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I don't see why anyone would use the Fallout Tactics engine for a new JA game. JA2 ver. 1.13 is already better than FO:T.


Hmmm, not visually. For a 2D isometric game FO:T is pretty good-looking, especially the environments and vehicles.


JA2, and I love it JA2, is extremely ugly by comparison. I wasn't thinking in this day and age that any big commercial outfit would pick up an engine as dated as FO:T. Just wondered if it would be feasible for skilled modders to MacGuyver it.





Have you tried the 1.13 mod? It enhances the resolution of JA2, making it tremendously better looking. It was like playing a new game for me when I installed it.

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With the greatest respect to CrashGirl, with whom I invariably find myself in agreement:


I always find it oddly terrifying when people actually agree with me. lol.


How would JA3 made using the FO3 engine actually work? The whole point of JA3 is that it's a squad-based tactical game (note that I'm not dying in a ditch on turn-based, although I'd be tempted to).



Well, it would be a departure from the traditional viewpoint, to be sure. but I think that as long as the features (most of them anyway) were implemented, I think it would be interesting.


Do you remember XCOM Alliance? It was a first person game that was still XCOM. The idea was you played in first person as a soldier, and had an interface that linked you with other members of your squad. The AI controlled the other squad members, but you could give them orders and take control of them as needed.


That was the idea anyway. Pretty ambitious for a first person game (although Terra Nova has done a very similar thing a few years before), and it ended up getting cancelled. I believe it was due to a studio buyout or something, rather than any direct problem with implementing the features.


So that was what I was thinking of in terms of envisioning the Fallout 3 engine being used for a Jag game.

Edited by CrashGirl
Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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You don't see this every day. EVen in the zone.


Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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My last Fallout 3 game. Trees are flammable. :ermm:


War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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Take that Calax! 7 friendly fire, but only one of them was on purpose! Karma kept screaming so I kept shooting him in the foot. I warned him, but he kept doing it. :ermm:

... I'll still have less than you next time we play :D

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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... I'll still have less than you next time we play :D


If you'd just stop running in front of me... :ermm:

Actually I either hang back or stay way out in front because I've got the hunting rifle and am popping zombies left and right, also the fact that it's very exact about where it goes keeps my friendly fire low.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Decided to hammer out Episode one. It's actually got a lot less of the stand around and talk parts.


Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Decided to hammer out Episode one. It's actually got a lot less of the stand around and talk parts.

Instead it has the stupid "wait for the elevator in the pitch black room" section. >_<

At least you got to shoot something... I do admit that I went overboard when shuttling refugees from one spot into the train station when I took out a sniper with an RPG.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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At least you got to shoot something... I do admit that I went overboard when shuttling refugees from one spot into the train station when I took out a sniper with an RPG.

When you have unlimited RPG ammo, it's never overboard...

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Chrome, the original, not that Specforce thing. Decent fps, too bad the writing lacks balls.





kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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and i can' believe anyone would even think about using Fallout 3 as a base for a JA mod. :)

I'd rather see any kind of russian version than THAT :x


one of the best games ever : The world of goo \o/


Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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and i can' believe anyone would even think about using Fallout 3 as a base for a JA mod. :)

I'd rather see any kind of russian version than THAT :x


We've already seen a couple Russian attempts at Jagged Alliance. They all turned out horrible.

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and i can' believe anyone would even think about using Fallout 3 as a base for a JA mod. >_<

I'd rather see any kind of russian version than THAT :x


We've already seen a couple Russian attempts at Jagged Alliance. They all turned out horrible.



I don't know using the FO3 engine has to do with making a good or a bad game either. It would be interesting if someone starting putting out some Jag 2 type mods for the game.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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We've already seen a couple Russian attempts at Jagged Alliance. They all turned out horrible.

Horrible? Flawed yes, but not horrible.

I don't know using the FO3 engine has to do with making a good or a bad game either. It would be interesting if someone starting putting out some Jag 2 type mods for the game.

As far as engines go this thing is crap, even all the "horrible" russian Ja2 clones had better engines.


And Ja2 mods? Ja2 is merc with personality and exceptional combat. Where can you have that in Fallout 3? o.O

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Where can you have that in Fallout 3? o.O



Blame Bethesda! Not the engine. The engine doesn't write horrible dialogue, create flat lifeless characters, or tell a banal story. :p

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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But the engine is still garbage.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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