obyknven Posted May 19, 2014 Posted May 19, 2014 Warnews. Results of combats at 18.05.2014. NOD (People selfdefence of Donbas) counterattack of Junta forces and cause loses to them: above 100 wounded and killed Naziguards, 3 APC, 2 trucks and one mobile radio station on base of truck. Junta whole day shelled by artillery empty NOD positions and not cause significant loses to them, but wound a few civilians. As usual pro-West combatants can't do so much without NATO help (Lybia, Siria, Kosovo prove it), but in case of Ukraine pronounced Western intervention is imposible here.
obyknven Posted May 19, 2014 Posted May 19, 2014 Moment of capturing of two Lifenews journalists and provocator with Polish "Grom" SAM by Naziguards (epic facepalm, they say this is Russian "Strela" SAM owned by journalists). http://youtu.be/PA34D9AVN30
obyknven Posted May 19, 2014 Posted May 19, 2014 Anti-Putin pro-West protest in Moscow - it's Russian Maidan. It's all protesters. Wow, all West-affilated media reports about huge Russian opposition looks so trusted now.
obyknven Posted May 19, 2014 Posted May 19, 2014 Sadly foreighners don't known Russian language. Russian writer and philosopher tell about fascist future of humanity. Actually he is not first Russian thinker who describe these processes, its common point of view for our culture. http://www.gazeta.ru/comments/column/kantor/6038901.shtml Today we return in times of 30s, when fascism take power in many countries and spreading around the world. But today all political and cultural forces who stopped them half century ago are destroyed. Destroyed purposely. Conservative counterrevolution win in whole world now. Hail!
obyknven Posted May 20, 2014 Posted May 20, 2014 Brittish independent journalist Graham Phillips arrested on Ukraine by junta forces. https://twitter.com/GrahamWP_UK/statuses/468486476268056576 https://twitter.com/GrahamWP_UK
Mor Posted May 20, 2014 Posted May 20, 2014 On 5/19/2014 at 2:06 PM, obyknven said: Russian writer and philosopher tell about fascist future of humanity. Actually he is not first Russian thinker who describe these processes, its common point of view for our culture.Dat processes Russian might want to look at its own image, it might be as shocked as Dorian Gray was in the end. Funny how in Russia's world everyone are gone mad, while everyone else feel exactly the same only about Russia. I wonder if this comes in country size: Reveal hidden contents Also here are many other Russian thinkers for you.. and while I know that Russian like to rage about Clinton comparing their action to Wiemar Germany, Russian thinkers has been doing it for a long time ( at least those abroad, since those who don't tend to get prosecuted ) 2
obyknven Posted May 20, 2014 Posted May 20, 2014 On 5/20/2014 at 2:19 PM, Mor said: On 5/19/2014 at 2:06 PM, obyknven said: Russian writer and philosopher tell about fascist future of humanity. Actually he is not first Russian thinker who describe these processes, its common point of view for our culture.Dat processes Russian might want to look at its own image, it might be as shocked as Dorian Gray was in the end. Funny how in Russia's world everyone are gone mad, while everyone else feel exactly the same only about Russia. I wonder if this comes in country size: Reveal hidden contents Also here are many other Russian thinkers for you.. and while I know that Russian like to rage about Clinton comparing their action to Wiemar Germany, Russian thinkers has been doing it for a long time ( at least those abroad, since those who don't tend to get prosecuted ) U make me lol. U post article from guy who firstly has been ortodox Stalinist, but then suddenly flee into US and become ortodox Zionist and capitalism-worshipper (in other words CIA just buy him as street girl fo f*** propaganda). Do you really trust to such *** person? P.S. If you read article of Max Kantor - he tell about fascism in whole world, in Russia also, it's global future of Earth. Your nontrusted post just don't needed for proove it.
