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I don't mean to do down Turkey, because I happen to regard the country as one of the most dynamic and important potential EU member states.

Except the majority of the Turks don't want EU membership.


Surely we have to ask the people about such decisions, too, btw? Just sayin'.


:) I hadn't heard that they didn't want membership. If that's so then how come they have been working so hard to gain membership? I'm just asking. Maybe this should be a separate thread, tho. :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Political leaders never follow the people's will, pal.


Oh, well, I guess we can all give up then, and go back to pleasuring ourselves in darkened caves, then. :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The illuminator needs to travel a bit, too much ottomanic drivel to begin with.


You simple have no higher moral high ground to stand upon. None. Come back when the rest of the world regard Turkey and the middle east as beacons of liberty, freedom of expression, and human rights.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Anyone following the Fort Hood story? This guy actually made an argument that Muslims should be given the option of withdrawing from the military as conscientious objectors. While I agree with that in theory, I think the US needs to recruit more Muslims to help combat the perception that the wars have anything to do with religion. Afghanistan is about targeting extremist groups, and Iraq was about a specific dictator.

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Anyone following the Fort Hood story? This guy actually made an argument that Muslims should be given the option of withdrawing from the military as conscientious objectors. While I agree with that in theory, I think the US needs to recruit more Muslims to help combat the perception that the wars have anything to do with religion. Afghanistan is about targeting extremist groups, and Iraq was about a specific dictator.


If you ask me - and you did - then I'd say he was het up about something. Given the nature of his conversion he was having a midlife crisis and possibly struggling with feelings of homosexuality. Extremists LOVE to exploit closet homosexuals by giving them spiritual expiation and moral masculinity.


I've done training with muslims, we have muslims in my unit. Both my grandfathers fought alongside muslims. The idea that muslims are suspect because of their faith is balls. It emphasises seriousness, commitment, self-sacrifice, moral and physical courage... in fact the only soldierly virtue I think they miss is having a drink.


The major was a traitor, pure and simple. He volunteered, he swore oaths of loyalty, and yes he got treated roughly on occasion but nothing excuses shooting your comrades in the back.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Political leaders never follow the people's will, pal.


Oh, well, I guess we can all give up then, and go back to pleasuring ourselves in darkened caves, then. ;)

I wouldn't mind. :-

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Firstly I must say that I'm surprised to see another mod on this site who is polarizing the environment instead of neutralizing. I think I must get accustomed to this when I am to post here, as it seems nothing much has changed here in 3 years except a few new names replacing old ones.


I don't have any relatives or friends being directly affected by western terror in Muslim countries, and I don't need to have to, to crtitisize the western invasions and torture being applied on Muslims as I feel the responsiblity in myself to defend those weak and innocent people, and that's why I'm defending them. There is 'no' Muslim country sending transatlantic troops to invade a Christ country thousands of miles away from its borders.


Mostly because no-one is capable I'm sure.. And you are kidding yourself if you think America is fighting this war over religious matters, it's greed that rules the western world now, not creed.

Do you mean that if a Muslim country had the power to have transatlantic armies, they would surely invade christ countries, so it is okay to invade and torture them as long as you, Christs, have transatlantic armies.? Do 'you' have solid proofs of that?, If not, this can only be classified as a paranoia and schizophrenia combination in my opinion as 'there are' Muslim countries having enough economical power to organize such invasions.


Also I must state that despite you claim greed is the major factor, there 'are' highly statued authorities even companies in Iraq classifying themselves as a templars in Iraq while raping, murdering and torturing Iraqis. You are supposed to have seen this video about this situation as it was broadcast on an American TV Channel. Even 'I', from thousands of miles away of the USA am able to see such disasters. I will label myself as an intellectual illuminator if you are unaware of such tragedies and still insist on greed issue while blaming illetarate deceived Muslims as being terrorists.


-All of the Muslims living in the US are under constant psychological pressure and are labeled as potential terrorists. They are forced to be enslaved by American political ideologies, and when they do not obey, they are arrested, are taken to Guantanamo or are exiled. This is pure fascism which is not different then the heaviest communist regime.


I would love to see your proof on this, I personally know 3 muslims living in America right now who are saying the place is a lot more tolerant than Europe when it comes to religion and that they can live in peace and go about their daily lives.. Sure there are some religious nuts in America who thinks that all muslims are the root of all evil, but then again, I'm pretty sure the opposite is true in your country.. and how are the Christians treated there?

