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...and Windows Live is usually terrible...

Ok, someone needs to explain this to me. I can understand why a pirate like Purkake would think it's a nuisance (since it also functions as some sort of DRM), but for a normal user? I've only played a few games using Windows For Games Live and the last two worked like this: I started up the game, a small box exclaimed that I was online and then I didn't notice it. Except for perhaps once every second hour when I achieved something.


How is that terrible? I find it very slick and unobtrusive. I mean, compare it to Rockstar's Social Club and it's an absolute dream!


Sorry didn't see this before. Like some other people have said, I just find Games for Windows annoying and unnecessary. Call me old-school, but I prefer just loading up a game on my PC and playing it . I don't like being forced to use some dumb sign in procedure to play my game that I bought.


Why the heck should I have to make a profile with my name and date of birth to play a game on my computer?


Also, G4W doesn't let you play unless it is the newest version of the software. The other day I installed Batman and had to wait 10 mins in order for the dumb thing to update itself .


Say for example the next update introduces a bunch of ads to the game -- which is entirely believable. Then I have no choice to stomach all the new dumb crap it adds to the game I bought unless I switch over to a pirated or hacked version for the game I spent good money on .


I don't give a damn about my achievements or profile or any other dumb stuff G4W offers. I see it as an annoying hassle. I also think it gives an unfair amount of control of gaming to Microsoft. They already dominate Xbox gaming, so they would ideally like to complete dominate PC gaming as well. That is why Microsoft works against any PC exclusives that do not incorporate G4W.


Using it should be optional. Why is it that I can't play a game unless I have profile? Have you wondered the reasoning behind this? It isn't because MS is trying to be nice or to promote PC gaming. It is all about money and shifting control of the product from the old idea of 'buying and owning a game ' to the new idea MS and much of the game industry is promoting which is 'paying for a license to play our game temporarily'.

Edited by kreese12
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Ok, here's how it really works: You sign in once (either offline or online). Done. And this applies to ALL games using GfWL; if you've signed in once, you're signed in to them all. If you really have to use "some dumb sign in procedure" every time you want to play your game, I question your intelligence. YOU have done something wrong. Or maybe I'm just a ****ing genius that can jump from FUEL to Fallout 3 to Red Faction: Guerilla without ever seeing GfWL or its "dumb sign in procedure". Who knows.


If it took you ten minutes to update GfWL, are you really blaming the program? If ANYTHING takes ten minutes to update, I'd check out my internet connection and/or my rig. Or are you trying to imply that GfWL is so crappy that it even takes longer than anything else to update? This is getting more ridiculous by the minute. Oh, and you are already in Microsoft's claws. If you want to be a gamer, you have to use their OS. They can do whatever they want to you and you don't have a say. Unless you want to try to game under Linux. Good luck, brave rebel.


Say for example you're playing a game and all of a sudden the developers release a mandatory new patch that contains ads. Then you have no choice to stomach all the new crap it adds to the game unless you switch over to a blah blah. See my point? And why are we even discussing things that aren't real?




This entire discussion is so dumb. Are you all ****ing pirates or what? If you're a legitimate user, GfWL is no problem. End of. If you've logged in once, you never see it again. EVER! Unless you want to.


You're trying to describe this program to me like something that pops up all the time, that needs constant updates (that for some reason are impossible to install), that disturbs you in the middle of gaming, that demands you hand over your human rights and your credit card and control of your computer, that takes over your saves and does whatever it wants with them and whatever else you can come up with. It's like you're out of arguments so you have to start lying to try to convince people it's bad.


I'm beginning to think you're all like Bukkake.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Ok, here's how it really works: You sign in once (either offline or online). Done. And this applies to ALL games using GfWL; if you've signed in once, you're signed in to them all. If you really have to use "some dumb sign in procedure" every time you want to play your game, I question your intelligence. YOU have done something wrong. Or maybe I'm just a ****ing genius that can jump from FUEL to Fallout 3 to Red Faction: Guerilla without ever seeing GfWL or its "dumb sign in procedure". Who knows.


