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Well if it's not a troll, I wouldn't put it past them as the Star Citizen model has proven to be more effective at fund-raising than the closed-payment model.


Incoming 2 week delay to the backer website :p

Edited by Sensuki
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Can just see BruceVC emptying his wallet for that.

I think he would rob several banks for that.


The only survival tactic open to you is to open a new hot chicks thread in WWOT.

If they release the big update tonight, I will do it in celebration. If they don't, I will restart the thread because I like looking at women.

Edited by KaineParker
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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Obsidian Forum Community


BAdler has just posted a new topic entitled "Stretch Goals?" in forum "Project Eternity: Announcements and News".

One of the topics of our big update was whether or not our backers wanted us to introduce any new stretch goals. Here is the official poll that we will be using to tabulate the results.


Rock the vote.

The topic can be found here:



Where is that from?



Would also like to know. But it sounds like Obsidian goes the Roberts way. Would be cool if that's real.



This is, indeed, an automatic email from following the forum. I do this in order to immediately get any updates before they are posted to Kickstarter. I guarantee you it is legitimate, and if anyone wants they can PM me and I will forward them the email.


I don't think they will go full SC crowd-funding, however, since unlike star citizen it is a single player game and they can't just keep expanding it and keep a release date (or coherently keep the game together). Additional money can add more content or other things that can easily be grafted on, but most other things have so many dependencies that changing them now would be a recipe for disaster.


EDIT: For additional context, I received that notification at 2:43 PM EST, and immediately posted it on this thread. 

Edited by Pandamaniac
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This is, indeed, an automatic email from following the forum. I do this in order to immediately get any updates before they are posted to kickstarter. I guarantee you it is legitimate, and if anyone wants they can PM me and I will forward them the email.


I don't think they will go full SC crowd-funding, however, since unlike star citizen it is a single player game and they can't just keep expanding it and keep a release date (or coherently keep the game together). Additional money can add more content or other things that can easily be grafted on, but most other things have so many dependencies that changing them now would be a recipe for disaster.


Thanks for the confirmation, Pandamaniac. You've got a good point, too. They might bump the release date back for the stretch goals, though, if people really want new features to be added. Maybe the stretch goals would include modding support or something similar that can be added in later without affecting current production (I'm assuming modding tools wouldn't affect work being done now).

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I like how the forum still says Project Eternity. My fellow campers, fellow brethren of the Obsidian Order. We will always fondly remember the times when  we argued about Project Eternity! This name will always be in our hearts!

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While I am really happy that we finally got the big update and the backer portal, I wasn't very hopeful we'd get them this week. I was already imagining how Adam Brennecke would appear again in this thread to announce another postponement causing us to further despair. So, I decided to write a poem about it on Monday just for fun, so I could post it to cheer everyone up if there was another delay, and to practise writing English. So here it is anyway to *ahem* commemorate the veterans of this thread who shared the most bitter of disappointments to ultimately revel in heavenly joy.



From the Annals of Eír Glanfath, on the origins of the War of the Flames:



The third of three,

And with this the man Brennecke,

Transcends the shackles of mortality.

Now known, as the feline-faced god of misery.


  -  -  -


The eager awaited,

Their endless curiosity never sated,

Their boundless desires unabated,

To witness the miracle, so long belated.


The crowd longed to hear,

How fared the quest of our most dear,

Monahan, the champion untouched by fear.

As of yet his fate unknown, unclear.


Striving to succeed,

To satisfy the folk’s unending greed.

To unlock the portal, the people he would feed.

To this task, Monahan had agreed.


In the misty light of day,

A silhouette appeared against the fog thick and grey,

Was it the herald or a wanderer gone astray?

Had he come to disappoint or the congregation’s fears to allay?


Then a sudden, piercing wail,

As light reflected off familiar chain mail,

At last had arrived the protagonist of this tale,

The faces of the gathered sunk and grew pale.


Twice already betrayed,

Had been their hopes, twice dismayed,

Dreams shattered, sweet delight delayed,

Unwarranted, premature joy unmade.


Malice not as his intention,

To tell the truth had been Brennecke’s aspiration.

Yet fury and anger, outrage was the reaction.

Including the accusations were pretence and deception.


The mob hissed and droned,

Due to the unbearable wait they groaned,

To coax the man to speak, they howled and moaned.

Finally, Brennecke spoke: Monahan’s success is yet postponed.


Alas, and once again,

Innocent but forced to unleash the pain,

Brennecke had the poor souls’ dreams thrice slain,

His legacy, while undeserved, is all that does remain.

Edited by Boox
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