Everybody in US knows that 'all' Muslims going to mosques to pray are being observed heavily everyday by CIA or FBI agents, and this is the lightest psychological pressure being applied on them.


I am going to give you 2 solid proofs to check your attitude for being really objective or not. If I assume you as an unobjective ignorant, please don't ask me to show more proofs as I don't prefer to show proofs against people who always try to ignore them.


Here is a site full of people complaining about Bush induced Obama continued anti-Muslim paranoia in the USA.


Here is another link set to allow Muslims in the USA to send their complaints about the paranoiac behaviours applied on them to political authorities. As you may know, such a site would not be necessary if 'no' torture was being applied on Muslims in USA. However, I doubt that this site was organized to detect the complainers to send to guantanamo or exile from the USA.


You obviously have not made such a simple search on search engines to see the links I have given, and are posting with prejudgements and dogmas brainwashed to you by some Muslim haters. I hope you improve ideologically and start loving Muslims in the future.


..I'm pretty sure the opposite is true in your country..

I believe that if you had the basic knowledge about my country apart from dogmas, you'd type the opposite.


I think you obviously have not followed the Iraqi war well enough just to recognize that there was 'noone' from the Iraqi army who has fought against the US troops. If there was a possiblity for this, surely US troops would never attempt to invade Iraq.


Again, you are kidding yourself.. Iraq had a big army, but it was in shambles and the Americans steamrolled them. Simply because they had complete air supremacy, better equipment, training and resources. If the army in Iraq hadn't fought the Americans on their terms the actual invasion might've lasted days instead of hours.


I'm just smiling to those claims. If American intelligence didn't know that army was derived from Saddam hater betrayers, they would surely not invade Iraq. They knew noone from that bubble army were to fight against them.



-Also in Switzerland extremist right side political parties attempt to exile all Muslims not only from Switzerland, but also from Europe with figures depicting Muslims as crows. This is not only fascism, but also racism at least 'worse' then nazism. And they also claim that the towers of the Mosques(called Minare) are the symbols of Islamic imperialism and must be destroyed. Can you tell me what kind of psychological illness is this, as we, Muslims must destroy the bell towers of the Churchs in our countries if we are to act in the same way, was it called schizophrenia?


-More terrible fact is that Armenian lobies are forcing 'all' of the countries they have an influence in to be in the same fascism level with Switzerland, and tragedically some countries are willingly obeying this.


Switzerland has no say in what goes on in the rest of Europe, as they are not part of the European Union or any other organization. So what ever plans they might or might not have is pretty irrelevant.. And while Switzerland is more extreme in it's immigration policy than most other European countries they aren't really trying to throw anyone out, just keep those out they don't want in.. Which isn't muslims per say, but anyone with no education and no desire to fully and completely integrate.. It's even impossible for me to get a Swizz citizenship..


So you defend that racist slogans against Muslims in Switzerland while ignoring similar events throghout Europe? Disaster for humanity.


As a Dani citizen of Europe, you 'must' know such events having such racist and brutal political parties which have such racist and brutal members. Such parties are common throughout European countries like Holland, France,..etc, maybe because of a tragedic political potential.


If you 'really' don't know 'such' things, I think you can choose not to post to defend anti-Muslim paranoia and hate, at least until you recognize them.


Are you saying that the Armenian massacre didn't happen?


It's been documented by thousands of eyewitnesses, even allies of the Ottoman Empire. Why deny it? It's not like modern Turkey is responsible for what happened back then. Like modern Germany isn't responsible for what happened in WW2.


That post of yours made me highly suspicious about your political knowledge being purely derived from dogmas against Muslims.


Do you really believe that Armenian genocide happened while American researcher generals who came to Anatolia at that time said the opposite, when they have found the cemetaries full of skullcrushed, burned and tortured Turkish corpses agglomerated by Armenian rebels who were members of a terrorist tashnak group which later in time declared to be Armenian Tashnak party? I'm forcing myself to believe that Danish educational system is not enough for Danish citizens not to believe that you are a supporter of Armenian terrorists who tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of defenceless Ottoman Turks being derived from children, woman and oldies.


