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Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time


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That was indeed a bit on short side, but it sums it up pretty neatly though :)


The only thing known so far is vague hints that Red Eagle games would like to use the IP they've licensed and for video games. Obsidian's name was mentioned in passing on a "technical consulting" basis. Little else is known. To the best of anyone outside the NDA's knowledge, no work was ever undertaken on a project.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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That was indeed a bit on short side, but it sums it up pretty neatly though :)


The only thing known so far is vague hints that Red Eagle games would like to use the IP they've licensed and for video games. Obsidian's name was mentioned in passing on a "technical consulting" basis. Little else is known. To the best of anyone outside the NDA's knowledge, no work was ever undertaken on a project.


Aahh, I see. I would love to see Obsidian develop this game. They have so much skill.


Well, back to searching for more answers. Thanks!

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It sounds like even if Red Eagle moves forward on it, Obsidian will be fairly limited in their role. But who knows?


Dunno. That's what the original press release made you think, but there was an interview of Feargus on Gamebanshee where he said that they would actually be in charge of most of the game. Red Eagle would probably like to play the role of an editor even if they don't really have the history for it.

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It sounds like even if Red Eagle moves forward on it, Obsidian will be fairly limited in their role. But who knows?


That's a big IF. It's not like they've done much with their title rights so far...

Hate the living, love the dead.

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Well the silence is not a good sign. I've read forums about the MMO and nobody knows a thing.




And nobody knows a damn thing about the tv series or the movies either. They are just sitting on the rights which afaik pretty much pissed off Robert Jordan.

You hear from time to time some odd rumours about these projects but they've never shown anything nor given any facts how they would do these....

Hate the living, love the dead.

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  • 3 months later...
Well the silence is not a good sign. I've read forums about the MMO and nobody knows a thing.




And nobody knows a damn thing about the tv series or the movies either. They are just sitting on the rights which afaik pretty much pissed off Robert Jordan.

You hear from time to time some odd rumours about these projects but they've never shown anything nor given any facts how they would do these....



Still no news? I'm rereading now and enjoying it very much. Robert Jorden can write!


Anyone any information?

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Oh well. I've been looking around again, but I think it's easier to find Osama than information about the WoT MMO.


Unfortunately I don't think they've even started working on it yet.

But why exactly do you refer it as MMO? Was there some news I missed?


Afaik Red Eagle Games has plans for a MMO as well. But since Red Eagle Entertainment doesn't really do **** with their license I wouldn't really take that comment about MMO seriously.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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A lot of the filler can be dealt with rather quickly, though, considering Robert Jordan usually takes at least five pages to describe the rags of a beggar in the street.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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  • 2 months later...


That's actually pretty informative. It sounds like this project may be getting more priority with the big games released, and that could be good news for it.


Except there are no real facts given. It's just assumptions and rumours. Just like with the movie...

Hate the living, love the dead.

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