enough damage even without using all of his spells.


I played a fun priest build with max MIG (over 50) and with his ACC buffs his Shining Beacon + Cleansing Flame and Symbol of Berath (in mycase) whiped some WM bounties alone without any problem. When solo, healing bonuses + Triumph of the Crusaders + potions of Infuse are a great combo. However - I think he might have a hard time against Magran's Faithful because the constant bombardment of spells may be too much. It takes some time before the first enemy dies and triggers Triumph otC. But I think he would have enough spells to kill them.

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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