I will make some illuminations about the conscious English propoganda over Turkish Muslims since WWI times.


In fact it was the Turks who were genocided the whole story was different. During the 1st world war, Ottoman army was to fight with Russians on the east. At eastern borders, there were Armenians. With the help of English agents' urges and provokations, they have set terorist gangs to help Russians and to kill Turkish soldiers on Turkish land from behind with the help of their ability to speak Turkish and the 'trust' Turks had on them for centuries under Ottoman governorship. However, they hadn't contended with it. They have also slain unarmed Turkish villagers derived from children women and oldies brutally in an amount that is way above an ethnical genocide. Then despite this big crime, Ottoman government(there was a similar system to the England of today at that time on Ottoman Empire) hadn't slain the Armenians. Mercyfully, they have decided to exile them to the south to prevent them killing villagers and Ottoman soldiers on the east. However, on the way to east, the relatives of genocided Turks wanted to get revenge from Armenians, but they are prevented by Turkish troops as much as war condition allows. Turkish soldiers have 'defended' Armenians against the Turks whose relatives were brutally murdered by Armenians. And the number of killed armenians 'never' reached to a number that can be classified as a slaughter or genocide but their ungratefully killing of turkish citizens's number was way above than a genocide.At that time, English and American antropologists and military authorities have come to that east part of Ottoman Empire to find clues for the 'slain Armenians!. However, everywhere they have digged, they have found 'Turkish corpses' being genocided brutally. Despite this fact, to prevent newly set Democratic Turkish Republic from getting stronger, English government has made a 'Blue Book' full of nonscientific lies, to continue to provoke Armenians against Turkey in Turkish Republic's times.


On this site the realities about blue book were present just before supposed democratic in fact fascist English-American authorities and fanatically bigotted Armenian lobies forcefully made this link unreachable. It is obvious that this link tells the truth and harms the lies of fanatical Armenian extremists and the English intelligence.


However Professor McCarthy is not such a fascist and he does not hesitate to illuminate people via saying that Blue Book is nothing but a British propoganda full of lies to provoke Armenians against Turks and to keep Turkish Republic busy with Armenians.


Now I will reveal a few scientific proofs about that Armenian fairytale:


Here is the Cover of the research book volume one presenting the Armenians' slaughter activities throughout the regions they have lived in the Ottoman Empire.(Adobe player is needed to see)

Here is the presentation of this 8 volume book proving the ethnic slaughter performed by Armenians in detail. You can buy this book if you really are interested in learning the realities.


If you wish the covers and presentations of the remaining 7 volumes of this scientific proof books click this link .'Kapak' means 'Cover' and 'Sunus' means 'Presentation'. They are published in 3 or 4 languages.


Not only American generals, but also some Russian military authorities who were fighting against Ottoman Empire with Armenian betrayers have witnessed the brutal Armenian torture applied on Muslim Turks.


Lit.Col.Tverdohlebov, one of those Russian soldiers, declares those realities after deciding to be fair in his own book. Here is the cover of the book

Here is the presentation of the book


Also 'all' of the orders sent by Ottoman Government at that time have been documented in another book, proving that there were 'no' orders except a deserved and fair exile for the safety of Armenians themselves.


Here is the cover

Here is the presentation


Those books are derived from internationally approved pure scientific proofs which are trying to be destroyed by Armenian lobbies acting in the USA. They have destroyed those documents in Armenia, from the library of its related museum and Armenian Government did nothing against that.


-I will post another reply as the limit for the quotes in one post is over for me-

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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Onur the courageous!!!


...wow. An Ottoman jingoist? Now I've seen everything.


Onur the courageous!!!




Google "Onur the courageous"

Old Anti-Onur team seems to be amassed and they are 'off topic' as usual. Meanwhile, how did you conclude that I am an Ottoman Jingoist? Maybe because of those primitive prejudgements and dogmas brainwashed by inadequate educational systems or fanatical extremists.


Hold up, so Iraq didnt have an army when we invaded? Something along the lines of having the fourth largest army in the world at the time, fighting on their own home turf? Weird.

I think you obviously have not followed the Iraqi war well enough just to recognize that there was 'noone' from the Iraqi army who has fought against the US troops. If there was a possiblity for this, surely US troops would never attempt to invade Iraq.



