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I thought this was a pretty interesting list:




Look at numbers 50 and 51. I'd be f-ing hysterical as a coach if I saw any of those guys blocking shots! I'm guessing it's because they hit so much that they're that high up.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Yeah, we lost 5-0. Shut up.




"Ovechkin's league-high 37th goal this season and made him one of four NHL players to reach 200 career goals in four seasons, joining Wayne Gretzky, Mike Bossy and Mario Lemieux."


That's actually pretty impressive. You need to average more than 50 goals per season to accomplish that, and Ovechkin has 'only' scored 37 so far this season. Let's hope he keeps playing for a long time. So far he seems more durable than Pavel Bure did.. and they're scoring at the same rate.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Gee, thanks, Capitals, for stealing Staffan Kronwall away from us. Yeah, our season is going so well, we don't need to try out some new blood. Stupid waivers..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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There was no stealing. They got him legit.


And, good news for Ranger fans after that emabrassing loss - they might actually be getting Avery back by the rtade deadline. So much of that nonsensical talk that 'nobody on the Rangers wanted him'. LMAO


It cna only make that joke of a Blueshirt team better. Now, to get rid of Gomez and Drury and bring back Jagr.


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Good win for the Leafs tonight. It's too late to salvage the season but it's still helpful for team pride. Not so good for the "Tavares pick" apparently. I dislike the idea of a team folding to get a better pick at the draft though, so I welcome any win the Leafs can scrape together.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Good win for the Leafs tonight. It's too late to salvage the season but it's still helpful for team pride. Not so good for the "Tavares pick" apparently. I dislike the idea of a team folding to get a better pick at the draft though, so I welcome any win the Leafs can scrape together.


5-2 loss to the Leafs. The Leafs! :p

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The Leafs lead by three going into the final period.. and ultimately loses. That has happened a billion time this season. It's like they're trying to lose. Which they probably are. Ugh.


At least it's nice to see Sundin coming back to form, just on the wrong team.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Anyone else watch Boston-San Jose? I thought the Sharks were dead in the water there, but they came through.


It never ceases to amaze me how fans boo certain players. Thornton was traded. He had no choice in the matter, he didn't ask for a trade. He put on a point per game average in his Bruin career. And they boo him...what is that about?


I understand fans booing a pesty opponent, I understand booing a guy that demands a trade, but I don't get the Thornton boos anymore than Blake being booed in LA.

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Vancouver is going to play Toronto soon. Then we'll see how classy the fans are. Will they cheer their captain for over a decade or will the boo the traitor? It will be interesting to see. Personally I hope the Toronto fans show some class and cheer for him. I'm not so fond of the booing generally either.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Sundin didn't betray Toronto, or Toronto's fans. They betrayed him by demanding he accept being forced to get traded. Toronto, and its fans no longer wanted him, anyways.


And, look at that? They ain't any better.


Sundin did not screw Toronto. Toronto screwed Toronto.


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all i know about hockey is that the blues suck. after posting the longest post-season appearance streak (w/out a championship appearance no less) they yet again find themselves at the bottom of the pile staring at a potential brand new streak, one that managed to get the st. louis football cardinals booed out of town some 20 years ago. the blues are for sale again, i think. anyone want 'em?



comrade taks... just because.

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You can't mention the Blues to me without conjuring up images of Hull & Oates.


I saw earlier in the year that the Blues were giving away free food at their games to entice fans to show up. And if that wasn't enough, they also put season ticket holders names into a draw to pay one lucky winners mortgage for a year. Crazy.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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4-1 at the end of the 1st period?




EDIT: And now it's 6-1 at the end of the second. Another SHG against? WTF Montreal, WTF?! 3 SHGA in the last two games. And damnit, why the hell is Price still in net? He's been giving up way too many goals lately. Give him some time off and put Halak back in.

Edited by Deraldin
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