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Bioware/Bethesda appreciation thread

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Guest Slinky
The advantage the circle had though, combined with full voice over, is that it made the game more cinematic. I didn't know exactly what was going to be said, so I actually watched the PC's dialogue responses, since I didn't already know specifically what was said.

It's also it's disadvantage in my opinion. It's annoying if shepard does/says something completely different than I expected. I don't understand the whole cinematic thing. If you don't have complete control of your own avatar in game, what is the whole point then? Why not to make the whole game play itself from start to finish? That would be really cinematic.


Just my 50 cents. :lol:

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Where are the legendary "Descent into Undermountain" and "Ruins of Myth Drannor"?! :(


Ah, frag! not the Descent! Please no! Not the Descent! /Sob

There are some things, once expoerienced, can never be flossed out of your memory. Even with bleach! :p

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Save it as a .png, the JPG compression screws the edges up and makes it look generally ugly.


Crap, I lost the BMP original. :(


It's funny how you put FF12 among the good games, as it was craptastic, even for a FF game... I won't even comment about it being a RPG...

Moreover, you say that Jade empire>NWN1... Are you crazy? Despite its flaws and older technology, Jade Empire is wayyyyyyy inferior to NWN1...

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Well, I don't agree with Gothic 3 being terrible... sure getting killed by wolves every five minutes due to broken combat system is annoying, but the game world/characters/voice acting are better than anything in Oblivion - and the game was rushed by JoWood to boot.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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It's FF10, not 12.



Watching paint dry is more fun than NWN1


My mistake, but FF10 is as craptastic as 12...

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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Yargh, where were we... now,


Playing FFXII was so boring I didnt finish it, (as well as having my fill of androgynous main characters) as for FFX its not an rpg but a movie with a whole lot of random encounters. Still I liked the characters and the story (a lot), and the wonderful art design. As well as the music. Its included under RPG for the lack of a better gender definition.

X-2 was beyond horrible, I choose to disregard its existence.

I've also played FFIV, FFVII and FFVIII and all of them bored me to tears even though they had a lot going for them.


Sorry to say but Gothic III is unforgivably bad. The story sucks, the quests suck, the combat doesn't work just like most of the mechanic, its buggy, it rapes my hard drive for no good reason, it offers no improvements over the Gothic II formula, merely screwing it up further ... Too many things going against it. However the graphics are great and the music is great too, and its got a certain charm - thats why its even mentioned.

It has a hell of a lot more charm than Oblivion but Oblivion is, when all is said and done a functional game. A bland, stupid, but functional game.

So their respective failings shove them into the same category.


It should be noted that RPGs which didn't even make the list (such as POR2) are considered either beyond terrible or Diablo clones, so there is a worse place to be than in the "terrible" category :(


As for Jade Empire, apart from having the worst gameplay ever seen in an RPG it does have nice art direction, a story of sorts and characters. Unlike NWN.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Dunno, is it sexist then? But that only means hating other sex or so the dictionary says and so on.

Dunno what came over me but ill stop trolling now. (I hopee :p)


It would be discrimination based on sexual orientation.


@Boo great success with the sig, no more blurry stuff. Now if you could match the color 100% as well...

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@Boo great success with the sig, no more blurry stuff. Now if you could match the color 100% as well...


After that all thats left is to upload my personality and integrate myself with the Obsidian AI. :p


And screw up everything :lol:


In case you havent noticed posts alternate between two different shades of gray so its impossible to match them both.


Get off your lazy ass and make one of your own, so we can have something to argue about.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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Playing FFXII was so boring I didnt finish it, (as well as having my fill of androgynous main characters) as for FFX its not an rpg but a movie with a whole lot of random encounters. Still I liked the characters and the story (a lot), and the wonderful art design. As well as the music. Its included under RPG for the lack of a better gender definition.


Here i thought that i was the only one who thought that way about FFXII and FFX. How wrong i was.


You forgot to add that they successfully managed to create an incredibly well and thought-out culture(s) around Yevon as well. No other game have achieved that of such high quality (except Torment).


FF X-2 had some great moments: Like the intromusic while the credits were rolling, and some other piano-compositions as well. The rest was forgettable.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Playing FFXII was so boring I didnt finish it, (as well as having my fill of androgynous main characters) as for FFX its not an rpg but a movie with a whole lot of random encounters. Still I liked the characters and the story (a lot), and the wonderful art design. As well as the music. Its included under RPG for the lack of a better genre definition.


Here i thought that i was the only one who thought that way about FFXII and FFX. How wrong i was.


You forgot to add that they successfully managed to create an incredibly well and thought-out culture(s) around Yevon as well. No other game have achieved that of such high quality (except Torment).



In theory FFXII should be more fun to play - the battles are faster, the world better suited to roaming, but the story and characters dont suck you in, because for all the great design - you've seen them a thousand times. That the FFXII came at the end of the PS2's life didn't help.

Yes, FFX has this otherworldly quality and even though it has its fair share of cliches the world is pretty unique and very well fleshed out. The scene where you step through a portal in Guadosalam into the Farplane gives you the aesthetic equivalent of having a brick thrown in your face. My jaw promptly smacked to the ground.




This is from an FMV in that same scene, but the in game scene looks exactly the same because it is an FMV loop running in the background while your PC stands on a regular 3D rock outcropping. The low res of the TV blends them together and it looks amazing, plus the water is so well animated you can just sit and gawk at the tranquility of the scene. This was 2002, or even 2001 - before NWN and Morrowind, which incidentally today look like crap.

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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The advantage the circle had though, combined with full voice over, is that it made the game more cinematic. I didn't know exactly what was going to be said, so I actually watched the PC's dialogue responses, since I didn't already know specifically what was said.

It's also it's disadvantage in my opinion. It's annoying if shepard does/says something completely different than I expected. I don't understand the whole cinematic thing. If you don't have complete control of your own avatar in game, what is the whole point then? Why not to make the whole game play itself from start to finish? That would be really cinematic.


Just my 50 cents. :)



You never have complete control over your avatar in any computer game. You only have the control that the designers allow you to have.


I can understand that some people might want to know precisely every word that Shepard wants. Though in playthroughs of KOTOR and so forth, I already found myself choosing options based on the intent of the dialogue, as it hardly ever corresponds to how I would actually prefer my character to say it. As a result, the dialogue circle was pretty much a wash for me compared to the standard format, with the small added bonus of incentive to actually watch my character talk too.

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Guest Slinky
You never have complete control over your avatar in any computer game. You only have the control that the designers allow you to have.

You know what I meant.


But I'm rather an actor in rpg than a director who decides what the main protagonist feels. I would like the wheel just as much as the standard dialog system, if it would give more information how shepard reacts.

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