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things have clearly taken a turn for the worse in this thread

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Sorry, guys, I could have warned you. You folks wanted to come here for a lot of news and whatnot, but it's just not going to be all that forthcoming. Look at the traffic on this board. Even Alpha Protocol, a game that will probably sell well and is nearing completion, has less traffic when compared to a lot of other titles. For the most part, folks come here to talk to each other because Obisidian doesn't really support its forum that much. I know I know The fans will pop out of the woodwork to show me where I'm wrong and cite examples and put my feet to the fire. Fair enough, but the only folks who seem to consistently post in the parts of this forum that I frequent are Sawyer and Matthew. Sawyer is basically a forum monkey like the rest of the regulars. Hell, he is one of the regulars. Rorie has something to do with PR or some such. It's basically a duty to keep track of some of this stuff, and that's especially true for the AP forum which is where the bulk of his posts are.


I swear to goodness, unless they change something, you're probably going to get your news faster from the Bethsoft pages than from these parts. From what I've seen in lurking here for a while, FU doesn't give a damn about the boards and would be just as happy if they didn't exist and something tells me that the mass of devs at Obsidz view the forum and the forum members with a range between sublime indifference and out and out disgust. I was having fun talking hypotheticals, but folks want real news and I could have told you not to get your hopes up. :haksthumbsup:


BTW: This post isn't a diatribe against Obsidz. I like their games. I'm a fan. I enjoy these boards immensely. As for the folks at Obsidz, I view them with the same amount of indifference with which they view me. All's good! :)

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the fact that I'm reading this thread right now and I can see at the bottom that the lead designer for this game is also reading the thread is what i like about obsidians forums


or just obsidian in general i guess, no worthless "community manager" pete hines-type guy

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at least now theres a little something going on in the mechanics thread.


still dead here though...

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I have to say that I find it makes since that in a apocalyptic world, but not to the extent as it is in our world as we know it. The concept of God or gods have been around since humanity lived in caves, so I don't think just because bombs sorched the land the concept of God would go away, actually in times likes that people tend to cling on the idea of a higher power more often for hope. Most Major religion in the world right now have changed very little as far as philosophy (dontrine is a different story) even under lots of persecution. Most religion have faced the trails of time, and passed.

I'm not saying that there should be a huge church in the game, but in Fallout there was a that drunk pastor, which even as a christian I thought it was pretty funny.


I'm sure this post will spark debate, which was not my intention at all.

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I'm sure this post will spark debate, which was not my intention at all.

Then why make a post at all, you yutz! :sorcerer:


On the other hand, I don't mind having different churches. I don't mind the odd stereotype or two. What I mind is the same ol' cliched notion of putting in a church just so some overtight asshat can put weak arguments in the mouths of the adherents in the hopes of sounding smart when the other NPCs respond. Of course, I intend no offense to the asshats who may or may not have done this sort of design work in the past. I mean, it's so overdone that I don't really notice it all that much any more Nevertheless, a church must provide something to the people in order for it take root and spread. Most churches mix teaching and spiritualism with charitable works. Yes, they'll also use charity as a way to draw new members. So what? That poor bastard who's getting his first good meal in a week won't care that someone preaches to him while he eats and, frankly, there are plenty of folks who show up at soup kitchens who pay only lip service to belief, if even that.


For the record, it's not so important that the church be the 'good guy.' ...But if you want to rise past the level of parody, you should think about what the church is doing and how it does it.

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the fact that I'm reading this thread right now and I can see at the bottom that the lead designer for this game is also reading the thread is what i like about obsidians forums


today's josh sawyer gets high on you and the space he invades he gets by on you

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i think religion is one of the many areas that fallout 3 failed to address well. There were a couple cults but there was no meat to them. I expected to find a quest or two associated with those bomb worshipers in megaton, no such luck.


I really want there to be something to DO with all the groups in the game. Even simple quests like repairing leaky pipes or helping them figure out how to rotate their crops or something. don't just slap npcs in the game like window dressing, let them have/serve purpose and contain INTERACTIVITY with the player.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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enterix: I am not 100% sure, but is there "any" group in FO3 that you can interact with (besides being a quest giver - reward giver). The quests were just just floating in their own seperate spheres and they were quite meaningless for giving a cohersive picture of the settlement they were at. The whole game (felt that it) lacked a skeleton. It was more like coloured post-its slapped on a human shape on the wall instead of a skeleton - tendon arrangement

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Hmm, I have to conced that they may be considered such a group as you have to save their bacon and then they become available for other actions. Then again I don't remember having a lot to do with them after that?


Edit: After a quick refresher (Thanks Vault), I have "remembered" that there are about 6 or 7 actions you can do involving them after you save them. (and only 1 quest). Not that bad for a minor group but like most (all) of the other parts, I wish this had been developed more ;)

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Heh, but it did an admirable job Twink! Now that they (Bethhesda "Soft"works) have left the game, all we need to do is to cut off all the Vanilla content and build our own with the biiig toolbox we have, just like Oblivion. (And fix the bugs...) You have to admit all of the graphical models in the game are at least good quality. We just have to fix animations, combat, story and missions (and scripts and triggers). Your typical B.Soft product in other words. ;):o

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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You have to admit all of the graphical models in the game are at least good quality.


Umm, compared to what?



Morrowind. ;)

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Bhlaab: I didn't really compared them to any other game tbh. They are sufficent to represent their items and they are don't look too bad (to me that is). Sure they can be better, much better in fact but they didn't feel too primitive to me at least.


Besides fixing the textures and models are not as bad as trying to jam the capability into the game in the first place ;)


Edit: Besides, I really don't like cutting edge graphics anymore. Let the 13 year old crowd go stomp somewhere else and leave me to play my game peacefully. Still playing Jagged Alliance and Earth series over modern games. (Mad at Relic for butchering DoW2's potential and haven't seen any team decent based rts/tbs since SilentStormSentinels / Ufo:Afterlight (don't remember which came later)

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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