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Possibly AI only tries this on chatacters with a particular low defense type?

If anything it seems to target high defense types. In groups where there is more than one wraith, they snag my PC plus one or both of my off-tanks. Which leaves my casters alone to get paralyzed for 20 seconds, then killed. Hence the bitching.

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Possibly AI only tries this on chatacters with a particular low defense type?


If anything it seems to target high defense types. In groups where there is more than one wraith, they snag my PC plus one or both of my off-tanks. Which leaves my casters alone to get paralyzed for 20 seconds, then killed. Hence the bitching.

Never experienced this in WM. But I prefer non min-maxing parties played on hard. Possibly different AI per difficulty setting?

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My PotD parties tend to have 3 or 4 high defense Monks and Paladins as the core of the team. Between the 30+ DR and the high defenses they are not a big threat. My one caster or ranger will probably be KO'd if they get grabbed but the team does just fine. Even a defensive spec'd Devil with sabre and shield will hang pretty good for a while.


I think it is more a team configuration issue.


I personally like the upped challenge with the spirits on the lower level of the battery.

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min-maxing only applies to custom parties comprised of hirelings. I only use story companions (Zahua, Devil, Pallegina, Aloth, and Kana). And I did my first two runs of WM on Normal just so I could get a feel for what to expect. I doubt they would lower the difficulty for the harder settings. 


And I don't mind tougher fights. I just don't know what tactical maneuver we're expected to pull against spammed 15-20 second Paralyze attacks when most fights are over in less time than that.

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Jeez, I remember being really confused going through the battery the first time, thought the fact that my characters where ending up in different parts of the map during combat was a bug. :) I think it's great though that there are some encounters which are radically different and more difficult though I can understand the frustration of people who are playing on POTD. ( I play on hard and some of the battery fights are difficult enough.) Having said that I reckon it's good design - it really tests some peoples glass cannon builds!

"Those who look upon gods then say, without even knowing their names, 'He is Fire. She is Dance. He is Destruction. She is Love.' So, to reply to your statement, they do not call themselves gods. Everyone else does, though, everyone who beholds them."
"So they play that on their fascist banjos, eh?"
"You choose the wrong adjective."
"You've already used up all the others.”


Lord of Light


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the mild thread necro, but I have some thoughts here, based on what I've read above.


From what I've seen, thus far having reached the White Forge, when used as an opening move by Wraiths, they just target which ever front liner they see first or something close to that.  After having had this happen a couple of times to me (and obviously caught by total surprise the first time it happened), the counter to this I've used is to open the battle (from stealth as I always do) with only a single archer shooting the closest enemy (preferably one with a hunting for for the shortest reload).  This triggers the battle.  I hold back the other 5 characters with their ranged weapons until I see the first Wraith come into range and then let him have it with everything I've got, hoping to nuke him or at least interrupt him.


In these Durgan's Battery battles where Wraiths are present, I consider them the most annoying enemies.  They may not technically be the most dangerous.  But at the same time, because they abduct one of my characters (usually a tough frontliner), leave him/her dazed, and have a good period of time to whack away at him/her to whittle down his/her health, possibly keeping him dazed-locked in the process.  Getting abducted can be tantamount to a death sentence, if you can't get un-dazed.


So anyways, the solution to the Wraith Abduction problem is to make killing any Wraith you see ASAP a very high priority.  A dead wraith abducts no one.   :skull:

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So anyways, the solution to the Wraith Abduction problem is to make killing any Wraith you see ASAP a very high priority.  A dead wraith abducts no one.   skull.gif

They are kinda ... always dead, you know  :)



Well, yeah true.  But you know what I mean.

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A monk with torment's reach and a retribution item turns abduction into a big opportunity.  I imagine barbs would work similarly.


Well, any sort of retaliation item would be a big help. 


I don't see barbs being all that good as abduction victims, because their forte isn't 1v1 combat.  OTOH, 1v1 is where monks shine.  However all this is kinda moot since the biggest problem facing any wraith abduction victim is being dazed (and possibly daze-locked) by the wraith, thus allowing the wraith to pummel the victim freely (barring the aforementioned retaliation items).

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A monk with torment's reach and a retribution item turns abduction into a big opportunity.  I imagine barbs would work similarly.


Well, any sort of retaliation item would be a big help. 


I don't see barbs being all that good as abduction victims, because their forte isn't 1v1 combat.  OTOH, 1v1 is where monks shine.  However all this is kinda moot since the biggest problem facing any wraith abduction victim is being dazed (and possibly daze-locked) by the wraith, thus allowing the wraith to pummel the victim freely (barring the aforementioned retaliation items).


Um, pala?

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Put on that hide armor that lowers stun time by 50%. Bring a priest. Use a rogue to do the quest points like picking up the key in the mines and the eye in the Forge and then just go into shadowing beyond and sneak back to the rest of your party. I do the later as I find those fights tedious.

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