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Characters from KOTOR1

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One guy is forgotten totally in this thread. Whats about Trask Orduno, (if its his right name) its never been said when you confrotate Bandon, that he has killed him. So Banden can had beaten him and taken him with his, to manipulate him and send him back to the republic to have a spy there. :ph34r:


*talk nonsense* He can be the one, who has betrayed the republic army to the sith after he came back, so the sith has known all their strategies.

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As I said it seems as if you can choose if Revan was the bad or good guy in the beginning of the game.


And probably that is true since it otherwise would be quite boring for some people who don't get their "favored" ending. And I don't think that would be apriciated, would it?


No, I just suppose you want something to talk about, but I would choose that Revan was the good guy and that Bastila followed him as they continued their little romance after the game.


But the idea that she is leading a resistance against the sith sounds like a good option to me too!


/Love is immortal, will always survive...

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Everyone talks about Revan like he was a male, but the option to play as a woman was there as well. Hence, no Revan/Bastilla offspring unless they want to ignore the players that chose to play a female Revan. (Maybe an adopted Juhani/Revan lesbian lovechild? :huh: )


There are too many choices abt how to play KotoR to make the story in SL that closely related. Unless they just ignore what you did and force a story on you, like Jedi Knight.

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One guy is forgotten totally in this thread. Whats about Trask Orduno, (if its his right name) its never been said when you confrotate Bandon, that he has killed him.

it's safe to assume that Bandon killed Trask. Ok, we're not actually told, but that's what we're meant to think. I know that leaves the possibility open, however Trask was really no more than a "training" character to familiarize the player with the controls. Plus, he shouts too much! hehe. I doubt people would want him to return.

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One guy is forgotten totally in this thread. Whats about Trask Orduno, (if its his right name) its never been said when you confrotate Bandon, that he has killed him.

it's safe to assume that Bandon killed Trask. Ok, we're not actually told, but that's what we're meant to think. I know that leaves the possibility open, however Trask was really no more than a "training" character to familiarize the player with the controls. Plus, he shouts too much! hehe. I doubt people would want him to return.

I hope he comes back so I can kill him personally.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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I don't think there will be characters included that by their inclusion alone completely invalidates any of the paths in KotOR 1. Even with the questions asked in the beginning, I think that will more affect dialogue options and how characters think of you when you meet them rather than what characters will actually be in the game.


That more or less rules out Mission and Juhani since both of those could be killed by the hands of the player (more or less at least). I don't recall any other characters you could kill other than Bastila (at least I think you could kill her, personally I either turned her or had her join me on my path to be the dark lord) but there is likely an exception made for her (since she is already presumed dead, there will be an explanation why she isn't either way).


I don't think Zaalbar will be in the game either for similar reasons (and the fact that without Mission he'd be completely boring).


Every other character is fair game though and I think they will make a cameo appearance at least.

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If Bastila turns out to be an end boss of some kind I'm gonna be rather irked.


Seeing as Revan CAN redeam her (if LS) that's going to make a lot of games invalid.


and I don't see someone falling down twice.... well ok... Revan did... but that's different... no memory and all makes it the first time :(

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Plus, he shouts too much!



It's true. He did shout a lot. Yes, the Endar Spire was under attack and yes, I'm sure it was very fightening but does that excuse bad manners? I think not.


I'd like to see the redeemed Yuthura make some sort of appearence but I doubt that would happen, given the fact that you can give her and Uthar a bloody good stabbing. No innuendo intended. :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah, I also have a hard time to see either Revan or Bastila as dark side characters in KotOR2. This is one of those things that could change depending on how you answer things in the beginning though.


But there is no way Bastila or Revan would fall to the dark side AGAIN if it's based on a LS game. In Star Wars mythos, I think it's unprecedented for a jedi that has fallen and been turned back to the light side to fall a second time. It just isn't done.

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See, this is why we can't really guess without knowing how that beginning dialogue will effect the game. If it's just superfical, if it runs deep, or somewhere inbetween. I hope that either the gamespot article Sat or E3 sheds more light on this.

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May 12-14th.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I for one also believes Canderous has a great shot of making it into KOTOR II and here is why.


Canderous is a Mandalorian, he fought in the Mandalorian War and all he talks about is the Mandalorian War. The person you are controlling in KOTOR II was a Jedi who fought in the Mandalorian War.


So with those two connections, Canderous has a high chance.


Another great person would be Carth. On the LS ending of KOTOR he didn't die, he survived with you. On the DS ending he didn't die cause he just ran away so that you can't kill him.


So when you goto the planet Telos, I believe you have a HIGH chance of seeing him there.


So Canderous/Carth are to high choices for me.

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On the DS ending he didn't die cause he just ran away so that you can't kill him.


I think you can kill him in the DS Female game... if you have a romance going with him.

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God I hope Carth doesn't make an appearance in KOTOR 2! He probably will though because Obsidian doesn't want to make war with the Carth fan girl death squads. Personally I say just go with the characters that had no chance of being killed in the first installment. Which I believe are Canderous, HK-47, T-3, and Revan. It would also be pretty freakin awsome if they include some Jedi and Sith ghosts from the comics.

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On the DS ending he didn't die cause he just ran away so that you can't kill him.


I think you can kill him in the DS Female game... if you have a romance going with him.

Well if that is true then take Carth out and substitute in Dustil, Carth's son.

I took great pleasure in killing Dustil... Next ? :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh yeah, I also have a hard time to see either Revan or Bastila as dark side characters in KotOR2. This is one of those things that could change depending on how you answer things in the beginning though.


But there is no way Bastila or Revan would fall to the dark side AGAIN if it's based on a LS game. In Star Wars mythos, I think it's unprecedented for a jedi that has fallen and been turned back to the light side to fall a second time. It just isn't done.



Maybe they BOTH show up as bosses, like together u know? or maybe they both join your party? those damn questions...

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Most assuredly, he did run away even if you went female romance. It's established fact, though, that if the triggers are working right, you HAVE to kill carth at the VERY end before boarding the hawk. He stops you and tries to redeem you, and fails.


ADD: And, by the way, here's what the official announcement says, available via mainsite=>games=>kotorII link.


Five years after the events from the award winning Knights of the Old Republic, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic

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However, this is my theory on what will happen with bastila. (haha) I think she could easily be ONE of the Sith lords, even if she goes lightside. I couldn't honestly imagine her (and I really like and am extraordinarily accepting of Bastila) going completely straight and even LEADING a resistance RIGHT after her fall. Remember when she said she doubted her strength to face Malak? I did, too. Yuthura Ban (if you had this conversation, which is difficult to find) mentions the difficulties of being completely straight and fighting temptation with guidance and love from her Master's - but imagine Bastila after KoTOR. I think she'd be a wreck, even if she wanted to stay in the light. I think she might even give up her power, except Sith lords would definitely be hunting her for her battle meditation. I sort of imagine that she'd be dark side (not necessarily Sith) and maybe have a small force of her own that defends her from stray Sith forces. Maybe I'll write a fanfic...


But yeah, maybe it's just the contrast between the white haired woman and the sith mask that suggests this to me, but I DO think the sith mask looks eerily feminine. Particularly that headress thing, though the face itself is masculine. I wonder if that mask is a specific villain, or represents the Sith lords in general? Hmm...

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I go for the depending how your KOTOR 1 game ended.

Either answare some question about the endings, or load a savegame (if you have) into KOTOR 2. There might be other options though =)

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