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This is exactly one of the reasons, why Europeans laugh at Republicans. It's just really irritating that you guys are either extremely backwards or so self-deluded about your greatness.

I'm certainly no Republican, nor do I think in terms of greatness. I'm just speaking some truths here about the region. Europe doesn't really have much say in what's going on in the world anymore.
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This is exactly one of the reasons, why Europeans laugh at Republicans. It's just really irritating that you guys are either extremely backwards or so self-deluded about your greatness.

I'm certainly no Republican, nor do I think in terms of greatness. I'm just speaking some truths here about the region. Europe doesn't really have much say in what's going on in the world anymore.


Which (edit: even if it was true) has no connection whatsoever to Europeans watching and commenting on foreign elections.

Edited by SophosTheWise


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L0L Europeans L0L


As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us.


I'd suggest ignoring Volourn. He is a laughing stock around here.


You're spot on about Europeans - they've a bigger economy than the US and more political capital. Anybody who looks at Europe, goes "oh, they're in recession so they're down and out" has no conception of long-term thinking. Do countries in recession never leave recession or something? O.o


Still, it doesn't matter. The GOP and their ilk will rant about how because the EU is having rough times, the USA must be superior! Nah. Europe will recover, and the USA's economy and population will never grow faster than China's or India's or Brazil's or Indonesia's or... it goes on. The USA was at the peak of its power about a decade ago and has been rolling downhill ever since. The fact is, the world is now vastly multipolar and the USA matters only insofar as China or India or Europe matter - they're all interlinked.


Which is to say: the USA still matters. For instance, a country which still accounts for a full 20% of all the world's greenhouse gas pollution emissions still matters.



In other news, Puerto Rico also voted in favor of statehood, and Obama did promise to honor the referendum if statehood was favored by a majority. 61% voted in favor of statehood, 33% for free association, and 5% for independence at last count, but the votes are still being tallied. Statehood is projected to win though, so we will see if a vote for Puerto Rican statehood makes its way to the US congress


Holy ****, this is awesome!


Interestingly, Puerto Rico votes overwhelmingly for the Democrats and would continue to do so if a Democrat president gave them statehood.


Yet another reason I don't think the conservatives will win 2016. The GOP have scared off the growth demographics of young people and hispanics.

Edited by Krezack
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Doesn't Australia censor about as much as China and keep aborigines in internment camps where military police controls their food and water supply?


I can't confirm this for myself but I was told by a friend who lives there that the state of human rights in Australia in some places makes China look like a happy place. Which was obviously an enormous exaggeration, but still.


I'll let you know if I ever discover such a place. But at a guess they are talking about the Northern Territory: http://en.wikipedia....rgency_Response


Australia consistently has the 1st or 2nd highest human development index in the world: http://en.wikipedia....man_development


We're not too good at press freedom (largely because Rupert Murdoch's News Ltd controls over 70% of it), but we still rank 30th (near the UK and well ahead of the USA): http://en.wikipedia....s_Freedom_Index


And Australia is considered the 3rd most free economy in the world, after Hong Kong and Singapore - doing business here is easy, stable, and transparent: http://en.wikipedia....conomic_Freedom


We definitely do have problems with our treatment of indigenous Australians. The early British settlers to Australia treated the locals just the same way the Americans treated their local Indians: by butchering them and raping them. And subsequent natural born Australians continued this behaviour for a long time. The indigenous population has never really recovered from being wiped out by the common 'flu, then being hunting targets, then being slaves, then being paid in cigarettes and beer, then being thrown lots of guilt money and positive discrimination clauses in every aspect of life.


Still, the horrors of British colonisation of aboriginal Australians do slowly abate as each generation of indigenous Australians grows up with equality, opportunity, education, and technology. The local conservative party - the Liberals - still tend to treat them like scum, however.


What concerns me about modern day Australia is a) how stupid thw conservatives (Liberals) are becoming - the same way the USA's conservatives have become bat**** crazy, and b) how censorship-happy both the Labour party and the Liberal party are - they're all about warrant-less wire-tapping and deep packet inspection. **** 'em. Bastard ****.

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Which has no connection whatsoever to Europeans watching and commenting on foreign elections.


It kind of does. I wasn't necessarily treating it as a bad thing, but it does get a bit old.


We Europeans simply have a tradition of being interested in the rest of the world, especially when a major political force in the world is involved. We also comment on elections in Spain or France, don't feel flattered.

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The European Union has higher debt than the USA does right now, and its political climate is every bit as deadlocked, polarized, and even as mean as that of the USA, or worse. I do not see Russia re-emerging as a superpower in the near future, like China, but I would say India will be a super power in the not too distant future, which rarely gets mentioned for some reason. If Puerto Rico becomes a state before 2016, and current political trends continue, then the Republican party will be struggling for survival.