I see....


Well, youre response coupled with mkreku's iron-clad logic has convinced me! Whatever you do, do not click this link as it will undoubtedly blow your mind.


I have not clicked it as you wanted me not to click it, but I think if I was to click it, my mind would not blow as, probably, I could easily beat the thing whatever it is in there with my scientific proofs and highly educational posts.




Anyone following the Fort Hood story? This guy actually made an argument that Muslims should be given the option of withdrawing from the military as conscientious objectors. While I agree with that in theory, I think the US needs to recruit more Muslims to help combat the perception that the wars have anything to do with religion. Afghanistan is about targeting extremist groups, and Iraq was about a specific dictator.


I think you need to see the video I have posted in my former post to Rosbjerg to realize the tragedy you seem to be unaware of in your own country which turns US wars into crusaders. However I doubt you shall improve after seeing it, probably you shall try to find some illogical reasoning instead of improving.


The illuminator needs to travel a bit, too much ottomanic drivel to begin with.


You simple have no higher moral high ground to stand upon. None. Come back when the rest of the world regard Turkey and the middle east as beacons of liberty, freedom of expression, and human rights.


I think in fact you know 'nothing' about Turkey, as Turkey is by far more and tragedically 'unnecessarily more' democratic than 'any' of the western countries.


For middle east countries I can say that when western and non-western invaders leave them alone, they may have time to improve in means of political systems. It is not possible for them to deal with political improvements while they are under bloody invasions.


-My quote limit is over, so I will post my 3 post after this one.-

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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We're getting sidetracked and derailed. On the plus side I'm beginning to think this guy may not be an alt after all. No one even remotely sane could use so many inverted commas.


A few quick points:


1. You find it impossible that the Soviets could have provoked a movement which later came back to bite them, but it's very likely that the USA would.

I'd find it possible if I didn't watch the Rambo3 movie.


2. You claim the media are fascist, which isn't true, but then...

3. ...you also say "my country could easily rule the earth." which I think gilt-edges your overall character portrait. I don't mean to do down Turkey, because I happen to regard the country as one of the most dynamic and important potential EU member states.

I think you need to examine Turkish media as you seem to know 'nothing' about it. Turkish media is the biggest factor preventing Turkey from developing. It is a good example of extreme democracy and how extreme democracy prevents a country from developing. If the media of USA or England was the same with Turkish media, USA or England were to be destroyed ages ago. I still can't solve the mystery how my country resisted to the destruction so long against such a media.


4. You keep referring to Christian nations. It seems to me that you are trying to paint this as a battle of religions when it is no such thing. It is a battle between free nations and a self-appoint cabal of repressive arseholes.

5. Would you care to justify the thousands killed by Al Qaeda affiliates in Iraq and Afghanistan in attacks on schools, marketplaces, and other public amenities? Of course youw ould, because you are an apologist if not a sympathiser, and I call on you to own up and say so clearly and distinctly.

You also need to watch the video in the link I have made to Rosbjerg in my former post. In fact invaders of Iraq and Afghanistan are by far more fanatic than any of the El Qaida militans in my opinion.


This morning's news in the UK has focussed on the deaths of five soldiers who were shot by an 'undercover' Afghan policeman, and several papers have stated it calls into question our entire strategy. I think it could not be more wrong. The fact that the greatest losses coalition forces have suffered is down to things like treachery and helicopter accidents illustrates precisely why parrallels with Vietnam are so completely ignorant.


Are you aware of the number of the total Muslims have been murdered during Afghanistan and Iraq invasions? It is more terrible than an ethnical slaughter even without the number of Palestinians Israeli government kills everyday.


Police in the southern Philippines say the severed head of a kidnapped schoolteacher has been found in a bag at a petrol station.


No doubt this is commendable and heroic.


Attackers in Afghanistan have sprayed acid in the faces of at least 15 girls near a school in Kandahar, police say... Correspondents say the attack is likely to have been carried out by those opposed to the education of women.


No doubt equally commendable, and the result of Western devilry.

I do not support such violence, however, there are thousands of Muslims in the middle east and Afghanistan who could be happy to find any parts of the bodies of their relatives violently murdered by invader countries, as such victims' bodies are usually being melted by radioactive weapons or turned into ashes and disappeared after being attacked by high-tech weapons.


