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So you're predicting that the Pacers will knock the Heat out of the playoffs, Volo?  Dang, while that's certainly a possibility, I wouldn't go that far.  The Heat have always (always meaning the last 2 years) been able to flip a switch in the playoffs and take it to another level.  We don't know if what the Pacers got is enough to beat Miami running on all cylinders and in 5th gear, or if the Pacers can put it into 5th gear themselves.  That's a bold prediction, man.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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If stats don't matter, why bother playing the games at all?  Why not just give Lebron the MVP because he is the most physically talented player?  Why not just give the Heat the championship because they have the most talented lineup?

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"you're predicting that the Pacers will knock the Heat out of the playoffs, Volo?  Dang, while that's certainly a possibility, I wouldn't go that far."


Why do you lie? I said no such thing.



"If stats don't matter,"


Ask Lebron if stats matter pre championship victory. Ask Carmelo Anthony if stats matter while people poo poo his game last night. Ask the greatest QB  in the NFL ever if stats matter when supposedly his entire 'legacy'  is supposed to be based on one game next Sunday. Heck, as Nowitzki who was labeled as trash and choker despite great stats until he manage to elad his team over Lebron's Heat.


" why bother playing the games at all?"


They're entertaining, and fun. And, surprises happen all the time. 


"  Why not just give Lebron the MVP because he is the most physically talented player? "


He's not just the most physically gifted, he's the most talented, the most valuable, and the best.


" Why not just give the Heat the championship because they have the most talented lineup?"


Actually, the Heat don't have the most talented LINE UP. Go player by player they'd be lucky to be in top 5, but Lebron elevates those around him. Durant does NOT do that. He just takes shot after shot after shot. He barely shoots 50% despite being a 'better' shooter than James. L0L


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If FG% is the end all and be all of what makes an MVP then I guess DeAndre Jordan is the league MVP.  :shifty:


Also, I'd argue that it was Dwayne (I always spell that wrong) Dwyane Wade that elevated LeBron's game.  How many championships did LeBron win before he joined Flash's team?  Before LeBron joined the Heat, and even during the first season with the Heat, LeBron lacked the mentality to be a killer and wilted in big situations (remember when the Celtics made him pretty much quit on his team?).  It was Wade that instilled the assassin mentality in him.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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"If FG% is the end all and be all of what makes an MVP then I guess DeAndre Jordan is the league MVP. "


Good thing I said no such thing.



"Also, I'd argue that it was Dwayne (I always spell that wrong) Dwyane Wade that elevated LeBron's game."



HAHAHA! That cripple should worry about 'elevating' his own game.



" How many championships did LeBron win before he joined Flash's team?  Before LeBron joined the Heat, and even during the first season with the Heat, LeBron lacked the mentality to be a killer and wilted in big situations (remember when the Celtics made him pretty much quit on his team?).  It was Wade that instilled the assassin mentality in him."


No.  Also, I like how conviently, you and others forget that  Wade had arguably the best (if not ebst top 3) centers of all time on that team.  Yeah, Wade got all the glory, but no Shaq no championship. I'd argue the Lebron led Heat could win their championships WITHOUT Wade. Afterall, what happened to the Heat when Shaq broke down? They went down the tubes. You emntion the Celts 'made' Lebron 'quit'. They did no such thing. The better TEAM won. Lebron likely was just physiucally tired of doing EVERYTHING for a crap team that he  carried to 60+ wins and finals appearance (hence why they got swept that year).


If Wade is so much better than James.. why is it James winning the MVPs and accolades (despite being robbed of an MVP first season) while theyu [play together? And, don't tell me, Wade 'let' him. A competitive player like Wade doesn't 'allow' someone to be better. They get pushed aside.


Then again, I bet you were probably one of the yahoos who trashed Nowinkski before his championship and then hailed him as 'clutch' cause his team got stacked and managed to win one championship. What happened to the team when DAL owner left all the other players go? Oh yeah, Dallas  began being a wannabe team again  (though they are doing okay this season nobody takes them seriously as a title threat).