Gorgon Posted May 20, 2014 Posted May 20, 2014 On 5/19/2014 at 10:48 AM, obyknven said: Anti-Putin pro-West protest in Moscow - it's Russian Maidan. It's all protesters. Wow, all West-affilated media reports about huge Russian opposition looks so trusted now. Nah, someone just forgot to tell them what to think this week, without the official decree they are just standing around clueless. 1 Na na na na na na ... greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER. That is all.
obyknven Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 Big game is continued. China, Russia and Iran make strategic alliance as result of US actions on Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-21/russia-signs-china-gas-deal-after-decade-of-talks.html http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/21/363585/china-urges-alliance-with-iran-russia/ This is ruined US foreighn politics of second half of XX century and all what previous US governments do. Current US government cause only laugh here in Russia, we wondering how these non-succesful posers even pretend fight against our malicious crypto-government of Unknown Fathers Other news. Polish metal band arrested in Russia. Yeah, traitors must suffer. http://themusic.com.au/news/all/2014/05/22/polish-metal-band-behemoth-arrested-in-russia/
obyknven Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 By reports from East Ukraine these destructions caused by attack of Right sector and other private paramilitary groups ( Gruntz of oligarches are detected ). Day ago these National Guards refuse order to shoot unarmed civilians and junta punished them for it.
obyknven Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 Punished military unit is not Natianal guards, this is 51st Mechanized Brigade of 13th Army Corps.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/51st_Mechanized_Brigade_(Ukraine) It's not first battles between Units of Ukrainian Army and private armies of Junta. Few similar accidents happened during last month in other places also.
obyknven Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Oligarh Petro Poroshenko become president of Ukraine in result of "fair democratic" election. http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/cec-poroshenko-gets-5386-percent-of-votes-with-over-50-percent-of-electronic-voting-reports-processed-349353.html Ukrainians make us lol, they bloody overthrow one Oligarch for bringing to power another Oligarch. Price of this - civil war, civilian casualties, losing of territories, ruined economics, losing of independence and dissolving in future. Jist epic losers. P.S. Real surname of Poroshenko is Valtsman, he is big friend of Israel mafia elites. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=238_1401040030
obyknven Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Price of selfhurting EU sanctions and EU actions in Ukraine. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/left-opposition-leads-greece-euro-vote-poll-shows-23863702 http://edition.cnn.com/2014/05/25/world/europe/eu-elections/
obyknven Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Today Ukrainian government continue killing Ukrainian people. From morning heavy fights in Donetsk ( ~ 975 000 citizens ), punishers use artillery and airstrikes here. Same s***t in Slavjansk also.link (warning - dead civilians etc): http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1603848.html Let's check Western media, they must cry about warcrimes, civilian murdering, criminal using military forces against own people (they break own laws about this) and many other things what we watched during Euromaidan.... Ouch, they say everything is ok, nothing watch here ... I disappointed, so primitive lie looks offensive for me.
Zoraptor Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 Have to admit I had a little chuckle at those super undemocratic transparent ballot boxes showing up again. And, of course, quite widely across the European elections as well.
kgambit Posted May 26, 2014 Posted May 26, 2014 On 5/26/2014 at 10:48 PM, Zoraptor said: Have to admit I had a little chuckle at those super undemocratic transparent ballot boxes showing up again. And, of course, quite widely across the European Russian presidential elections as well. rotflmao http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/712602 http://en.ria.ru/russia/20111228/170534194.html
Zoraptor Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Bro, it's sarcasm. Based mainly on people and media organisations like the BBC shouting about the use of transparent ballot boxes in elections they don't like- Crimea and the Donetsk/ Lugansk referenda- and how they were a sign of them being undemocratic while not mentioning them at all when it's Ukraine, France or someone else they do like using them. There are perfectly reasonable, er, reasons for using transparent boxes- you can physically see your vote go in, if you fold it in half no one can see your vote any more than an opaque box, no possibility for trapdoor bottoms and it, ironically given the picture oby linked, can make ballot stuffing more obvious. Personally I'd go with standard opaque box standing on open bottomed table, but I have no problem with transparent boxes. If I were to have an actual rail against any voting system as undemocratic and dangerous it would be machine voting or most especially computer/ online voting. Which are various degrees of increased opaqueness, and are prone to hackery andor the incompetence or malfeasance of the manufacturer. And thus will no doubt be brought in at some time in the future. 1
HoonDing Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 On 5/22/2014 at 7:04 AM, obyknven said: Other news. Polish metal band arrested in Russia. Yeah, traitors must suffer. http://themusic.com.au/news/all/2014/05/22/polish-metal-band-behemoth-arrested-in-russia/ Meh. I thought it would be Vader. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
obyknven Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 40 deaths of civilians in Donetsk due Ukrainian air strikes are confirmed . First day of new Ukrainian president rule begin from bloodbath. http://youtu.be/cpYtdfMZUiY
Gorgon Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 I thought the problem was that the ballots looked very much like they were stacked, like someone put them there in one go. Na na na na na na ... greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER. That is all.