The relatives of that teacher would be more sad if they were to see a melted liquid presented them as the remnants of their killed child's body.


I don't mean to do down Turkey, because I happen to regard the country as one of the most dynamic and important potential EU member states.

Except the majority of the Turks don't want EU membership.


Surely we have to ask the people about such decisions, too, btw? Just sayin'.


Personally I am against EU membership as long as EU takes Turkey as a threat and tries to destroy and divide Turkey with stupid criterias 'none' of the EU members apply, or 'would apply' if they were in the same ethnical and geographical situation with Turkey. Turkey maybe stronger very easily if he is to discover the great potential in geographical directions apart from his west.


However I am hopeless about this, as low IQed Turkish politicians are just like clowns when they are to see an EU politician or even representative. I have stated my opinions about EU on this site long ago, and I am still behind them as I don't believe such an ameoba like organisation is able to be long lived.


You can read my 3,5 years old comment on EU if you are curious about it from this link. It is the post number 12. You'd better not read the remaning posts as they seem like ramblings between me and my fans.


Political leaders never follow the people's will, pal.

I agree this. I think the elections are just there to decipher the political opinion that is common amongst citizens of the country election takes place in. It is for nothing more as politicians almost always tend to behave in the same way, independent from their political ideology, when they win the elections.


-That's all from me for a few hours today. Sorry for the late reply. I have graduated and have a job leaving not much time to me to post as often as in the past. I must also add that my seeing of my replies hours after they are posted prevents me from posting more oftenly.-

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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I apologise. I had no intention to criticise it as a hobby.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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The illuminator needs to travel a bit, too much ottomanic drivel to begin with.


You simple have no higher moral high ground to stand upon. None. Come back when the rest of the world regard Turkey and the middle east as beacons of liberty, freedom of expression, and human rights.


I think in fact you know 'nothing' about Turkey, as Turkey is by far more and tragedically 'unnecessarily more' democratic than 'any' of the western countries.


For middle east countries I can say that when western and non-western invaders leave them alone, they may have time to improve in means of political systems. It is not possible for them to deal with political improvements while they are under bloody invasions.


-My quote limit is over, so I will post my 3 post after this one.-


You are basically arguing that 4:3 standard definition is superior to 16:9 widescreen.


Actually, i have been to Turkey and met with the locals and seen how they view life (Antalya and Alanya). What i noticed was:


1) The avarage Turk has a strong, nationalistic siege-mentality among him. Much more than what i have discovered while travelling in Europe. You simply do not have a strong block of self-hating leftists, socially and politically. I mean, while attending class in one of your schools, why does every classroom have a big picture of Atat

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Old Anti-Onur team seems to be amassed and they are 'off topic' as usual. Meanwhile, how did you conclude that I am an Ottoman Jingoist?
Anti-Onur team? Don't flatter yourself, chump. You aren't that relevant.


I came to the conclusion that you may be an Ottoman jingoist by the generally sufficient tone of your comments, your remarks about the Armenian massacre, and that utter idiocy that "your country could easily rule the world", when in fact, you can't even seem to rule your own turf properly.


But you're right, I was wrong about you. You aren't an Ottoman jingoist - you are merely disconnected from reality, and the fad is wearing thin fast. Have fun in Wonderland!

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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You can read my 3,5 years old comment on EU if you are curious about it from this link. It is the post number 12. You'd better not read the remaning posts as they seem like ramblings between me and my fans.


Please; you are too modest. I've never read ANYTHING as mad as your other posts. To direct members not to read them is to do your reputation a disservice. I only regret that discretion precludes my appending your personal messages to me.


I notice you do not address my central query: do you regard the actions of Al Qaeda as justified? Yes or no, if you please.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Also, what's with the rage about conservative parties with racist undertones in Europe? Have you ever been to Europe for a longer period of time? Do you understand that there always be fringe parties in every open society?

It is generally acknowledged that there has been a marked diffusion and increase in such parties over the last decade, what most of them have in common is that they feed on a general resentment of immgrants and immigration related problems.


The concern about such parties is genuine, they have gained political influence and cooperate with traditionally 'respectable' parties who would usually refrain being associated with them.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Also, what's with the rage about conservative parties with racist undertones in Europe? Have you ever been to Europe for a longer period of time? Do you understand that there always be fringe parties in every open society?