If it took you ten minutes to update GfWL, are you really blaming the program? If ANYTHING takes ten minutes to update, I'd check out my internet connection and/or my rig. Or are you trying to imply that GfWL is so crappy that it even takes longer than anything else to update? This is getting more ridiculous by the minute. Oh, and you are already in Microsoft's claws. If you want to be a gamer, you have to use their OS. They can do whatever they want to you and you don't have a say. Unless you want to try to game under Linux. Good luck, brave rebel.


Say for example you're playing a game and all of a sudden the developers release a mandatory new patch that contains ads. Then you have no choice to stomach all the new crap it adds to the game unless you switch over to a blah blah. See my point? And why are we even discussing things that aren't real?




This entire discussion is so dumb. Are you all ****ing pirates or what? If you're a legitimate user, GfWL is no problem. End of. If you've logged in once, you never see it again. EVER! Unless you want to.


You're trying to describe this program to me like something that pops up all the time, that needs constant updates (that for some reason are impossible to install), that disturbs you in the middle of gaming, that demands you hand over your human rights and your credit card and control of your computer, that takes over your saves and does whatever it wants with them and whatever else you can come up with. It's like you're out of arguments so you have to start lying to try to convince people it's bad.


I'm beginning to think you're all like Bukkake.


So you log into it the moment you boot up your machine and leave it running in the background.. that's fine for you.

I don't switch on my pc.. play one game for a bit, then play another game for a bit.. and keep changing games. I log into a game, and that's what starts up GfWL. I don't want it running when I'm playing a game I've bought, why the hell should I have to put up with it running in the background when I'm not even playing games?

Also, screw the idea of telling it to keep my login name and password so it can do it all automatically. Maybe that's just a small level of paranoia, or just that family are just as likely to sit down at my pc. But if software on my computer is going to connect to something over the internet, I want to know that it's happening and not pilot it on blind automatic.

And 10 minutes for update, yes, that first patch for Batman took about that long to run before GfWL would let you play the game. That's the download and the update time. and that's with an 8 meg net connection and a quad core pc with 4 gig of ram.


Part of the annoyance factor is the amount of people that don't like the sheer _concept_ of what GfWL is. That's above and beyond the technical aspect. Frankly, we've all seen that GfWL and a whole heap of DRM related ideas don't work, they just seem to penalise the people who buy the games legitimately by making them jump through hoops.


You're perfectly happy to feel the way you do about GfWL, so is everyone else. If the forum thread offends you.. don't read it.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Ok, here's how it really works: You sign in once (either offline or online). Done. And this applies to ALL games using GfWL; if you've signed in once, you're signed in to them all.
you sign in each time you start the game. you don't see that because gfwl has auto login enabled by default, which in turn might prevent you from being able to play, as was the case for many people with batman. the "sign in once" thing is how it works on the xbox, not the pc.


This entire discussion is so dumb. Are you all ****ing pirates or what?
it's easy to vilify people disagreeing with you, isn't it.


If you're a legitimate user, GfWL is no problem. End of.
riiight. so i guess my gg batman copy is illegitimate, just like the serial i received, and same goes for my copy of gta4 on steam.

heck, i guess i was being a dirty pirate back when the dow2 mp beta was out and gfwl decided that it wouldn't work for people in networks with standard mtu sizes.


the funniest thing of all is that no gfwl problems actually apply to pirates, since they'll log in using offline profiles anyways, thus pretty much dodging the source of all gfwl related trouble.

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the funniest thing of all is that no gfwl problems actually apply to pirates, since they'll log in using offline profiles anyways, thus pretty much dodging the source of all gfwl related trouble.

Probably. So why don't you?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Probably. So why don't you?


The pirates don't really complain about it because they're bypassing it...


Those of us who legitamately buy the games complain because it irritates us.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Yes. And notice how easy it is to tell me to **** off and prove you're NOT a pirate?


Now apply this simple logic to those who can't prove the same thing.





The funny thing is, accusing someone of being a pirate is, in this case, the friendly choice. The lesser of two evils. Because the other option is that GfWL may not be 100% idiot proof, but you'd probably have to be one to fail at it.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Say for example the next update introduces a bunch of ads to the game -- which is entirely believable. Then I have no choice to stomach all the new dumb crap it adds to the game I bought unless I switch over to a pirated or hacked version for the game I spent good money on .