Twitter: @Chrono2012

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Russia? Maybe if they could reabsorb Belarus and Ukraine (and some of the -stans as well), but the only one which is even a slight possibility is Belarus post Lukachenko. Else they'll just stay treading water and dropping back further relative to China. They only have one card (energy) to play on Europe, and they can only play it sparingly lest they give enough incentive for Europe to seek real alternatives.


Time is running out on Russia's energy lever, even without Europe seeking alternatives. They've been using antiquated and staggeringly inefficient extraction technology because the firms that control the good tech (which are generally American, British, or Dutch) won't do business in a country whose government is both too strong for them to control and too corrupt to trust that their contracts would be enforceable. They're on a path to blow through their known, reachable hydrocarbon reserves within a decade or so.

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As an non-US viewer of the elections Mitt Romney gives of as an individual who'll say anything at the given moment in order to look more electable even if it means deceiving or lying. Yeah I know, all politicians are like that, but then again not really. He seems like a guy that is likable only to his inner family circle, at least on the outside. I laughed out loud when the Romney campaign used a sentence by Obama as an negative add of the president when in fact that very sentence was Obama quoting people from the Romney camp. Puzzles me are people responsible for such things plain utterly stupid or just dumb out of desperation? I think the first answer is correct. But back on track, what really raises my eyebrow how come the Republican flock don't have a person that is more electable then Romney. Whom comes of in my eyes as a stuck up millionaire in this time of hardship for many people and seems to be socially sensitive on a same level as Louis Sixteenth. Yes his business background makes him eligible in economics, but in terms of making life more easy for high rollers, not so much for the lower income and middle class who are struggling and who didn't see Romney as a person that is going to make their lives better of. Failure to do so is on the Republican party and the Romney campaign. As far as Obama goes, once again he proves he's a better man for campaigns then for office, don't think he'll do half the things he's saying just like in the first term. But that's really a trait of pretty much all politicians...

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This is exactly one of the reasons, why Europeans laugh at Republicans. It's just really irritating that you guys are either extremely backwards or so self-deluded about your greatness.

I'm certainly no Republican, nor do I think in terms of greatness. I'm just speaking some truths here about the region. Europe doesn't really have much say in what's going on in the world anymore.


I don't know if you're aware of economists, but the global economy is still hinging on how the Eurozone crisis pans out. Pretty much every economist of every stripe (conservative, institutionalist, marxist,) will tell you that because the EU is collectively one of the largest economies in the world, it matters now more than ever before. If the Eurozone splits into two, if countries like Greece and Spain are ejected from the Eurozone, if Germany relents on austerity and continues bailing them out, if the EU federalizes and gives its central bank real power... That's what macroeconomists are talking about these days. The BRICS countries are bound up in this, too. Remember that the EU is one of the world's major consumers, and the BRICS countries need a market for their resources and cheap manufacturing.

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"As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us. "


That's wonderful, but I'm not even Amerikan.



"I'd suggest ignoring Volourn. He is a laughing stock around here."


L0L Krezack L0L



Europe is a cute continent where some of the most majority of travesties has occured and many world travestys have been caused by europeans. the fact Euopeans actuaklly think they matter more than other countries like the US is laughable. You guys decided to group up solely ebcause youa re intimidate dby the US yeta re still in the US' shadow. Bitter etarz bitter tearz.


But, hey, enjoy your Holocaust cuasting slavery making ways all the while pretending you are better than other countries who created better ways to live and then you proceeded to leech off of their ways. L0L


ie. Accuse Amerikans of being the 'most racist of all countries' (what a joke)n how many people of 'colour' have any significant power in Europe? L0L


But, hey, it's not all bad. Euiope has its good points too. :)


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If Puerto Rico becomes a state before 2016, and current political trends continue, then the Republican party will be struggling for survival.


The path for the GOP is pretty clear: Revisit the attempts that W made back in his 2nd term to broaden the party's appeal to Latino voters. The right of the GOP cut W's knees out from under him in the midst of that effort (particularly with regard to what was termed "comprehensive immigration reform"). Bush and Rove knew that was a risk, but they were also looking at the longer-term demographic trends that, absent some increase in appeal to People Who Aren't White, would make the party a permanent minority. (White people made up 88% of Romney voters this year.) And there are some reasons to believe that Republicans could do well with Latinos, who often share the GOP's religiousity and views on related issues.


On the other hand, if the 70-30 split among Latino voters continues, even Texas will be a swing state within a few election cycles.

