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Can you max out the influence bar with any of the companions? And other than statistical bonuses, does having high influence with someone actually do anything (ie. learn more about their story, etc.)?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm nearing the end of my first play through, but I'm only at half the bar of influence for Katarina. For Anjali and Reinhart I'm barely near a quarter of the bar full. >_<

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I could see maxing Anjali out since you get her from near the beginning, but I wonder how difficult (impossible?) it is to max out Reinhart or Katarina. I was something like Level 12 or 13 before Katarina joined me, and Level 16 or 17 before Reinhart did.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I could see maxing Anjali out since you get her from near the beginning, but I wonder how difficult (impossible?) it is to max out Reinhart or Katarina. I was something like Level 12 or 13 before Katarina joined me, and Level 16 or 17 before Reinhart did.

Actually, I choose Lucas for my first game and got Reinhart last. Came pretty close to maxing him out even though I didn't have him for very long (I did get the third tier bonus, even though influence wasn't maxed.)


My second game, I played as Reinhart and kept Anjali straight through, thinking that I would get the achievement. Unfortunately, it seems that she and I didn't see eye to eye as I only picked up a few influence gains with her and ended with about 50%.


To summarize, it seems that attitude/choice depends more on influence than length of time in party. That shouldn't be a surprise I suppose, but I'm somewhat bewildered nonetheless.

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Maxed out Katarina, just pick every pragmatic choice that benefits you E.G: choose to keep rewards, or spare the lives of characters you can use to your benefit.

Edited by Orogun01
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I maxed out Lucas before reaching Reinhart in Stonebridge. Don't remember exactly when, maybe in the Mines during the Queen convos, or perhaps a little after the mines talking to Odo/Marten.


And yes, Deeds are all you get. You can also continue to get influence for them even when maxed out (scripted response & dialogue reaction) but it does nothing more for your chr. that I could see.

I doubt you could max more than one during the whole game, altho you may come close. But perhaps two is possible, like Lucas + another if you did everything right. (I don't know if they all have equal chances for influence).


Lucas, btw, likes optimistic, "noble idealist" and pragmatic choices. But not necessarily always forgiving.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Probably a dumb question, but do the companions actually have to be in the active party to gain influence? I used Katarina for the majority of the time after I was able to recruit her, so could I still gain influence with Reinhart or Anjali even if they're not my active companion?


I also must be doing something wrong, because there doesn't seem to be enough actual dialogue chances to influence Katarina. I even tried to go with her pragmatic answer to *every* dialogue, but she only gained influence for half of them.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm 99.9999(infinity) percent sure they have to be the active companion for them to be influenced, since they show it by responding via spoken dialogue, and they can't do that if they aren't active. :(

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm in the process of documenting all the influence options in the game. Thus far I've only a complete list for Lucas.


Reasonable effort was made to reload and test for every dialog option, so while I feel comfortable saying that this list is almost 100% accurate, it's possible that I could have missed one or two. Also, on a couple of occasions, I would exist a dialog and receive an influence gain, though nothing in the dialog itself indicated that I'd made one (therefore there's a few entries I'm not certain about).


Lucas influence gains:


Commenting that Legion protect the innocent even at great personal risk when meeting him in Vera's cave (Anjali only)

I'm skeptical when discussing the Causeways with Odo

Sending Rajani away with a message or setting her free.

Disagreeing with Odo re: killing Jeyne

Opting to look for more Legionnaires at the end of Act 1

Admitting to being with the Legion while meeting Devonsey

Recommending negotiation with the First People rather than attack

Allowing Phineas to speak his mind after returning to Lord Devonsey

Exiting the swamp with Lucas

Sending Lucas back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse

Recommending that Devonsey be recruited by the Legion

Answering that you aren't sure when the Queen asks if you were in the Mournweald

Calling Devonsey a liar when he mentions the plot to kill the former King.

Commenting that Devonsey's plan to explode the Deep Well doesn't seem very honorable

Killing the Warbeast

Agreeing not to kill Jayne (reason for gain is not clear. He doesn't speak up during the dialog, however a gain is noted after the conversation is over.)

Telling Odo that time will tell if Roslyn is worthy to wear the crown.

Supporting Marten when discussing whether to tell the truth about the Legion's role in the former King's death

Telling the Meisters that a Legion alliance will unite the country

Defeating the thieves in the crypt (???)