Hmmm is this actually possible? I was unaware of Games for Windows Live (or XBOX Live) actually having access to content in the game without explicit permission being given by the user? I'm 99% sure that this would violate XBOX Certification for a console game, and I'd be surprised if it was allowed in a PC game.



The pirates don't really complain about it because they're bypassing it...


Pirates do indeed complain about stuff. Sometimes they are even stupid about it and complain directly to the developer (see Batman Arkham Asylum where someone was asking for tech support for the PC version of the game, before the PC version of the game even came out...and no, it couldn't have been the demo because it was on a different level, and to make matters better the symptom he was suffering from was a result of the DRM being circumvented). Other times they'll complain to the company that sold them the computer (especially if it's causing weird things to happen with their computer).

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the funniest thing of all is that no gfwl problems actually apply to pirates, since they'll log in using offline profiles anyways, thus pretty much dodging the source of all gfwl related trouble.

Probably. So why don't you?

maybe because i'd like to have my game patched and get the free dlc i was promised which in turn is only distributed through gfwl?

The funny thing is, accusing someone of being a pirate is, in this case, the friendly choice. The lesser of two evils. Because the other option is that GfWL may not be 100% idiot proof, but you'd probably have to be one to fail at it.
you are right. the idiot user is to blame for xp needing a hardly linked (not to mention unlisted on windows update) localized version of a hotfix which in itself is completely independent of locale in order for gfwl to work properly.

the idiot user was at fault when gfwl ceased working with standard mtu settings. so what if they are standard? the idiots should have bought new hardware if theirs didn't allow jumbo sizes.

are you delusional, or just a troll?

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you are right. the idiot user is to blame for xp needing a hardly linked (not to mention unlisted on windows update) localized version of a hotfix which in itself is completely independent of locale in order for gfwl to work properly.

So what are we talking about here? A completely broken application that needs ten patches and a lot of computer know-how to even get running? No. It's an application that auto-installs itself and then needs one patch to work properly (and by properly I mean works perfectly until you need to download something bigger than 270 MB or something). ONE PATCH. One that's automatically linked for you. Yes, I had to install the same patch when I bought Operation Anchorage. Download, install, done.


Nuisance? Yes. Worth complaining your ass off on the internet for? In Bizarroland, apparently yes.


the idiot user was at fault when gfwl ceased working with standard mtu settings. so what if they are standard? the idiots should have bought new hardware if theirs didn't allow jumbo sizes.

So I assume your router doesn't support Windows XP's standard MTU size, correct? Because that is what GfWL uses. And this is GfWL's fault? Whose fault is it that your floppy disc reader doesn't support CD's then?


are you delusional, or just a troll?

I may be both delusional and a troll, but at least I can get an almost idiot-proof program to run. Think about that for a second.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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you are right. the idiot user is to blame for xp needing a hardly linked (not to mention unlisted on windows update) localized version of a hotfix which in itself is completely independent of locale in order for gfwl to work properly.

So what are we talking about here? A completely broken application that needs ten patches and a lot of computer know-how to even get running? No. It's an application that auto-installs itself and then needs one patch to work properly (and by properly I mean works perfectly until you need to download something bigger than 270 MB or something). ONE PATCH. One that's automatically linked for you. Yes, I had to install the same patch when I bought Operation Anchorage. Download, install, done.


Nuisance? Yes. Worth complaining your ass off on the internet for? In Bizarroland, apparently yes.


the idiot user was at fault when gfwl ceased working with standard mtu settings. so what if they are standard? the idiots should have bought new hardware if theirs didn't allow jumbo sizes.

So I assume your router doesn't support Windows XP's standard MTU size, correct? Because that is what GfWL uses. And this is GfWL's fault? Whose fault is it that your floppy disc reader doesn't support CD's then?


are you delusional, or just a troll?

I may be both delusional and a troll, but at least I can get an almost idiot-proof program to run. Think about that for a second.


Let's start a war. Let's start a nuclear war.



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Make love not war ;)


Seem like we've reached the end of the line of the discussion. Passionate, yet not really adding anything new :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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