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I don't know if you're aware of economists, but the global economy is still hinging on how the Eurozone crisis pans out. Pretty much every economist of every stripe (conservative, institutionalist, marxist,) will tell you that because the EU is collectively one of the largest economies in the world, it matters now more than ever before. If the Eurozone splits into two, if countries like Greece and Spain are ejected from the Eurozone, if Germany relents on austerity and continues bailing them out, if the EU federalizes and gives its central bank real power... That's what macroeconomists are talking about these days. The BRICS countries are bound up in this, too. Remember that the EU is one of the world's major consumers, and the BRICS countries need a market for their resources and cheap manufacturing.


The problem is that the only real questions regarding the possible economic catastrophes in Europe are "which one will happen first?" and "how much longer will they succeed in kicking the can down the road?" The chance that this whole situation doesn't go quite badly at some point in the coming years is vanishingly small.

Edited by Enoch
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"As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us. "


That's wonderful, but I'm not even Amerikan.


I'd also ask myself if I was a bit crazy when the rest of the world was laughing at something I like.



Europe is a cute continent where some of the most majority of travesties has occured and many world travestys have been caused by europeans. the fact Euopeans actuaklly think they matter more than other countries like the US is laughable.

But Europe is also a contintent where very much of our Western culture comes from.

Also: making mistakes makes you able to learn from those mistakes. That's why we don't think that we are in any way more important than every other country. I think we're a lot more humble than the USA.



But, hey, enjoy your Holocaust cuasting slavery making ways all the while pretending you are better than other countries who created better ways to live and then you proceeded to leech off of their ways. L0L


Honestly, I would never want to live in the US. I'd much more live in a Scandinavian country or maybe Canada. But of course that's my choice and I don't see anyone around here who has the competence to decide what kind of "living" is better than another.


ie. Accuse Amerikans of being the 'most racist of all countries' (what a joke)n how many people of 'colour' have any significant power in Europe? L0L

Nobody has accused the USA of being the most racist of all countries. Though I am thoroughly worried that anyone would elect a crazyperson like Romney. He wouldn't stand a chance in most European countries.


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"As a human full of doubt I'd ask myself if my country was a wee bit crazy if the rest of the world was laughing at us. "


That's wonderful, but I'm not even Amerikan.



"I'd suggest ignoring Volourn. He is a laughing stock around here."


L0L Krezack L0L



Europe is a cute continent where some of the most majority of travesties has occured and many world travestys have been caused by europeans. the fact Euopeans actuaklly think they matter more than other countries like the US is laughable. You guys decided to group up solely ebcause youa re intimidate dby the US yeta re still in the US' shadow. Bitter etarz bitter tearz.


But, hey, enjoy your Holocaust cuasting slavery making ways all the while pretending you are better than other countries who created better ways to live and then you proceeded to leech off of their ways. L0L


ie. Accuse Amerikans of being the 'most racist of all countries' (what a joke)n how many people of 'colour' have any significant power in Europe? L0L


But, hey, it's not all bad. Euiope has its good points too. :)



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"I'd also ask myself if I was a bit crazy when the rest of the world was laughing at something I like."


I agree. I always wodnered what was wrong with me not liking Justin Beiber. I'm so ashamed. :( The world supports mass murder of children so I tend not tot ake the world seriosuly. Sorry.



"But Europe is also a contintent where very much of our Western culture comes from."


Totally disagree. Can you evend efine what 'western' culture even is? I doubt it.



"That's why we don't think that we are in any way more important than every other country. I think we're a lot more humble than the USA."


Kiddin' right? European arrogance is second to none. I ean you guys still have a royal family. How about letting go of the past? You still think you are the best at everything and anyone who doesn't think you are merely brainwashed peasants. The arrogance of Euopeans is hilarious espicially now when Europe's time of domination is long past. At least a country like the US (or other current countries that matter) have a reason for feeling the way they do. Euopeans have no reason to be arrogant or think they are better.



"Nobody has accused the USA of being the most racist of all countries. Though I am thoroughly worried that anyone would elect a crazyperson like Romney. He wouldn't stand a chance in most European countries"


Yeah, nobody like Hitler could come to power in Europe. It would never happen. L0L That kind of delusional thinking is why Europe is so passe.


Euope has cool people but there is a fundamental arrogant self congratulaory self importance that just comes off like enver ending stink. Like whenever someone mentions something negative about Europe the attitude is 'uh that ain't us no more' but if it's positive there's a we are so cool.


My values and culture do not come from Europe. And, that is a good thing as far as I'm concern.


L0LZ Soccer L0LZ


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I agree. I always wodnered what was wrong with me not liking Justin Beiber. I'm so ashamed.

I think we can safely agree that this comparison is ridiculous.


The world supports mass murder of children so I tend not tot ake the world seriosuly

Wha- I don't even-


Totally disagree. Can you evend efine what 'western' culture even is? I doubt it.

