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Features that were scrapped.

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I like this idea the most. There should be sensible restrictions on parties, I don't want to craft the most epic blade in the game just outside the door before encountering the end boss.



So you prefer to waste time returning all the way to your keep before fighting him and then all the way back instead of making the weapon immediately and enjoy the fight?


you are weird...


IMO convenience >> immersion in this case.


When do you ever need a specific weapon so bad you have to make it right there?

It's good to criticize things you love.

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Sometimes those things do give you the edge you need to win a tough battle ,and I guess that at least those who plays  TOI/POD will try to use every tool they've got to be at their best all the time...

Edited by barakav


An ex-biophysicist but currently Studying Schwarzschild singularities' black holes' Hawking radiation using LAZORS and hypersonic sound wave models.


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Sometimes peoples combat tactics are just not cutting it and they will look for something else they can do to win the battle. Thats where save scumming came from after all.


Ideally you would do your major crafting before entering the last dungeon and then take on the big bad. I don't think its weird trying to immerse yourself into a fantasy world. I dislike playing in a theme park and some convenience features to me (like crafting anywhere) are game centric rather than trying to build a fantasy world.

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Sometimes peoples combat tactics are just not cutting it and they will look for something else they can do to win the battle. Thats where save scumming came from after all.


Ideally you would do your major crafting before entering the last dungeon and then take on the big bad. I don't think its weird trying to immerse yourself into a fantasy world. I dislike playing in a theme park and some convenience features to me (like crafting anywhere) are game centric rather than trying to build a fantasy world.

I'm with you there. I mean there's a certain point where you have to buck up and be an adult about your decisions. Convenience isn't a good excuse for coddling. If you forgot something you have to work with what you got. Like an adult.

Edited by Dadalama

It's good to criticize things you love.

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I found out that the devs scrapped the feature where crafting must be done on specific locations like crafting weapons on forges, creating scrolls on tables, cooking food on kitchens and campfire. I kinda liked the idea since it feels role-playing-ish.

Sadly, they didn't scrap enough.


If only crafting and enchanting didn't make the game. Instant 3x better. 4x maybe even... Okay, I dare say 5x!



Also, on durability... D:OS had it much more severe and punishing in the earliest beta's, getting gradually weaker per update till it's just an inconvience that could might aswell not exist in the game so pitiful it's role have become.


Because players (rightfully) hate it, and developers pick up on that. Getting a new good weapon isn't very helpful if a dozen hits later you need to switch to another, carrying 10 spare weapons around just to use when your original broke? Not good gameplay. You want them cause they differ in their properties, to match enemies strengths, not as upkeep for durability.

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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To be honest, I would have preferred having an NPC that could take found pieces and artifacts and use them to craft unique weapons a la BG2.

That's not crafting.



Nope, it would be something better.


I still scratch my head sometimes wondering why "we" dropped the excellent BG2 approach for the utter crap that's called crafting in modern RPG's (PoE included).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I found out that the devs scrapped the feature where crafting must be done on specific locations like crafting weapons on forges, creating scrolls on tables, cooking food on kitchens and campfire. I kinda liked the idea since it feels role-playing-ish.

Sadly, they didn't scrap enough.


If only crafting and enchanting didn't make the game. Instant 3x better. 4x maybe even... Okay, I dare say 5x!



Also, on durability... D:OS had it much more severe and punishing in the earliest beta's, getting gradually weaker per update till it's just an inconvience that could might aswell not exist in the game so pitiful it's role have become.


Because players (rightfully) hate it, and developers pick up on that. Getting a new good weapon isn't very helpful if a dozen hits later you need to switch to another, carrying 10 spare weapons around just to use when your original broke? Not good gameplay. You want them cause they differ in their properties, to match enemies strengths, not as upkeep for durability.



They would have needed three or four times the content to place appropriate late-game weapons of all levels; cut whole classes of weapons from the game; or just ignored classes of weapons like BG did.  


I think they actually would have done better to make crafting recipes loot or something you find by exploring.  Finding the recipe for retaliation or spellbind: maelstrom would be great rewards for killing the ardra dragon.  I also think making crafting a skill might not have been a terrible idea.

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To be honest, I would have preferred having an NPC that could take found pieces and artifacts and use them to craft unique weapons a la BG2.

That's not crafting.



Nope, it would be something better.


I still scratch my head sometimes wondering why "we" dropped the excellent BG2 approach for the utter crap that's called crafting in modern RPG's (PoE included).





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This really isn't a role playing game. More like a point and click adventure with combat. There are many games out there that do the role playing thing much better, if that's what you're looking for. Divinity: OS being the most recent.

Divinity OS is so drawn out though. The game should have ended a while before it actually did. I like long games, but if it's going to be long the quests need to be interesting.


that is actually the only bad thing you can say about divinity , it gets boring in the end yeh well lets not forget that part where its 243232 times better game mechanically and in terms of "balance" than what we got here . 

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Back to the OP topic.

Since you do not make weapons or armour in this game I have no problem with enchanting them anywhere if you have the required ingredients.  I think it would have been fun to have cooking need a stove, fireplace or campfire.  Needing a lab or alchemist equipment to make potions does make sense to me.


Come to think of it since you need various ingredients in order to enchant weapons and armour maybe that should be done in a lab.

 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying



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