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RockPaperShotgun Feargus Urquhart Interview


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Yep, and that's why I said it makes Batman less likely. It's a bit weird if a highly realistic graphical style is specifically a need for a Batman game, isn't it?


And again, I'm not talking in absolutes here. Just making an observation.

I really don't see it as an indication of anything, and I can see how some people in the industry might even describe the exaggerated style of the Arkham game as "highly realistic". And that's not necessarily an art style Obsidian would have to follow if they had to work on a Batman game, which to be honest, I still can't quite see as feasible. But who knows!


That's why I'm not talking in *have to's*. At all.


Again, not absolutes. *Likely* Not *definitily*.


Look my reasoning is the following


1. - If it was a Batman game, what Artstyle would MORE LIKELY be used for it?


According to Batman's nature and previous games the answer would be *exaggereted* to *comically*.


2. - According to info we have that again LIKELY (not definitly because we don't know it) is related to this project it will use a highly realistic graphical style.


I just really don't see how the statement *The highly realistic approach does make a batman game a bit more unlikely" is such a stretch when we are talking about a property that A: Has its origin in graphic novels B: So far, in its gaming related history majorly didn't feature a *highly realistic* artstyle.


I'm not saying this disproves a Batman game.

Edited by C2B
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Good to see Obs getting a new project.


Although, I'm not really interested in a Batman game, an original DC universe RPG would be something I could get behind.


But if it is Warner Bros, they have more than DC universe. Maybe a F.E.A.R rpg? Could see Obs enjoying screwing with our heads. Mortal Kombat RPG, that would be interesting. LoTR?


Or perhaps the most exciting project idea, The Bachelor RPG.

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Why is everyone confusing the Batman thing? Rocksteady is doing Batman...


Not impressed with Fergus really. But he is the bean counter i suppose.

I am, given that without him Obsidian would have met Troika's fate and that he's responsible for keeping the company healthy about its scope and finances. Has he made a lot of mistakes? Sure, but he's clearly been able to mix a generally healthy business sense with a passion for the genre, and that's no small feat.


As for Rocksteady, I haven't really seen official news of what they're working on right now. WB has announced they're publishing another Arkham game this year, and the rumor is that it's not developed by them.

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Why is everyone confusing the Batman thing? Rocksteady is doing Batman...


Not impressed with Fergus really. But he is the bean counter i suppose.


I am highly impressed with Feargus. The fact the company is still running is a huge feat. Troika tried, they ultimately failed. BioWare was around for a while, but the owners decided to cash in. Who else is there (in the Western world) that actully does what Obsidian does, without a being a division of some big *** publisher.


Oh and I don't think they are working on a Batman game, at least not one that would be published this year and that would mean it's not Arkham something. The contract was done in December that hardly leaves any time for development with the next game in Arkham series supposed to come out sometime this year.

Edited by Flouride

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Sometimes I wonder how Troika would have turned out if they had had someone like Feargus to take care of the publishers, contracts and other administrative work. The way Tim has described it from time to time, that was one thing they absolutely didn't want to do.

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