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My party made up of story companions sucks, help please!

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Hello peoples! I am in need of your support, I am bad and I am struggling because I am bad. I have recently had to skip several fights after retrying the fights for a long long time without any success. I am playing on Easy difficulty, hency why I think I am bad.



Me - Fighter - Tank

Gryldira - Pally - Tank

Aloth - Wizzard - Dmg

Durance - Priest - Healer

Kana - Chanter - Buffs?

Sagani - Ranger - Dmg


So far, these are the only companions I have met, so this is the party I am stuck with, I want to limit myself to story companions, because I am playing this game for the lore, dialogue and story, I dont want some speechless unknown adventurer with me.


What I need is class builds for my companions, because I must have done something terribly wrong somewhere, either that or I am just inherently bad no matter what.


I would highly appreciate any help, please, this game is awesome!

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It would help if you said more about exactly how things are going wrong.


What skills are you using on each character? Priests offer much more than simple healing, and wizards can be used for controlling and weakening enemies rather than dealing direct damage.


Are your "tanks" meatshields that deal no damage? Enemies will often disengage them if it is the case.

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I think I might rely too much on the AI to do what needs to be done. I havent really used any spells manually, except for healing when someone is getting low, because even though I set Durance as a healer and defensive, he refuses to heal anyone. I might have to start using things manually. I posted about my problem on Steam as well and I have gotten some help there (I posted on here many many hours ago, took a long time for my post to appear because it had to be approved).


I also just noticed that some of my stats has (Supressed) behind them, im trying to find out why, im guessing there are caps or deminishing returns or something like that screwing with me. If that is the case, I should probably use other items that gives me something else.

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Some builds which may help:


PC Fighter

Role: Greates Sword of Eora, fighter with Greatswords. May use sword+shield in second slot. Also rifle for alpha strike in 3rd slot (if Aumaua)

Race: Island Aumaua Deadfire Archipelao

Stats: Might 20 Con 10 Dex 15 Per 13 Int 10 Resolve 10

Skills: Atletics 3 Knowledge 8 Survival high (too keep us drunk)


1. Knock down

3. Disciplined Barrage

5. Weapon Spec Soldier

7. Armored Grace

9. Confident Aim

11. Ubroken

13. Sundering Blow



2. Weapon Focus Soldier

4. Two handed weapon style

6. Weapon Mastery Soldier

8. Vulnerable attack

10. Savage attack

12. Apprentice Sneak Attacks

14. Bulls Will/Superior Defence/Bear Fortitude


Dont worrry if stats/race is different, as long as you have Might 16 it will be ok. If not but want to fallow this build use console to rearange your stats as pleased.



Pallegina - Paladin chick

Role: "Tank" support. Using weapon and shield as primary with rifle/big sword as secondary.



1. Flames of Devotion (fixed :-( )

3. Zelous Focus

5. Lay of Hands

7. Reviving Exhortion

9. Coordinated Attacks

11. Healing Chain

13. Sacred Immolation


2. Weapon and Shield Style (Weapon Focus Soldier)

4. Critical Focus

6. Cautios Attacs (Two Handed Style)

8. Deep Faith

10. Superior Deflection (Vulnerable Attacks)

12. Beer Fortitude (savage attacs)

14. Bulls Will (apprentice sneak attack)

()  - offensive variant


Sagani build


1. Wounding Shot

3. Marked Prey (vissious aim - retrain at level 13)

5. Stalker Link

7. Driving Flight

9. Predator Sense

11. Stunning Shots

13. Twinned Arrows


2. Resilent Companion

4. Penetrating Shots

6. Visious Companion

8. Merciless Companion

10. Weapon Focus Any

12. Marksman

14. Faitfull Companion



- Twinned Arrows come a bit late, so before can use Visious Aim as modal and retrain at 13.

- Soulbound weapon works with any focus so might as well use Noble for Scepter or Soldier for Rifles.

Edited by evilcat
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Just for the record, some fights at the start of the game (temple of Eothas, Raedric's Hold, Endless Paths) are meant to be tried out from level four, five onwards. Apart from that, make sure to equip your fighter and paladin with sufficient strength, dexterity and perception so that their damage output will be sufficient to make aggressive monsters 'stick'.

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I doubt your problem is with builds. It's more likely that it's with your tactics, or that you're just getting in over your head -- it's quite easy to find extremely tough fights just by poking around. In that case you just should do something else, level up, and try again later.


It would help if you described what's going wrong. Getting mobbed? Can't do any damage? Getting disabled? Something else? And which fights? 


I would suggest you think your roles a bit differently: use Aloth as a crowd controller first, damager second, and Durance as buffer/debuffer first, healer second. The idea with Durance is that if you play your cards right, you won't need the healing since his buffs will stop you from getting hurt in the first place. With Kana, fire off his Invocation as soon as the phrase counter fills up. Reny Daret's Ghost is clearly the best of the level 1 ones; White Worms Writhed can be pretty cool too, and the paralysing one is a good level 2 one.


Also, study the enemy's defences and the to-hit number that appears on top of them after you've fought them a bit. If the number is low (say less than 35%), try something else. You should find ways to get it up well past 50% a lot of the time; that's when you start doing real damage. If your melee attacks aren't hitting, find a spell which does, then find something that hits the defences the first spell weakened.

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After taking some tips from here and Steam (where I also posted for some help), I have managed to get past the fights that I had to skip earlier. I have started casting some buffs and such at the start of the fight which helped a lot, and I also discovered that I had a lot of bonuses suppressed because I didnt know that they couldnt be stacked, so things are going well now, thanks everyone :)

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Without going too in-depth(you really just gotta play and learn) a major problem could be that you seem to be using traditional MMo type roles for your party. That is not gonna work.


Fighter - Tanks don't work great as pure "tank" builds. Fighters are quite effective dmg dealers and need to do dmg to hold agro.

Wizard - Can do great dps but you really should be using a lot of debuffing and crowd controlling spells as well. These are KEY in PoE.

Priest - Can they heal yes? Should they be a "Healer", god no. First off you want to be using the priest buffs, they are outrageously good. Also don't neglect crowd control. Warding Seal comes to mind as super OP.

Chanter - Not really a buffer at all. They have a couple decent group buffing chants but not incredible really.

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