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Gold Timer still broken in 1.0.3



IPad Air.

iOS 9.3.2


VER 471 20160526



The recent patch hasn't fixed the gold collection bug on load. My first gold collection was around 9 am GMT. I collected gold at 1 am, it credited as expected. I log in later that day at around 5 pm to claim the next round of gold which should have refreshed at 9 am, instead the clock shows 20 hours until next collection. I then reboot my iPad and the clock shows 15 hours remaining - but I haven't collected the gold due to me that day and some how the clock 'updates' five hours on a reboot. I have now logged in at 2 am the following day, and the clock is showing 6 hours until next collection. I have received no gold for today after checking in twice and a reboot. I'm fed up with this nonsense....


Please can you credit me for the whole month, and any missed logins for last month for gold due. This bug is ridiculous. I have to reboot *every time* to claim gold and now this isn't working. I've paid up and kept my side of the bargain, but you are asking me to jump through what now looks like two bugs (no game log off on inactivity, and clock error) to claim the gold I paid for.


Thanks in advance, Declan

13 answers to this question

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Mine seems to be broken as well. It counts down and resets but it's said I have 1 day remaining of my original 30 days. It's been like that for a while. I'm not able to buy the 30 day plan again either. Even though it continually says 1 day remaining, I haven't been getting daily gold either. So I can't receive gold, nor can I rebuy the plan to receive gold for a further 30 days.

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I signed up for Daily Gold just after 1.0.3 came out, and I've never even seen the timer.  Where is this timer of which you speak?

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Hey everyone, we just now released a hotfix patch. This patch also fixes the issues with the timers. Please update your game and check. 



I signed up for Daily Gold just after 1.0.3 came out, and I've never even seen the timer.  Where is this timer of which you speak?

To collect daily gold, you must go to the store page to collect it.


Thanks everyone!

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Please can you credit me for the whole month, and any missed logins for last month for gold due. This bug is ridiculous. I have to reboot *every time* to claim gold and now this isn't working. I've paid up and kept my side of the bargain, but you are asking me to jump through what now looks like two bugs (no game log off on inactivity, and clock error) to claim the gold I paid for.

Hey Declan,


Sorry for the inconvenience. I looked into your account and only notice that you missed 2 day of daily gold due to the bug. I have reimbursed you the missing gold. The hotfix today has resolved the issues with daily gold. 


Anyone else missing gold please email obsidian@support.net. Please provide your Gamecenter/Google Play Games username and your PFID# located in the settings menu from the main screen. 


Thanks a bunch! 

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Sorry. After the patch it still doesn't work. I updated the game and the timer was at 9 minutes and said 1 day remaining. Came back later and the timer reset (now at roughly 20:30) and it still says 1 day remaining. I was given no gold and I still am not able to rebuy the 30 day gold deal.


Too bad. I would like to give you money, but alas...

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Sorry. After the patch it still doesn't work. I updated the game and the timer was at 9 minutes and said 1 day remaining. Came back later and the timer reset (now at roughly 20:30) and it still says 1 day remaining. I was given no gold and I still am not able to rebuy the 30 day gold deal.


Too bad. I would like to give you money, but alas...

Did you try force-closing the app (not "Do you want to quit"-minimizing it) and restarting?

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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The patch did not fix it for me, too. I could not collect Gold since Saturday, IIRC. The patch changed the time the timer resets, but did not fix the problem.


One thought: I bought the Daily Gold on 2016-05-06, + 30 days is 2016-06-05 if I am not mistaken. So I probably lost only one day of gold, if any at all.

Maybe it just does not know how to handle the end of the 30 day period?

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Sorry. After the patch it still doesn't work. I updated the game and the timer was at 9 minutes and said 1 day remaining. Came back later and the timer reset (now at roughly 20:30) and it still says 1 day remaining. I was given no gold and I still am not able to rebuy the 30 day gold deal.

Too bad. I would like to give you money, but alas...


Did you try force-closing the app (not "Do you want to quit"-minimizing it) and restarting?

Yup. Tried that.

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Agree with everyone on here, I've not been able to claim gold for days. I try to log in around the time that it tells me the next payment is due, only to be greeted with another timer that gives me a fresh, seemingly random waiting period. Why can't they simply pay you on your first log-in for each day, the way every other game does it. This is utterly hopeless and I certainly won't be paying for gold when the current subscription expires. Ridiculous system!

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