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Crafting system, a shame to any RPG lover ?

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I like "only special items" crafting of BG1/2 and I also like POE/NWN2/etc. style control over enchantments and crafting - but for the latter it has to be easy to manage instead of trekking back to an alchemist's table every time and manually sorting through 500 ingredients, like you do in NWN2. POE makes it as simple as possible. 


If a different crafting system was an 'insult' to gamers I guess you feel insulted when you order a diet coke and you get it in a glass not plastic cup...

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I think the crafting system is an improvement over BG's. I suppose there's a sense of "this is rare and powerful" to be had, but all that's happening is that you go on a fetch-quest and give the stuff to an NPC, then wait to receive goodies.


That sort of system exists in Pillars as well; there's at least two quests to get a special item.


However, I think being able to custom-make your own items is useful and entertaining. I like having options and not being restricted to a few key builds. In BG2, once you got certain items there was no point in fiddling with anything else. The treasure-hunt just stopped. In Pillars, you can tweak your character all number of ways and have novel strategies.


Having lots of different options is better than having "the one true sword" IMO.

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Well, no game is ever going to be to my taste completely.


I was sorely disappointed when crafting was made a stretch-goal. I dislike it with a vengeance, I fully expected to dislike it in this game, and I do. But, I'll live with it.

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I don't HATE it but it does kind of minimize the impact of finding enchanted items that you could recreate with crafting. 


BG2 had freaking AMAZING itemization.  I think that was literally the best rpg items I've ever found.  Tons of excellent weapons/armor/belts/etc that really effected your characters.  The ones I've seen so far (only maybe 10-15 hours deep, so lots more to come!) haven't blown my socks off the same way.


But man, look at dragon age if you want to see some really crappy itemization.

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BG series had a crafting system.

It did not. Crafting is a verb. In a video game, it is something you do. You don't craft anything in the BG games. And saying ' well, someone else does it, therefore BG2 has crafting!' is silly. When you call Dominos and order a pizza, you're not "cooking". You're ordering, or purchasing. Edited by Stun
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