James is the best player in the league,. no matter how many games Durnat gets 30+ points or Mel scores 62 points with no turnovers it still won't change the fact that james is the best player overall and is the MVP.


 Durant didn't even play last night yet the team still won in a blow out showing that even in the middle of a hot streak he isn't that valuaable. This was proven last playoffs when  OKC went from title contender to alsoran because of an injury to their actual most valuable player.



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To be fair, KD has zero championships.   He should go through all the trash that Lebron did pre championship until he wins one (which he WILL).  Afterall, I've learned from all professional sports that stats are meaningless. Only rings matter. R00fles!


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 Then why doesn't James have 10? And, he is more valuable to the Heat than KD is to OKC. RS or PS. FACT.


All this is about is people not wanting to give a player - especially Lebron - 3 MVP+ in a row because 'it wouldn't be fair to have one player 'hog' the  award  meant to reward equality not the best and most valuable player in the league. Leave the Melos and Durants to compete for the Art Ross, let Lebron get his well earned MVPs.

Edited by Volourn


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I was under the impression the MVP award is based strictly on the regular season.

It is.


Slim Reaper was back on the court tonight after resting his sore shoulder for a game.  He had a run of the mill 32-14-10 triple double with 70.5% shooting.  It's his 10th straight game with at least 30 points, matching the longest such streak in the past decade (LeBron and Kobe are the others to have a 10 game streak in the past decade).

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I can't even name a player on the Pacers :p

Off the top of my head:  Roy Hibbert, Paul George, danny Granger, Lance Stephenson...  ...  that's all I got.  Paul George has arguably been the 3rd best player in the NBA this season.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Oden played 13 minutes in a win over the Spurs yesterday.  Didn't put up much in the way of stats, but it's nice to see him getting minutes more regularly.  Stay healthy, big fella.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Another night, another monster performance from KD.  Slim Reaper dropped 41 on the Hawks on a highly efficient 15 for 25 shooting, including the game winner with 1.5 seconds left.  This is now the 11th straight 30+ game for KD, the longest since T-Mac's EPIC 14 game streak in 2003 (pre-injuries T-Mac was a force of nature).  Durant is shooting close to 60% during the streak.  His season PPS (points per shot) of 1.58 is tied for the league lead (with LeBron and Dwight), meaning he's not only scoring more points than anyone else (by a large margin), he's also doing it with maximum efficiency.


I'm definitely looking forward to the game in Miami on Thursday.  It should be a really fun game to watch.  Too bad Russ won't be playing, but at least it seems D-Wade will, so the star power is still going to be spectacular.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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The fact you think stats should determine the MVP award is L0L worthy.


This actually made me garner looks from office mates from confused co-workers as I actually snorted! XD



I get that you're trying to point out to all the Lebron haters that he was undervalued for not winning championships, but unfortunately no matter how much you may not want it to be in this case, the regular season MVP award is highly correlated with statistical performance during the regular season.


It's not really a "most valuable on a particular team" but mostly just an award for "which player had the best season."

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Technically the MVP should be a player that drastically changes the win totals of an organization.  So a mediocre team with one superstar that manages to post a decent record should be the ideal MVP candidate.


So Lebron should have stayed in Cleveland :p 

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Bigger deal for the Thunder than the Heat, though not a huge deal for either team.  It's a nice confidence booster for the Thunder knowing they can beat the Heat and they can beat them in Miami, plus any win is important in the insanely tight West.  For he Heat, the loss isn't a huge deal, they know they have another gear they can go into in the playoffs.  Ultimately it's a January game.  If they meet again in June, those will be the games that matter.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Boogie Cousins is an intriguing player. He has a mercurial personality and is clearly polarizing. But he is also the most skilled true center in the league and is having a breakthrough year: 22.6ppg, 11.6 boards, and 3.0 dimes. His combination of on court dominance, theatrics, and susceptibility to have an on court nuclear meltdown make him one of the most entertaining players to watch, despite the Kings being 15-29. Does he deserve to be an All-Star? I'd say yes, based in talent, production, and the pure entertainment value of his WTF scowl when things don't go his way.

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