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Confirmed: Project Eternity will have D&D 3E-style "auxiliary" combat skills

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So, no "upgrade your sword skill to do more damage with a sword" in this game.

You still have specializations that will arguably fit the role of weapon focus talents in 3.5, though they will cover a broader range of weapons than simply one type. Besides, I don't think there's ever been a reason to believe we'd get weapon *skills*? That wasn't really something that's ever been present in the IE games, unless I misunderstand what you're talking about.

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So, no "upgrade your sword skill to do more damage with a sword" in this game.

You still have specializations that will arguably fit the role of weapon focus talents in 3.5, though they will cover a broader range of weapons than simply one type. Besides, I don't think there's ever been a reason to believe we'd get weapon *skills*? That wasn't really something that's ever been present in the IE games, unless I misunderstand what you're talking about.



You're assuming that my post is meant to express surprise, shock or outrage. (It isn't.)

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This isn't new information.


Skills in Project Eternity were never going to be like AD&D's weapon proficiencies or Fallout's or whatever, Josh mentioned ages ago that there will be no Weapon Proficiency only Specialization available through talents like New Vegas.


Every class will be just as good with a Longsword and Crossbow as every other class. Fighters get a small Melee accuracy bonus, Rangers will (unconfirmed but almost 100% guaranteed) get a Ranged accuracy bonus.


Tumble would make absolute sense in a P:E P&P game, but in a CRPG, Tumble is just a combat skill, it has no other use outside of dialogue checks. Therefore I do not believe Tumble, or Parry, will be a skill in Project Eternity. All Project Eternity's skills will fall into the exact same design principles as Stealth (and the now defunct Crafting), where they have an out of combat use and a systemic (or auxiliary as he puts it) direct bonus to combat.


In my essay I gave the example of Mechanics giving a slightly faster reload time, this is a bit pidgeonholed to certain character types but it applies across every class (except perhaps the Wizard unless it counted to Implements as well). Mechanics has an out of combat use (picking locks, disarming traps, using devices) and a combat use (which we do not know, but it will be something like what I suggest).


Every other skill will be like that, so Tumble (and other style D&D 3E combat skills) probably won't be in.


But then again ... Concentration ?

Edited by Sensuki
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 Tumble is just a combat skill, it has no other use outside of dialogue checks. Therefore I do not believe Tumble, or Parry, will be a skill in Project Eternity


Uh, why? Have you forgotten there going's to be a separate category of combat skills with their own point pool? I assume that such skills will in fact be "pure combat".


You need to stop jumping to conclusions about what we know or don't know.

Edited by Infinitron
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Take what I say out of context and you can put whatever spin on it you like.


All classes will have no systemic penalty to attack and no gulf between their attack and damage with a Longsword or a Crossbow. Attributes and Class abilities however will affect this.


Wizard level 1: +0 to attack with Crossbow, 8-12 damage

Fighter level 1: +0 to attack with Crossbow, 8-12 damage


and permitting the same items and no optional talents to buff the Fighter's accuracy with Crossbows, they will be just as effective later on, their accuracy bonuses will be the same at each level.

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Uh, why? Have you forgotten there going's to be a separate category of combat skills with their own point pool? I assume that such skills will in fact be "pure combat".


You need to stop jumping to conclusions about what we know or don't know.



I thought all skills will be non combat skills and abillites, spells and talents are the mentioned combat skills.


Edit: In update #7 an example for a combat skill is a spell:


Non-combat skills are gained separately from combat skills. You shouldn't have to choose between Magic Missile and Herbalism. They should be separate types of abilities, and you should spend different points to get each one.

Edited by Prometheus
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But then again ... Concentration ?


I didn't particularly like the CRPG D&D implementation of Concentration; it had too much of a spell-casting focus. They could just as easily have used Willpower with adjustments.

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I cant quite wrap my head around that. So there wont be any type of skills, like for example Whirlwind, which is solely a combat skill but instead the skills will be more like a generic ability that does something but also helps out in combat?

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I cant quite wrap my head around that. So there wont be any type of skills, like for example Whirlwind, which is solely a combat skill but instead the skills will be more like a generic ability that does something but also helps out in combat?



Whirlwind? Do you mean Tumble, perhaps?


In any case, yes, that appears to be the case.

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Erm... I think skills and abilities are still two different things, correct? I mean, a Wizard might have skills that help him in combat, but he'd also get the Fireball spell, which is an active ability.


I would think Whirlwind would be an ability, and not a skill. Thus, it doesn't seem like anything's been said that means melee fighter people won't get active "skills" (I realize they're sometimes referred to as that) such as Whirlwind.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Are there going to be D&D style traps in the game? Because if so a tumble skill analogue could apply to your ability to dodge said traps as well as your ability to move in combat.

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Erm... I think skills and abilities are still two different things, correct? I mean, a Wizard might have skills that help him in combat, but he'd also get the Fireball spell, which is an active ability.


I would think Whirlwind would be an ability, and not a skill. Thus, it doesn't seem like anything's been said that means melee fighter people won't get active "skills" (I realize they're sometimes referred to as that) such as Whirlwind.

Youre right, I was confusing Skills with Abilities.

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Youre right, I was confusing Skills with Abilities.

No worries. Like I said, I understood the usage of the word. They're pretty prevalently referred to as "skills," especially in a lot of turn-based JRPGs.


It just looked like that particular usage here, and the technical/specific usage of it in the discussion at hand/official quotes and such was generating confusion.


Also, in the event that it WAS true, I was mildly worried, haha. Non-magic peoples with pretty much ONLY passive benefits? That would be rather unfortunate. :)

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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I am bit disappointed that there will not be skill pool only for the combat skills, although good ability system can compensate missing skills, but I would have preferred more skill based system. As some reason I have pictured PE system so that soul based things are abilities and non-soul based things are skill based. 

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