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Diablo 3 new patch

Monte Carlo

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Sent join request for the Obz clan.


I only play HC, though. Please add me as friend if you play or intend to play HC!  Endrosz#2178

The Seven Blunders/Roots of Violence: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)


Let's Play the Pools Saga (SSI Gold Box Classics)

Pillows of Enamored Warfare -- The Zen of Nodding



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Heh! I very rarely play on Hardcore, and haven't got a toon that's passed the Butcher yet. Perhaps I will try it some more, now that I have a more stable internet connection. :)


I'm still just trying out all the adjusted skills. So far I 've tested my lvl 60 wizard, witch doctor and barbarian. It took me a while, but I found playstyles and combos that suit me quite well for each and every one of them: 

-Wizard, Torment IV difficulty, everything arcane, extreme CCer, everything is slowed, and I teleport (it's perhaps a good hardcore build), with an occasional archon mode on standby. I really like her, but the going is pretty slow.

-Witch doctor. Torment III difficulty, It's a weird into the frey, and do everything to the mobs at once, while at the same spiriting away to the side, then rinse and repeat. It's pretty dangerous, though, and rather inconsistent too.

-Barbarian. Torment I difficulty. Just settled on a sword and board playstyle, which was a very long time ago (before 1st big patch). And it all feels so safe and powerful, like a walking tank, truly. I've opted for a lot of attack speed and lots of various healing, so she's almost invulnerable. She can stand in pools and arcane molten whatnot, surrounded by elites (even two packs at a time), and still chop-to-avoid-drop. My problem is my low damage. Otherwise, this build is ready for a much higher level, so I'm just biding my time. This is probably the most fun build so far.

Edited by IndiraLightfoot

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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This looks cooler than I thought. Should I buy D3 or wait for the expansion to play as a Paladin(or whatever they're calling it)?

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Heh! I very rarely play on Hardcore, and haven't got a toon that's passed the Butcher yet. Perhaps I will try it some more, now that I have a more stable internet connection. :)


HC is a bit of an adrenaline rush. But it seems more safe now with the new patch. My DPS has more than doubled on my characters. I decided to play it safe getting achievements on Normal and noticed arcane lasers had no effect on my Monk, even when standing on them. My health didn't drop at all. It was full all the time. But since the patch I now have over 1.2 mil toughness and 140K health. And that's not taking a hit to DPS. :-


After finishing off a few achievements, I went to Torment 1 and it was the same with it being safer than before the patch. I'd suggest playing Normal to pick up all the Legendary's because the difficulty has no effect on drop rates for now. It feels a bit like cheating when you can go on Normal, plough through all the monsters and pick up the same loot as you would on Torment. :lol:

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Yeah, the build options are pretty awesome. I have a Monk on HC and SC and they're totally different in nearly every respect. I've turned the SC Monk into a healing Monk that spams healing every second to get the 'Come to Heal Achievement'. I average well over 1 million healing every minute on T1. :lol:


I've tried all the classes and the Monk is the most OP imo. It's near impossible to die when you have access to so much healing. They also have the NDE passive that is a must in HC. It's like a second life. Also playing HC made me a better SC player. It's incredibly rare that I die on SC and I do everything to avoid dying. Just something that's kept with me when playing HC. I find it a little humorous that so many people die with their AH bought stuff and all mine is self found since I never bought anything off the AH.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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Monte & Hiro: I love this! Monk was my first pick when D3 came out, but before any patch, and all self-found, a monk couldn't reach Diablo on Inferno, no matter what. It was slightly tanky and defensive, alright. But it didn't do much damage. I simply must try a monk now, also on HC, it seems. Thanks for the protips, Hiro! :)

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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After finishing off a few achievements, I went to Torment 1 and it was the same with it being safer than before the patch. I'd suggest playing Normal to pick up all the Legendary's because the difficulty has no effect on drop rates for now. It feels a bit like cheating when you can go on Normal, plough through all the monsters and pick up the same loot as you would on Torment. :lol:

Torment does boost your legendary drop rates.




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I've just treated myself to a full story mode run with my lvl 60 monk, which had pretty crappy equipment, and it was a very fun ride! :)

And Hiro is right, you almost can't die as a monk with NDE, it seems. I did the run through normal to speed it all up and get to those legendaries. And I found like a dozen of them, where four were upgrades! I got that laser-monster 2H-sword that Monte showed a pic of a few weeks ago, but later I found a daibo Flying Dragon with resource reduction as well as great life on spirit spent, and the healing went through the roof. I've also found two yellows that were upgrades, so it was certainly worth it. I still got like 3 or 4 paragon levels to boot. Also, I got a lot of cheevos, since the campaign has been reset for the post patch 2.1.