Why yes I can. I'm talking about Western philosophy (from the ancient Greeks to the French existentialists) or about literature, theater and arts and so on and so on. Fact: The USA is a country with European origins.


I ean you guys still have a royal family


"You guys?" I think you're referring to the Benelux states, Scandinavia or Great Britain. That's a difference. While I agree with you that monarchies are obsolete, I can safely say that none of the kings and queens are really in charge of anything else than shaking someone else's hands.


You still think you are the best at everything and anyone who doesn't think you are merely brainwashed peasants

Actually yes, I believe that many Americans are brainwashed peasants. I mean look at your politics. It's ridiculous. It's like a circus or a hollywood movie. Many Americans are entirely driven by emotions rather than reason. Europe has a long tradition of philosophers (think Immanuel Kant for example). We just don't like making a drama of things that are better discussed rationally.


Yeah, nobody like Hitler could come to power in Europe. It would never happen.


That was 1939. Today is 2012.


Euope has cool people but there is a fundamental arrogant self congratulaory self importance



It's simply baffling what kind of people you have in politics. That's what probably makes us look arrogant. But hey, we are truly baffled, I can tell you that much.


My values and culture do not come from Europe

As far as I know your language is of European origin.

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My values and culture do not come from Europe. And, that is a good thing as far as I'm concern.


Yeah, we all know Canadians go out Saturday nights, looking up baby seals to club to death for fun (aka clubbing Canadian style) :p


Since we are at the ridiculous stereotyping, I can recommend the movie 'Eurotrip' It's awesome.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"I mean look at your politics."


If you can't fundamentally get the fact that I'm not Amerikan you are fundamentally lost. You keep arguing like I'm nome silly Amerikan whose been brainwashed by the Amerikan brainwashing system. I have enver even stepped in Amerika. Stop making such disgusting accusations.



"Since we are at the ridiculous stereotyping, I can recommend the movie 'Eurotrip' It's awesome. "


Heh, i love that movie, but yeah it feats on steroetypes but in the funny way. But, it ain't meant to be takens eriously.


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"I mean look at your politics."


If you can't fundamentally get the fact that I'm not Amerikan you are fundamentally lost. You keep arguing like I'm nome silly Amerikan whose been brainwashed by the Amerikan brainwashing system. I have enver even stepped in Amerika. Stop making such disgusting accusations.



Really? I thought Stephen Harper had made Canada the 51st US state?

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I agree. I always wodnered what was wrong with me not liking Justin Beiber. I'm so ashamed.

I think we can safely agree that this comparison is ridiculous.


The world supports mass murder of children so I tend not tot ake the world seriosuly

Wha- I don't even-


Totally disagree. Can you evend efine what 'western' culture even is? I doubt it.

Why yes I can. I'm talking about Western philosophy (from the ancient Greeks to the French existentialists) or about literature, theater and arts and so on and so on. Fact: The USA is a country with European origins.


I ean you guys still have a royal family


"You guys?" I think you're referring to the Benelux states, Scandinavia or Great Britain. That's a difference. While I agree with you that monarchies are obsolete, I can safely say that none of the kings and queens are really in charge of anything else than shaking someone else's hands.


You still think you are the best at everything and anyone who doesn't think you are merely brainwashed peasants

Actually yes, I believe that many Americans are brainwashed peasants. I mean look at your politics. It's ridiculous. It's like a circus or a hollywood movie. Many Americans are entirely driven by emotions rather than reason. Europe has a long tradition of philosophers (think Immanuel Kant for example). We just don't like making a drama of things that are better discussed rationally.


Yeah, nobody like Hitler could come to power in Europe. It would never happen.


That was 1939. Today is 2012.


Euope has cool people but there is a fundamental arrogant self congratulaory self importance



It's simply baffling what kind of people you have in politics. That's what probably makes us look arrogant. But hey, we are truly baffled, I can tell you that much.


My values and culture do not come from Europe

As far as I know your language is of European origin.


Of course Europe is the birthplace of Western ideology, it has a 2000 year history that is both rich and has lead to the creation of most of the institutions that we use today in Western culture, like our courts and systems of governments The EU is also very important in implementing sanctions. However they aren't very strong when it comes to military action. If you look at the last 15 years, the EU doesn't act militarily unless the USA is involved. For example in Libya they relied on the US advanced bombing techniques to destroy the Libyan anti-aircraft defenses. This military impotence from the EU I see as a problem, as it does undermine there effectiveness when it comes to belligerent countries. The EU should be prepared to send troops or act militarily without the support of the USA. The exception to this is France and the UK which have and can act unilaterally but they, for example, wouldn't send troops to a hot spot like Syria without support of the rest of EU

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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