Not asking for coins when returning Werner Schnaus' goods

Beating the Cyclops leader

Asking the DOJ if he witnessed the attack

Sending DOJ to Wulf

Asking to be judged on the actions of the Legion

Refusing Rudolf Maxwell's offer of recompense

Press charges against Frederik Pratz

Agree to spare the archons but not Jeyne

Comment that Jeyne must be stopped when speaking to TRY

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It seems I haven't missed any chances yet to influence Lucas, then. I'm playing Anjali on my third play through and Lucas is my constant companion. Thus far I've gotten one influence with him, when I chose the skeptical option in the dialogue with Odo about the Causeway. I was wondering if I'd missed any influence chances with him, since I'm at Level 6 and only had that one chance thus far.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The Lucas "list" is missing the one for not siding with the Cyclops re: their status.


And @Ghost, yes, most of Lucas's influences come later, not too many in the very start. Once they start coming tho, you feel like there's multiple ones around every corner, so to speak. :)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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And @Ghost, yes, most of Lucas's influences come later, not too many in the very start. Once they start coming tho, you feel like there's multiple ones around every corner, so to speak. :)


So Lucas is like a woman; slow to build, but then when he explodes, watch out? :)

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I got really tired of reloading/replaying so Anjali and Katarina are not nearly as exhaustive as Lucas. Reinhart will be posted at some point, but not for a while.



You wanted justice when discussing her capture.

I believe you when discussing the Causeways with Odo

Defeat Rajani

Indicate that Anjali is a Legionnaire or tell her that you're asking the questions when talking to Rajani

I agree when discussing the war against Jeyne with Odo

Opting to go after Jeyne (rather than build the Legion)

Recommending an attack on the First People rather than negotiation.

Accuse Phineas of being naive

Exiting the swamp with Anjali

Sending Anjali back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse

Point out that Devonsey abandoned the Legion

Tell the Meisters that they owe the Legion

Comment that the Legion wants justice when speaking to the Meisters

Tell the Cyclops leader that you're defending the Ironmongers

Beating the Cyclops leader

Complete quest Majority Rules

Tell Fredrick Pratz that he's going to jail

Telling Wenzel that he will be standing trial.

Accuse Jeyne of lying when she tells you about her heritage

Killing the Warbeast

I don't believe her when speaking to Devonsey about Jeyne

No, I won't when the Queen asks you to spare Jeyne

Stating that Roslyn isn't worthy to wear the crown.

Agree with Odo that it's better to keep telling the lie about the king's demise

Change your mind about releasing Fitch

Tell Marten not to follow you through the Causeway

Exit the Legion Chapterhouse with Anjali




"To make the race stronger" when meeting her

Exiting the swamp with Katarina

Sending Katarina back to the Legion Chapterhouse via the Causeway found in the Grand Chapterhouse

"If I must" when discussing disrupting the Stonestream for Ibsen

Answering that you were there when the Queen asks if you were in the Mournweald

It doesn't matter when Devonsey mentions the plot to kill the former King.

Comment that Devonsey's plan is risky

Killing the Warbeast

Agree to try to spare Jeyne (x2)

Telling the Meisters that they need allies

Defeating the thieves in the Crypt of the Sacred Blood

Beating the Cyclops leader

Sparing the DOG

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I'm one influence situation away from maxing out Lucas. I'm just beginning the Glitterdelve Mines (did Stonebridge first before going to the Queen), so hopefully there's at least one opportunity for me to influence Lucas so I can get that achievement.


On that note, there's an achievement for getting at least one point of influence with all companions. I haven't unlocked this achievement, despite the fact that all my companions had at least one time where I earned their influence. What gives? >_<

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm playing through this time with Reinhart as my sidekick. I utterly adore him-- he's so adorkable! I'm not through yet, but I've gotten him to the second tier of influence. I'm about halfway through Stonebridge-- killing my way through the foundries. This isn't exhaustive, but what I remember:


Side with Hans over Baron Barrenbaron (if I spelled that right)

Ask Roslyn: "You were there?" when she tells you she saw the Radiant Youth

Tell Roslyn you'll spare Jeyne

Ask Jeyne if she's willing to talk in the Glitterdelve Mines

Defeat the warbeast

Side with Marten in telling the truth about the Legion

Tell Odo Roslyn will make a good queen

Suggest negotiation when Odo asks what to do next

Have Reinhart with you when you defeat Ehregott


I wish I could remember the initial influence opportunity, but I've gone blank.

Edited by leeloodallas
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So far as I can tell, three Reinhart influence opportunities in the Foundry (I'm at the third stage of influence):


Tell cyclops leader "We were defending ourselves."

Side with Fiddlewick-- "The cyclopses have rights."

Refuse the reward from Olbert for saving his men.

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And after the Dapper Old Gent battle and justice for the Legion quests:


Tell the Gent "Not all the people were guilty."

Take custody of the Gent

Tell the Meisters, "We'll respect your decision."

Tell Pratz that a sincere apology is enough

Choose not to prosecute Wenzel

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