Hassat Hunter Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 I do have to laugh at how the current elections seem to ruin all the points made against the East-Ukrain vote... "Transparent boxes" Yup, in the 'official elections' too. "You need 50% turnup for real democratic elections!" How's that EU turnup coming out for you? "There are soldiers. You can't vote normal" Hey, look at Egypt! And who complains there... no-one of our press anyway. No hipocrasy here... no sireeeee... ^ On 4/28/2014 at 10:27 PM, Volourn said: I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5. TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee
obyknven Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 On 5/27/2014 at 1:23 PM, Gorgon said: I thought the problem was that the ballots looked very much like they were stacked, like someone put them there in one go. Yep, big amount "right" filled ballots put into box before election for provide planned result, it's usual trick on ex-USSR space. This graph show how "fair" these elections be also. Percentage of candidats vote / percentage of Введите текст или адрес веб-сайта либо переведите документ. Отмена obrabotannykh Язык оригинала: русский processed ballots graph, constant result all time / in all regions. Do you think this is magic? Nope, it's just most fair democratic elections in history of Ukraine.
obyknven Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 Do you think these anti-Russian sanctions because of US government so concern about Ukraine? http://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/senate-bill/2277 Quote Subjects: S.2277 — 113th Congress (2013-2014) Energy storage, supplies, demand Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information Military assistance, sales, and agreements Oil and gas Technology transfer and commercialization
Elerond Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 (edited) On 5/27/2014 at 1:46 PM, Hassat Hunter said: I do have to laugh at how the current elections seem to ruin all the points made against the East-Ukrain vote... "Transparent boxes" Yup, in the 'official elections' too. "You need 50% turnup for real democratic elections!" How's that EU turnup coming out for you? "There are soldiers. You can't vote normal" Hey, look at Egypt! And who complains there... no-one of our press anyway. No hipocrasy here... no sireeeee... Unsealed vote ballots and transparent boxes rises people's threshold to vote unpopular views especially when vote officials consist only of people that opposite that view. Under 50% participation in vote means that it has high change not to represent real consensus of people, which means that one can say that it is not democratic vote. And reasons for low participation should be investigated and rectified. In my opinion European Parliament elections are quite badly run elections as most people don't actually know what European Parliament does and how it's actions effect them, and candidates, local parties and press have done very bad job in informing people how European Parliament works and how people that they vote in parliament actually join in bigger Euro parties instead of working as regional groups. One main reason that I see why people don't vote in EP elections is that they are so new that most people that have right to vote haven't been taught in school how system works same way as they are taught how their country's own elections work. And this is not helped by anti EU parties that uses that lack of knowledge to further their own agenda. Democracy don't work well if people don't know how they can participate in legislation process or if that participation is made difficult or if representing opinions against current regime/people that held election make people feel unsafe or those opinions aren't even accepted in first place. So soldiers in Egypt's polling stations are very bad if those soldiers consist only members of current regime of Egypt and if they are there only to protect people from attacks of extremes it also means that situation in Egypt isn't best for elections as people need to fear that they can become target of violence only because they decided to go vote so that they can participate in their country's legislation process. EDIT: I admit that there has been hypocritical views and statements about votes in Ukraine, but they are quite small in scale when compared to how you decided to represent things in your post. Edited May 28, 2014 by Elerond
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