It is generally acknowledged that there has been a marked diffusion and increase in such parties over the last decade, what most of them have in common is that they feed on a general resentment of immgrants and immigration related problems.


The concern about such parties is genuine, they have gained political influence and cooperate with traditionally 'respectable' parties who would usually refrain being associated with them.


I dunno about Denmark, but this happens when the government declares that they want a multi-cultural society and heavily tries to paint anyone who thinks otherwise as a racist. Instead of an open debate on what a social engineering multiculturalism is, and what the objective of this impacts societal changes, it is simply hushed away. The only outcome is that the avarage voter feels disconnected from the political arena and the populists reap the rewards from this by playing the role of the dissident.


The BNP in britain and alike didn't go big without a base. Instead of the usual, "How will we stop these kinds of people?!" will only grow the dissent from the voters. Those parties should adress the dissatisfaction openly instead.

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Well, I am not the the Laminator, but personally I don't think that there is any justification for purposely targeting unarmed civilians regardless of who you are.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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I know you do, mate. Which is why I never quite despair of you. :)


The BNP is _not_ a big party. That's the ultimate joke. They count a few thousand. Certainly no more than we have other kinds of extremist. And as Gorgon points out, it's natural to have outliers.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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There are somewhere between 5-10 million Muslims in the US and thousands of mosques. That is quite a surveillance operation!


I take my students to a Ramadan celebration every year at a very large local mosque. Usually there are state politicians and clergy from other churches present as well.


Muslim persecution in the US is vastly overstated. The US has a pretty checkered history of persecuting minorities (Japanese internment camps, segregation, etc.) so the targeting of Muslims has been surprisingly tame compared to those events.

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The problem with extremists is that they may be able to sway over the moderates towards their agenda in the right conditions.


I treat Muslims the same as Christians and Jews. I give all the Abrahamic religions the equal level of disdain. They in return all annoy me equally.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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The problem with extremists is that they may be able to sway over the moderates towards their agenda in the right conditions.


I treat Muslims the same as Christians and Jews. I give all the Abrahamic religions the equal level of disdain. They in return all annoy me equally.



A sort of pan-bigotry, if you will...

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I think in fact you know 'nothing' about Turkey, as Turkey is by far more and tragedically 'unnecessarily more' democratic than 'any' of the western countries.


For middle east countries I can say that when western and non-western invaders leave them alone, they may have time to improve in means of political systems. It is not possible for them to deal with political improvements while they are under bloody invasions.


You are basically arguing that 4:3 standard definition is superior to 16:9 widescreen.


If you mean Turkish democracy is 16:9, and the western democracy is 4:3, it makes sense. If you mean the opposite, I won't take it seriously. Turkey has 'never' reached the average nationaism, racism or religious hate level of 'any' of the western countries throughout the Turkish history which has more 2000 years of past.


Actually, i have been to Turkey and met with the locals and seen how they view life (Antalya and Alanya). What i noticed was:

I hope your experience is not derived from a few drunk ramblings in the garden or beach of the hotel you have stayed.


1) The avarage Turk has a strong, nationalistic siege-mentality among him. Much more than what i have discovered while travelling in Europe.

Your generalization about 'Turks' is only laughable. Firstly Antalian Turks, cannot be represented as the 'Turks' as 'every Turk is different'. Also Turks have the ability of not showing a 'clonic' behaviour against Christs when they meet them, but the opposite is not true as every Christ, even an atheist western citizen turns into a clonic crusader soldier, when they are to recognize that the person they meet is a 'Muslim'. That is sad for western culture.


Antalian Turks are surely not nationalists like you have described, as 'no' Antalians or Alanians have fought against Italian invaders during the WW1. If they were as nationalist as you have described Italians could not easily take control of those cities at that times. I'm afraid your experiences are as I have guessed above and I'm sure you have simply 'not' talked with Antalians about the politics of Turkey, Europe or US. With a simple 'holiday journey', you surely can not discover that every city of Turkey has a differently

charactered citizen profile, even thet Antalians themselves are not like clones, differently charactered people are everyone of the citizens located even in one city.