All in all, this is shaping up to be one pretty fantastic Diablo, finally. I've also crafted heaps of gems.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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After playing as a Main Battle Monk, my Demon Hunter seems rather fragile. Although I love the ability that allows you to set up firechains from turrets, forcing enemies to run through them and get burnt.


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Even with 400k toughness, my DH still feel fragile.  Got my monk to 60, got to use the legendaries I got on other characters, huzzah.  But man do I hate everything about Act 2, the setting, mobs, quests. 

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Act two is my least favourite, but I like the Oasis onwards.

I couldn't agree more! Those pesky wasps alone merit a boycott of most of that act, that and the kiddie bright palette.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I just hate deserts :p  Act 1 is my favourite, like running around in the absolutely ludicrous Cathedral or Leoric's Manor.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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When D3 came out, I played the demo, read the reviews, and wasn't really impressed. Only Patch 2's major overhaul made me consider buying it, which I did in early February this year. Played a HC Wizard for variety of skills/gameplay (always first priority for me), liked it. Was one-hitted by Azmodan's slow-but-deadly fireball on Normal at lvl 32 (never went below 50% otherwise, I felt safe), decided to wait for Patch 2 to land before playing again.


2nd attempt, earlier this week, stunlocked by Frost elite pack at lvl 14 (didn't have the templar yet to support me). WTF moment, but that's how you learn.


Today, my 3rd attempt at a HC Wizard dinged 60, then proceeded to spank Diablo on Hard difficulty. This is my first Diablo kill ever in D3, actually... IMO he's much less troublesome than Azmodan. I pulled out every defensive ability and gear piece I had, 730k toughness plus 3 defensive active skills, never went below 80%. But, you know, better safe than sorry.




I feel so good... Sa la la la


Edited by Endrosz
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The Seven Blunders/Roots of Violence: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)


Let's Play the Pools Saga (SSI Gold Box Classics)

Pillows of Enamored Warfare -- The Zen of Nodding



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Endrosz: Gratz times a thousand! That must have felt good! :)


As a fellow Obz Europe, I saw your toon's progress, and I was a bit worried that you were going too fast and over-stretching yourself, but I'm happy to see I was wrong. Wow!!

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I think I've gone overboard with my DH, have almost 800k toughness. Only 123k DPS though, boo.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I was just a part of a wipe, meaning everone died at Diablo. I have died plenty times before, but I have never been in a wipe in Diablo III. There wasn't any warning signs. Elites went down fast enough as was with first phase of Diablo. In shadowrealm(or whatever it's called) dps suddenly wasn't enough to deal with the clones Diablo summons and after a while there was more than 20 clones with Diablo.

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1.1. MM toughness now, huzzah. Crap for healing but did manage to just eat some of Belial's hits on T1.  DH vault seems broken now, in a way, only triggers if your cursor is in the range.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I was just a part of a wipe, meaning everone died at Diablo. I have died plenty times before, but I have never been in a wipe in Diablo III. There wasn't any warning signs. Elites went down fast enough as was with first phase of Diablo. In shadowrealm(or whatever it's called) dps suddenly wasn't enough to deal with the clones Diablo summons and after a while there was more than 20 clones with Diablo.

Oh man, that sucks big time! I've been playing for a couple of hours today on hardcore, in the same clan and all, but at that very moment I had lunch and did some work stuff. I've never experienced a wipe before. *Shiver*


Perhaps a weird transition here, but I finally killed Diablo on hardcore (hard difficulty) for the very first time! :D It felt great, as I was very nervous. :)

And kirottu was kind enough to jump in and be my guardian when I was about to take on Belial, since I got cold feet. A big thank you, kirottu!

Also, Endrosz, helped me out taking my first trembling steps in Act I, and he also gave me the tip to pick Hard difficulty, so I owe him plenty too.


Thank you, clan of Obsidian Europe!! I wouldn't have made it without you.

I'm at lvl 53 now, so my next goal is of course to reach level 60 and unlock Torment difficulty.

I play a monk, btw, since Hiro's tip earlier on made it seem the safest choice for beating hardcore in D3 now.



*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Go go Black Templars.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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