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Why bother with faith?


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The you in my post was more a general 'you'


A look into neuroscience might shatter your view of love. It might do the opposite. Dopamine brings people together and oxytocin keeps them attached, this has been proven. Neurochemicals *is* love, scientifically speaking. I do, however, wonder if you would accept that.. it is a less 'romantic' way of seeing love for some, I personally find it fascinating.


http://Chemistry of Love this link gives a decent description of the processes.


The definition of love, however, is in the eye of the beholder.. the processes is measurable and similar. No matter how special a love you have felt, if we cut the access to the processes in your brain that makes love work, you would not feel it anymore. It is all in the brain, and not in the heart for example.


Fun fact: When the first heart transplant were made people were deeply frightened that the patient would lose all the feelings and emotions so many thought were centered in that organ.


I am Danish myself, so I know well what you talk about. ;)


Visit a mosque arond "eid". Dopamine will be quite high there too :D.


Neurochemicals is a strange thing.... We will get the primordial "fight or flee" or "hunters instincts" at a soccer game. The neuro chedmical responese is interesting but its matched in ohter aspectsof life.

"Politicians. Little tin gods on wheels". -Rudyard Kipling. A European Fallout timeline? Dont mind if I do!

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Guest The Architect

Because it gives people hope that they won't just cease to exist forever once they're dead. Nothing wrong with faith.


I just don't like the suicide bombers - the homophobic, pro-life, climate change sceptic, evolution denying types. You don't have to be religious to be homophobic, a suicide bomber or climate change sceptic, though.

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Ooh, that thread was pure brilliance.

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"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
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Guest The Architect



Can't believe that went on for 22 pages. If you buy a lotto ticket, you can win. It's never impossible. I agree with the philosoraptor that if anything's possible, then it's possible for something to be impossible, but that is no such example.

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I said impossible for all practical purposes, not impossible in fact. Try a thought experiment. Let's say I filled a huge barrel with 16 million jelly beans. I mark one of them and bury it in the barrel. Then I tell you to reach in randomly and get it. Would you say that's an impossible task?

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Guest The Architect

It's not an impossible task, but hey it's not like they do the lotto by picking a lucky jelly bean out of a barrel of millions of them to determine a winner. Maybe that's how they do it in Texas compared to the rest of the world, though... wouldn't surprise me.

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Because it gives people hope that they won't just cease to exist forever once they're dead. Nothing wrong with faith.


I just don't like the suicide bombers - the homophobic, pro-life, climate change sceptic, evolution denying types. You don't have to be religious to be homophobic, a suicide bomber or climate change sceptic, though.




First you must accept you do exist. Billion of years have gone by when you have not existed though. That includes times when our entire species did not exist. There was a time before galaxies and stars. Do you feel blame?


If real life has you down I say don't worry. No matter how many more things are to be discovered (constructs within constructs), there is the fact you do exist.


You may be worried about the heat death of the universe..


So let's look at what possibly lead to this universe:

A. Nothing (or absence of stuff) causes something. Congratulations the construct you live in doesn't need your help or anything else to get started.

B. Something caused us or we are derived from it. Congratulations, at least you exist!


There are only two things to fear:

1. Pain and torment.

2. Being unproductive.


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There are only two things to fear:

1. Pain and torment.

2. Being unproductive.


I disagree, there are a few other things to fear. What about being in a Strip Club, running up a huge bill and when it comes to paying you realize you have lost your credit card?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Guest The Architect

That's easy, you just call Charlie Sheen and he'll foot the bill for you - he does that for those who're winning. But what if... you don't have his number?


Yeah, you're ****ed.


And why fear being unproductive if you know the human race will become extinct? As you said, if nothing was needed for the universe to come into existence, then nothing is preventing that from happening again, even if our current universe dies out.

Edited by The Architect
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That's easy, you just call Charlie Sheen and he'll foot the bill for you - he does that for those who're winning. But what if... you don't have his number?


Yeah, you're ****ed.


And why fear being unproductive if you know the human race will become extinct? As you said, if nothing was needed for the universe to come into existence, then nothing is preventing that from happening again, even if our current universe dies out.




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First you must accept you do exist. Billion of years have gone by when you have not existed though. That includes times when our entire species did not exist. There was a time before galaxies and stars. Do you feel blame?


I'm not convinced. Time may or may not be a result of the 'laws of physics' that came into being as part of this "bubble" that we call the universe. Time may only exist until the bubble bursts. Different rules may or may not have applied before the universe came into existence. That's what some of the scientists at Cern are all giddy about trying to figure out by recreating the conditions of the beginning of the universe.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I was talking about a person's life, not "life" in general. And I'm not sure about the plentiful part, isn't there something called Fermi's Paradox?


Fermi's Paradox refers more to the idea of interstellar travel.



Naturally, to have better survival chance?

Humans are conditioned to work in teams after all.


That doesn't answer the why. It just reinforces the idea of evolutionary biology. Those that fall in love and work together are advantaged and more likely to procreate due to not being dead.


Similar to why we have a taste for sugar and fat.

Edited by alanschu
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First you must accept you do exist. Billion of years have gone by when you have not existed though. That includes times when our entire species did not exist. There was a time before galaxies and stars. Do you feel blame?


I'm not convinced. Time may or may not be a result of the 'laws of physics' that came into being as part of this "bubble" that we call the universe. Time may only exist until the bubble bursts. Different rules may or may not have applied before the universe came into existence. That's what some of the scientists at Cern are all giddy about trying to figure out by recreating the conditions of the beginning of the universe.


Lol. there are plenty of theories from different Scientists. Multiverses, parallel universes and even the laws of physics being different in many of them.


Let us go over what we do know.

-Our universe is flat and not a bubble.

-Our expansion is accelerating. We are not only continuing to expand we are expanding faster.

-Because of the second law of thermodynamics everything will eventually go dark. HEAT DEATH.

-Trillions of years is a long time.

-Time is actually only traceable by events, events are noticable by energies.

-Distances is achieved by energetic events.


Where does energy come from? What makes universes come into being?

1. Go learn the standard model.

2. Read my post about if we came from something or nothing.



"Time may or may not be a result of the 'laws of physics' that came into being as part of this "bubble" that we call the universe. "

This does not discount that time still matters and does exist. So when I said time I mean it is important. it seems you agree time is a thing that occurs from beginning to end. personally I know its more than that. existence must spawn the energy, so you will always have an expectation of time.


If the multiverse theory turns out to be true then time is the totality of every universe. It would still all be linked to a single event or eventless state.


"Time may only exist until the obubble bursts."


The bubble already bursted it's why things have mass. But it is more like a mirror.


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I was talking about a person's life, not "life" in general. And I'm not sure about the plentiful part, isn't there something called Fermi's Paradox?


Fermi's Paradox refers more to the idea of interstellar travel.


Not according to Wikipedia :

The Fermi paradox (or Fermi's paradox) is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization and humanity's lack of contact with, or evidence for, such civilizations.[1]

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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