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White March : NPC's cant rejoin party, all WM items gone, level up gone



Started White March and found the monk guy. Made him join my party and gave Sagani the boot.


Went west to explore and suddenly the monk was gone. I feared he had perma-died and i'd missed it but i found him again in the village.
The conversation option is alot of talking and i can say "Lets keep going" but he doesnt join me.


Went back to Cad Nua to rest and regroup, but Sagani is now not in my roster anymore ( ? )

Went to the woods where i originally found her , and behold! There she was.


But i only get the same conversation option as with the monk. I can talk to her and say "Lets keep going" but she doesnt join me.


*EDIT : Continued playing now : Turns out everything i have done in White March is gone. All items ( Concelhat +++ ) are gone. I leveled up, the new abilities are gone. Im still a level above what i used to be but the abilites are gone.


Wtf is going on with this game, anyone else experienced this?


I can always reload the end game save from the original but then i've wasted 10 hours

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17 answers to this question

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No idea, but sounds like the game thinks White March isn't installed or something. Can you give more detail? Are you on Steam? Can you still go to White March areas and do quests and such?

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Ok so i tested some more now


Im on PC / Steam


I finished new bounties and side quests in the original area before going to WM. Chose Hard Setting ( Max lvl party )

Went straight to Concelhat and finished area + concelhat , then went to the main village in WM.


Found monk and traded him for Sagani.


+ I can still do quests and acess the different areas

+ My xp earned is still there


- All items are gone

- All abilities from level up gone

- Old NPC's cant join

- New NPC's cant join

- New NPC's just disappear from party

- Loading screens are missing content. If i change a setting and the game asks me to keep the setting the "YES" and "NO" buttons are missing

- Loading times are INSANE. I have a uber spec Pc , loading times were real quick before installing WM. Now its close to a minute

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Before doing anything else I'd verify the game cache integrity through Steam. Right-click the game, choose Properties, then the Local Files tab and click Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Sounds to me like you're either missing some files or something went wrong with the installation.

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I had a similar issue with Pelegrina before WM. I posted a ticket in the Technical Support forums and they asked for a copy of my save files and such.

There's a number of other threads about this sort of issue in the Tech Support. Look for "can't recruit party" and similar tickets. Supposedly there was a fix back in April, but I don't think this bug has been truly eliminated, or something keeps recreating the same symptoms.

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Before doing anything else I'd verify the game cache integrity through Steam. Right-click the game, choose Properties, then the Local Files tab and click Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Sounds to me like you're either missing some files or something went wrong with the installation.

Nah everything was good there.


Maybe i will try to uninstall everything and install again ?

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You should probably share the output_log.txt and a savegame, unless the developers are already aware of this issue they will need those files.


If the files are too large to attach separately, compile them all in a .zip and make a link to Dropbox with the .zip
Attach files that will help the dev team figure out and resolve the issue. These include:

Try to include a save file from right before as well as during the issue you are reporting
Windows Location: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity
Mac Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity/Saved Games
Linux Location: ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternity/SavedGames
Output Log
When the issue occurs, close the game client, find this file, then attach it to your post
Windows Steam Location: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log.txt
Mac Location: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
Linux Location: ~/.config/unity3d/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity/Player.log


I've come to burn your kingdom down

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Hello andakanda, 


Have you verified your game cache? Try that and see if it works.


In your steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Are you use any mods by any chance? 


Thank you for your support.

I can confirm that verifying game cache makes it worse.


Before verifying game cache my Sagani was duplicated and missing all gear. After verification she's completely removed from my party, save for the duplicate.


Before: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!154&authkey=!AIFfl3E20Gfhfpw&ithint=file%2csavegame

After: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4DDAA988220A0C4F!155&authkey=!ANdNsWyAdayJSt0&ithint=file%2csavegame

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Hello andakanda, 


Have you verified your game cache? Try that and see if it works.


In your steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Are you use any mods by any chance? 


Thank you for your support.

Hi Aarik D


Yes i have verified game chache, did that  before i sent you the savegames.


Savegames are on the dropbox url right above your answer , and i've also sent the link in a PM to you

Edited by andakanda
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Hey  andakanda, 


I took a look at your files and there is a lot of corruption going on. I tested yout our pre-endgame save and progressed through the game and things seemed to be okay. I put a bug into our system with your files attached so the programmers can take a look at it. In the mean time, I would suggest going back to your pre-endgame save. Its unfortunate that you will lose out on the time you spent playing. 


Can you recall the exact events which caused your save to get corrupted? I would also suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the game, since there are a lot of errors occurring. 

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Hey  andakanda, 


I took a look at your files and there is a lot of corruption going on. I tested yout our pre-endgame save and progressed through the game and things seemed to be okay. I put a bug into our system with your files attached so the programmers can take a look at it. In the mean time, I would suggest going back to your pre-endgame save. Its unfortunate that you will lose out on the time you spent playing. 


Can you recall the exact events which caused your save to get corrupted? I would also suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the game, since there are a lot of errors occurring. 

Thnx for helping.


I will just start over at the pre end game, its no biggie.


As far as i know, the exact event was that i killed 3 enemies outside the cave that has the corrupted Druid inside it ( North'ish in the  area directly to the West from the city in WM )

When this fight was over ( took about 20 seconds ) the monk guy was missing.


Doing a complete reinstall now and i'll see.

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Completed the addon without taking on the new NPC's ( Wouldnt have used them anyway because they didnt fit into my party )


Some minor issues occured , like when summons die they dont dissapear. They just hoover indefinetly completely still.

Also at one point Durance died but i could move him around indefinetly during the fight, after he regained HP as normal and everything was good

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