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NPCs reacting to your class?

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Maybe this is more or less a given, but I always like it when NPCs give a nod to my class. (ie. The innkeeper in Kuldahar in IWD being all "But you're a Paladin! Paladins don't snoop around in drawers!" to my party leader.)


It doesn't have to be all the time (Skyrim! Stop calling me a wussy for choosing to be a mage!) but once in a while, it would be nice.


Related to this, I would really appreciate it if there was an option to chew out someone who thinks it would be a good idea to taunt you. I like playing mages, for instance, and just once I'd like to say to a group of bandits "Um, hello? Mage here, I can roast you alive with my fireballs, are you SURE you want to fight me?" insert your favourite class as desired. I liked what Dragon Age 2 did with the "special actions" although I'm not sure whether it would be feasible to make different dialogue choices for each class (in certain quests, of course).

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I've never really liked reactions to player class because honestly how are they to know if somebody is a thief just by looking at them? I much prefer reactions to garments, badges of office, heraldic symbols, and worn items if at all possible.


This, as well I think they should react to your actions.


For instance, if people see you praying at a certain deity's alter all the time, or doing "quests" for the priest of that deity's church, then people should react based on that, not because you picked "religious nut" as your starting class in character creation.

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NPCs shouldn't automatically divine your class.

That said I do believe in additional, exclusive content for thieves and wizards because that was never bad in QfG or PS:T. Think Wizard School or Mebbeth's magic training or a thieves guild. It shouldn't be tied to the class as much as the ability to steal / use magic, but it's not a huge deal.

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For instance, if people see you praying at a certain deity's alter all the time, or doing "quests" for the priest of that deity's church, then people should react based on that, not because you picked "religious nut" as your starting class in character creation.

No, they'll react to the holy symbol dangling from you neck.

Personally I'd like for NPCs to sometimes react to my class and/or give quests. Or for example, I run across a guy who is obviously disturbed by something. If I'm, say, a mage, I have to persuade him to tell me his problem, while a paladin would get a free pass. It just feels nice when a game acknowledges who you are.

And by this I don't mean calling you hero for successfully starting up the game, or because the devs marked you as the local messiah.

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How would they even know? Do you have to flash a class license before entering city limits?


Actually, it would be kind of funny to walk up to a person in armor, say something like "So, you're a fighter...." and have them exclaim "I'm a MAGE, godsdammit! This armor was inherited, that's all! Why does EVERYONE keep making assumptions?!"

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Since, per Tim Cain, they are implementing this with races, they may have also include increased reactivity based on class as well. I imagine it's going to be put in in some fashion one way or another.

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It would be nice to have the NPCs react to how you've been acting, what you've done and your appearance. So if you walk around wearing full plate and carrying a huge sword and musket strapped to your back people should react to that, either by being intimidated and not trying to mug you or refusing entry to that high class tavern for the nobility (seriously, walking around looking like you are looking for trouble should be treated as such!), but I doubt they'll make it that reactive to be honest so I'll just hold out hope for the odd location that bares entry for those in armour, and that may be too optimistic too lol.

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I do like it when the people in the world occasionally react to your presence in some way. Whether it be because you're armed to the teeth/look frightening or because you're wearing a symbol of something they do or don't like. Emphasis on occasionally. If it happens all the time, it's no longer interesting/special.


And definitely avoid the "There she/he goes. I heard she defeated (insert boss name here) all by herself!" and "Look ma, it's the hero of (insert world name here)!" type of whispering, omniscient townsfolk. I find that corny and immersion breaking, for a variety of reasons.

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I've never really liked reactions to player class because honestly how are they to know if somebody is a thief just by looking at them? I much prefer reactions to garments, badges of office, heraldic symbols, and worn items if at all possible.


Mm, exactly, I'd much rather they react to the readily obvious. Race for example. Reacting to an action you've performed is another one.

"Step away! She has brought truth and you condemn it? The arrogance!

You will not harm her, you will not harm her ever again!"

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