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revisit: make Steam version not require Steam to be running - confirmed possible

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I don't see why you wouldn't just go for a GoG version, then. Most Steam users have Steam running all the time, anyway. There's not really an issue there. The vast majority of Steam releases include the Steam API specifically for the Steam API, and like you said, they don't have to use it, but they choose to.

Keeping your game library in one place, play options, more established and collapse-proof business. Why would someone oppose having an option that takes no time to implement, that people would make use of, and actually saves dev time?

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Why is this thread still going?  The benefit of the Steam version is Steams various features.  There is no reason to create a Steam version that doesn't use Steam as we already have two versions of the game that are DRM free and don't use Steam.  As in Physical Discs which will be DRM free (other than needing the disc) and the GoG version.


So it is really really mind numbingly simple... If you don't want to run Steam when playing Project Eternity... wait for it... get a version that doesn't use Steam.


Asking the devs to make a Steam version that is Steam free is not only illogical, but it is also a total waste of the devs time.  I can't even begin to count how many better things they have to be doing than making a Steam free Steam version.

I think the bigger question is: why are these types of responses still coming? What happens when you later want to play with certain Steam features? I know, wait for it... buy a second copy? That's mind-nimbingly illogical when you could have 1 copy that gives you both options. And suggesting that you're opposed to wasting dev time and then wanting them to spend time adding DRM to a game is also illogical. How do some people figure that it takes time to not add something?

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Why is this thread still going?  The benefit of the Steam version is Steams various features.  There is no reason to create a Steam version that doesn't use Steam as we already have two versions of the game that are DRM free and don't use Steam.  As in Physical Discs which will be DRM free (other than needing the disc) and the GoG version.


So it is really really mind numbingly simple... If you don't want to run Steam when playing Project Eternity... wait for it... get a version that doesn't use Steam.


Asking the devs to make a Steam version that is Steam free is not only illogical, but it is also a total waste of the devs time.  I can't even begin to count how many better things they have to be doing than making a Steam free Steam version.

I think the bigger question is: why are these types of responses still coming? What happens when you later want to play with certain Steam features? I know, wait for it... buy a second copy? That's mind-nimbingly illogical when you could have 1 copy that gives you both options. And suggesting that you're opposed to wasting dev time and then wanting them to spend time adding DRM to a game is also illogical. How do some people figure that it takes time to not add something?

Why not just buy the Steam copy then? What's so bad about Steam's DRM anyways; the simple fact it exists?


This isn't Starforce we're talking about.

Edited by Dream
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I demand that PE gets released exclusively on Gamers Gate !!! GOG and Steam are corrupt western companies that are trying to control our minds and read our private documents. 


Trust me I know as I read this on the Internet, Gamers Gate is the only legitimate gaming download site !!!!

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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

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...snip...Why are you using word 'we' even though in last sentence you say you are never going to get your copy from Steam? Shouldn't it be 'they' as reference to those mysterious people who absolutely want to get this on Steam, but absolutely don't want to use Steam? In fact, is there any such person here or have we just wasted 4 pages of discussion just for sake of demanding things nobody really cares about?


EDIT: In short: Is anyone who has constant problems with Steam or has other reasons for not wanting to use it really going to choose Steam version over DRM- and hasslefree GOG-copy or are you all here just for sake of argument?

See my reply to Aoyagi. I argue here to support positive change in the industry in regards to Steam for the sake of future games that might not get a GOG release. For example, From Software won't be getting my money if Dark Souls 2 requires Steam client access control. (I *really* hope that they stick with GFWL... unlike Steam, that client is optional, only needed for accessing online features.)


I used the words "we" and "your" to place emphasis on the effect your position has on other gamers such as the OP and those who accept Steam because only because they have no other legal option to play.

I hope no one will ever again support GFWL as Microsoft has not updated that thing in years and it seems the whole platform is shutting down any day now after release of Windows 8. It's dying and no one knows when Microsoft is going to pull the plug. If Dark Souls 2 is going to include any online features needing good service platform like DLC then I certainly hope it's going to use Steam if we can only choose one. GFWL has bad habit of sticking itself to every version of the game, even Steam where it is not needed at all.


