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Characters from KOTOR1

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Search your feelings, you know it to be true...bastila is EVIL!



edit: feel like such a geek now

You're posting on a Star Wars game message board, pal. Geekiness comes with the territory.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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it's safe to assume that Bandon killed Trask. Ok, we're not actually told, but that's what we're meant to think. I know that leaves the possibility open, however Trask was really no more than a "training" character to familiarize the player with the controls. Plus, he shouts too much! hehe. I doubt people would want him to return.

I hope he comes back so I can kill him personally.

The Hero and Trask are fighting infront of the temple, where one (or the sithlord) is (are) hidding, a awesome fight, then in the moment which seems that trask will lose, revan, came around and disturbs, to safe trask, how he safed him on the ship. ... :ph34r: :huh: :D :p;) <_< :angry: :ph34r:

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Search your feelings, you know it to be true...bastila is EVIL!



edit: feel like such a geek now

You're posting on a Star Wars game message board, pal. Geekiness comes with the territory.


I can't be a geek, did you see how cool my low member number is ;)

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First of all, kumquat, you've always been a geek.


Second of all, I really hope they put in the choice of how you ended the last game. If we have the NPCs limited because of what some folks did in playing the dark side, that will truly suck.


If they start doing that, I hope there are ways to kill certain NPCs as a light side character. What if, when playing as the light side, the main character were forced to kill the HK-47? Would the dark side players be happy if he were no longer available? What about Canderous?


The whole point, at least I thought, was to give players the option at the beginning of the game. If they remove everyone who might have been killed in KotOR One, then the design team might as well design the game with the assumption that the ending of the first was a dark side ending. Personally, I think that will eventually cause just as much strife for the design team as if they were to assume that the first game had a light side ending. Maybe more.

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It's just means I'm a conversationist, don'tchaknow. :)



Rationalizing is such a wonderful thing.






Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Hasn't it been said in the FAQ that no returning character will play a significant role.

Not true, T3 is apparently the first NPC you get. iirc ,or one of the first or somehting like that.


what was said in the magazines were that not all npcs from kotor1 would return/play a big role

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Hasn't it been said in the FAQ that no returning character will play a significant role.

Not true, T3 is apparently the first NPC you get.


what was said in the magazines were that not all npcs from kotor1 would return/play a big role

Ahh, I see.


T3's back in it? He never really had much to say, did he.

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I'm thinking that T3 is there to help repair the ebon hawk, but I'm not sure if repair was one of his skills. That shows how much I used him in Kotor. I can't remember a damn thing about him except that he could open a door. oh wait, maybe the ebon hawk has a lock? yeah that explains it. he gains you access then becomes useless again.

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T3 did have a repair skill, which is probably what he will be used for, then dropped into a storage closet.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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i think Bastila should return, simply because she played such a pivotal role in the first game. i mean, i've even read on other forums that some people thought SHE and not revan was actually the main character. it didn't really matter if you played as either LS or DS, she was there with you at the end (unless of course you killed her, but even then she still appears at the LS ending being honored with everyone else).


and as far as continuity with the first game goes, i think those questions asked of you at the beginning of the story just determine what path you went down in the first game. because regardless of if you played as either male or female, the endings for either the LS or DS are pretty much set. for example, if you were DS, pretty much either everyone dies or runs off and you are the Dark Lord. and if you played as LS, everyone lived and was honored, and your are the savior. so the AI will just use that very broad template and adapt accordingly. but who really knows. my question is will revan appear as a man or a woman, or will he/she be wearing some kind of mask? or will the questions we have to answer at the beginning of the game determine that...

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i think Bastila should return, simply because she played such a pivotal role in the first game. i mean, i've even read on other forums that some people thought SHE and not revan was actually the main character. it didn't really matter if you played as either LS or DS, she was there with you at the end (unless of course you killed her, but even then she still appears at the LS ending being honored with everyone else).


and as far as continuity with the first game goes, i think those questions asked of you at the beginning of the story just determine what path you went down in the first game. because regardless of if you played as either male or female, the endings for either the LS or DS are pretty much set. for example, if you were DS, pretty much either everyone dies or runs off and you are the Dark Lord. and if you played as LS, everyone lived and was honored, and your are the savior. so the AI will just use that very broad template and adapt accordingly. but who really knows. my question is will revan appear as a man or a woman, or will he/she be wearing some kind of mask? or will the questions we have to answer at the beginning of the game determine that...

We know for sure that you will be able to tell the game wheter you played as ds or ls and wheter Revan was male or female. Check the questions to devs sticky.

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.


-John Rogers

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Just like the first game.... which would be a disappointment.

....And a waste of character slots (You can only have like 10 NPCs this time, I think).


What Obsidian is trying to do with T3 is what George Lucas is doing with R2. R2-D2 is the only character to see all of the events happened. He was there during the Prequel Trilogy and witnessed the Clone Wars and Anakin's Fall to the Darkside. He was there during the Original Trilogy. CP3O was also there during both times but at the end of Episode III, his memory is erased by Bail Organa. So R2 is really the only true witness of all events.


Same with T3. Maybe (Depending on how well KOTOR II goes) when KOTOR III and KOTOR IV comes out, T3 again will be one of your NPCs.

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