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Ready Player One

Monte Carlo

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Or they could wait for the movie adaption... :p


I hear the book is good, but it'll probably be some time before I get to it.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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A lot of discussion about the movie (if it actually happens) turns on the epic legal issues - there are dozens of famous brands and IPs that would need to agree to inclusion for the thing to work.


This book, were it to work as a movie, will need gutting. I mean that in a good way. And it will be either brilliant as a movie or dire. Nothing inbetween.


As a novel, it was simply ingenious, big-hearted, exciting and warm. I could make technical criticisms of the plotting, but it would be like attacking an ice cream sundae for being too sweet and calorific.


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Recommended it to Tale a while back when he started that recommendation thread. It's a fun little book, lot's of pop culture references and a fresh and interesting plot. Waiting for more titles from that writer.

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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As a novel, it was simply ingenious, big-hearted, exciting and warm. I could make technical criticisms of the plotting, but it would be like attacking an ice cream sundae for being too sweet and calorific.


That's a fair assessment, IMO.  The core premise is fundamentally self-indulgent-- "look at all the somewhat-geeky things that I thought were awesome when I was 15!"-- but there was enough cleverness there to help the reader look beyond that.  (Which is no mean trick for someone who reflexively reacts with shame when the topic of my youthful obsessions are brought up.)  I, too, was made happy by this book.

Edited by Enoch
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Delve into it and it gets cleverer - I'm going to use lots of well-established tropes and plot devices to push my story forwards, plus I'm going to tell you exactly what established tropes and plot devices I'm using. On top of that, the shamelessness is still going to feel fresh and fun.


Really very good.


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Barnes is okay, but that Noble is a vindictive pr**k. 


Stupid chain store. Ready Player One nowhere on the shelves. Stupid in-store search kiosk says it's in the Fiction/Literature section. No, it isn't, neither is it anywhere else. Stymie this, you stupid bookstore. Where's the Dewey decimal system when I need it. 

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All Stop. On Screen.

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