As for your boycott it's of course your right. I don't like certain online services either and I just don't use them, but state of industry is not going to change as long as those "certain communities" keep pirating their games.



P.S. Pirating games as protest for Steam is honestly dumbest thing I have heard in a while and is only gonna make matters worse. Just sorry excuse for stealing as they could buy the game on steam and then crack it to work without, which is no more legal, but at least somewhat understandable if they have problems with the program.

That is one of the dumbest things that I have heard recently.


Buying the game on Steam or buying a physical copy that requires Steam but cracking it to play without Steam still supports Steam and its continued dominance of the gaming market. Voting in favor of Steam with your dollar, etc. If a developer or publisher chooses to force Steam, tough luck for them: They should expect some losses for that **** move imo.


Pirating games supports piracy, which is no. 1 reason why idea of DRM was introduced in first place. You just don't use **** move to protest for **** move and pirates are still the only criminals in this equation. That's just endless rat race, which hurts most all of us honest customers and that makes me f***ing angry and it should make you too. By understanding such behavior you are shooting yourself in leg and you may only expect even more online platforms and crazy DRM-gadgets to pop up in future. Tough luck for you and me thanks for those idiots.


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I don't see why you wouldn't just go for a GoG version, then. Most Steam users have Steam running all the time, anyway. There's not really an issue there. The vast majority of Steam releases include the Steam API specifically for the Steam API, and like you said, they don't have to use it, but they choose to.



Keeping your game library in one place, play options, more established and collapse-proof business. Why would someone oppose having an option that takes no time to implement, that people would make use of, and actually saves dev time?



I may be wrong... but... can't you add non-Steam installed games on your system to your Steam library at any time? You know, to simply keep them together and such? Sure, you don't get all the Steam features. But, still... *shrug*
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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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I don't see why you wouldn't just go for a GoG version, then. Most Steam users have Steam running all the time, anyway. There's not really an issue there. The vast majority of Steam releases include the Steam API specifically for the Steam API, and like you said, they don't have to use it, but they choose to.

Keeping your game library in one place, play options, more established and collapse-proof business. Why would someone oppose having an option that takes no time to implement, that people would make use of, and actually saves dev time?
I may be wrong... but... can't you add non-Steam installed games on your system to your Steam library at any time? You know, to simply keep them together and such? Sure, you don't get all the Steam features. But, still... *shrug*

Yes you can and you even can instaall your games from GOG in your steam folder. And what comes toward steam services you don't get them to games that work with out steam anyway so there is little difference.

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I may be wrong... but... can't you add non-Steam installed games on your system to your Steam library at any time? You know, to simply keep them together and such? Sure, you don't get all the Steam features. But, still... *shrug*

You have to remember the person you are responding to has no common sense and wouldn't know what logic was if it drop kicked them in the face.  So odds are they are fully well aware that non steam games can be added to steam but they still don't see that as "good enough". 


All I will say is this.  If I buy a game on GoG you can be 100% sure that in two years I will not feel even the slightest desire to want to play it on Steam.  If I wanted steam features I would have bought on steam from the get go.  I actually turned off all of the steam api and achievement pop ups until about a month ago when doing so prevented me from taking screenshots in a few games I played that were (go figure) steam exclusive on pc.


Give me a choice between GoG and Steam I will always choose GoG.

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"Collapse-proof business" sure shows lack of common sense. It's irrelevant for the GOG version whether or not the vendor itself sticks around in seven years because the whole point is that the game will never try to call home or require online activation or something after you buy and download it from GOG. 


But the fact that you can save the DRM-free version of the game into your Steam library is the nail in the coffin for OP's irrational ranting. Hate DRM, then get DRM-free. Like centralized Steam whatever, add it to the library. 



I'm not sure if anyone brought that up in the OP's previous thread about this very topic, but there it is.

The KS Collector's Edition does not include the Collector's Book.

Which game hook brought you to Project Eternity and interests you the most?

PE will not have co-op/multiplayer, console, or tablet support (sources): [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Write your own romance mods because there won't be any in PE.

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"Most o' you wanderers are but a quarter moon away from lunacy at the best o' times." -Alvanhendar (Baldur's Gate 1)

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