Also I must remind you that travelling the Europe as a 'Christ' and as a 'Muslim' is completely different. Despite you seem unavailable of, if you were able to behave like a 'Muslim' while travelling Europe, you could easily recognize the extreme clonic fascism, racism and nationalism Europeans have against Muslims, which seems to be shown 'only' to Muslims after seeing your comments about them.


You simply do not have a strong block of self-hating leftists, socially and politically.

You'd better widen your ramble area in your next holiday just to recognize that 'no' western country has the leftists we have. 'No' leftist in the west could waste the profits of his own country like our leftists did. No leftist in the west can despise his own cultural background and insult their ancestors, but we have such extremist leftists. Our leftists love 'left ideology' 'more than their country' and that is the major problem. In west, it is completely different as leftists are 'not' leftists, in fact are just like extremist falcon rightists as it was left winged Blair party who contributed Iraq invasion in England.


I mean, while attending class in one of your schools, why does every classroom have a big picture of Atat

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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Also, what's with the rage about conservative parties with racist undertones in Europe? Have you ever been to Europe for a longer period of time? Do you understand that there always be fringe parties in every open society?

If you 'really' are a diabolical who thinks that racist parties 'must' be a part of society, than you must support the democratic representation of El Qaida if you are justful enough as I see not much difference between the actions of them. Also Nazis were worse than Al Qaida, but are being represented politically.


Also in my former post the link about the member of NDP of Germany is not working maybe because of yahoo's 'old' search engine, so I am refreshing it below to state the potential that party has with members thinking Turks and other foreigners are swamping Germany as if it was Germans who worked in German factories like slaves of the mid ages for little money and as if those slaves were not the major factor making Germany developed..


Here you go


Old Anti-Onur team seems to be amassed and they are 'off topic' as usual. Meanwhile, how did you conclude that I am an Ottoman Jingoist?
...Don't flatter yourself, chump. You aren't that relevant.


What a civility.


I came to the conclusion that you may be an Ottoman jingoist by the generally sufficient tone of your comments, your remarks about the Armenian massacre, and that utter idiocy that "your country could easily rule the world", when in fact, you can't even seem to rule your own turf properly.

Should I insult Ottoman Empire or support the lies not to be labeled as an Ottoman Jingoist by you? What shall be my new label? A hero? No, maybe I would be rewarded with a nobel prize for that as usual. Sorry, I cannot do it, as maybe because I am extremely justful.


But you're right, I was wrong about you. You aren't an Ottoman jingoist - you are merely disconnected from reality, and the fad is wearing thin fast. Have fun in Wonderland!

I think you must define reality first. Reality is not defined as 'lies'.


You can read my 3,5 years old comment on EU if you are curious about it from this link. It is the post number 12. You'd better not read the remaning posts as they seem like ramblings between me and my fans.


Please; you are too modest. I've never read ANYTHING as mad as your other posts. To direct members not to read them is to do your reputation a disservice. I only regret that discretion precludes my appending your personal messages to me.

What about your posts labeling me as a terrorist or with bilimum bad guy labels simply because I critisize western political actions, even in the years I have not posted here? You must thank me as I have not replied all of them like this one(Post Number8 ) not to be 'off topic', and not to be taken as an immature one, and sending PMs about the posts insulting to me is so natural and civil. What is wrong with it?


I notice you do not address my central query: do you regard the actions of Al Qaeda as justified? Yes or no, if you please.

I have stated my opinions about Al Qaeda and Usame Bin Ladin countless of times on that site before, however, you were unable to just 'critisize' 'any' of the English-American political disasters, and more terribly was supporting Chrurchill despite his disastrous speech labeling Muslims as uncivilized animals. I think I cannot compare myself with you in means of fairness.


Well, I am not the the Laminator, but personally I don't think that there is any justification for purposely targeting unarmed civilians regardless of who you are.

I hope this includes sending rockets from a helicopter to unarmed Muslim protestors running around in panic.


...The US has a pretty checkered history of persecuting minorities (Japanese internment camps, segregation, etc.) so the targeting of Muslims has been surprisingly tame compared to those events.

I don't agree this as I have never heard a Japan who has been treated so bad as no Japans are paranoiacly thought as potential terrorists.

The Illuminator

Democracy starts with allowing different political opinions to express themselves.

Fascism starts with killling all, who has different political opinions than yours.

It's a pity for earth as it is full of fascists claiming to be democratic.

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