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Switching to dual fist in combat on monk with no free weapon slots Feature/-/-



Title says it .. Game allows chars to switch to double fist even if all their weapons groups are occupied ..


Example weapon + shield slot 1, double spear slot 2.. And monks can still kick ass with their bare fists with both weapon slots "taken" ..


DEV input required  Feature ? (go monks!)/Bug ?/Exploit ?



Edited by peddroelm


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It's a feature. Obviously, carrying sets of weapons around doesn't mean you can't use your fists if you wanted to. It's not like your hands are suddenly detached from your body just because you happen to have that bow on your back...


Monks profit the most from this and that's fine. It's already an underpowered class, no need to nerf it further by removing this feature.

Edited by Zwiebelchen
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Everyone can do it, not just Monks, and it makes perfect sense. That's about as much confirmation as you're going to get. It doesn't even require you to do anything exploitative, you just change weapons like you always do.


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Everyone can do it, not just Monks, and it makes perfect sense. That's about as much confirmation as you're going to get. It doesn't even require you to do anything exploitative, you just change weapons like you always do.

It effectively grants a free weapon slot to unarmed monks ..


Wouldn't you/everybody cry exploit if anybody used memory editor/console to grant an extra weapon slot on any other char ?



I will use as a feature until/if ever confirmed as bug/exploit by a DEV. My conscience rests easy having reported the potential issue ..

Edited by peddroelm


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Everyone can do it, not just Monks, and it makes perfect sense. That's about as much confirmation as you're going to get. It doesn't even require you to do anything exploitative, you just change weapons like you always do.

It effectively grants a free weapon slot to unarmed monks ..


Wouldn't you/everybody cry exploit if anybody used memory editor/console to grant an extra weapon slot on any other char ?



I will use as a feature until/if ever confirmed as bug/exploit by a DEV. My conscience rests easy having reported the potential issue ..



It effectively grants a free weapon slot to anyone, not just monks. It's just that monks benefit from this more than other classes. How is that a problem? A wizard traditionally benefits less from tank gear aswell and nobody complains about that. Seriously, it's a feature; no dev input required.

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it may be a bug,as it was introduced with 1.03, and it wasnt mentioed in patch notes

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PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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Even if it's a bug, at least it's one of the nice ones that you can work around by simply leaving a weapon slot empty. Not sure how I feel about this myself, though I'm erring on the side of exploit if it just mysteriously appeared with a patch with no apparent intent.

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Having an unarmed weapon set easily accessible to all characters gives a quick way to sheathe your weapons when in towns and such for players wishing to delve into role-playing more. This does give a benefit to monk characters as they can always have their fists available, but as was stated previously, just because you sheathe your weapons doesn't mean you can't punch things.

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