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Nasty accident in the Tampa - Washington game where a player (Jamie Heward) fell head first into the rink. And what do they show? Commercials. Are they even going to tell us if he's OK? I hate North American TV.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Fighting is awesome, folks. yeah, extreme case; but how many needless injuries occur because of useless fisticuffs that only add to entertain barbarians?


I want REAL hockey players; not wannabe boxers lacing up skates.


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Fantastic game between Sweden and Slovakia in the Junior World Championships tonight! It was fast, exciting, physical and talented! And Sweden won, after being down by one from both the first and the second period (5-3) :D


Now Canada has to win against Russia in the other semi final and we'll get our revenge against Canada in the final (Sweden lost in over-time last year..).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Fantastic game between Sweden and Slovakia in the Junior World Championships tonight! It was fast, exciting, physical and talented! And Sweden won, after being down by one from both the first and the second period (5-3) :D


Now Canada has to win against Russia in the other semi final and we'll get our revenge against Canada in the final (Sweden lost in over-time last year..).


Heh. We were 5.4 seconds away from having Russia go on to meet you instead of us. Looks like Russia will be the ones trying to avenge a shoot out loss next year.

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That first period of the Oilers game was just about the ugliest twenty minutes of hockey I've seen so far this season. The team is lucky to be escaping the stanza down two goals. To the Islanders. The team that's in last place in the league.




...ouch :ermm:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Let the Islanders win! Every point the get brings Ottawa that much closer to last place and the best shot at Tavares! :ermm:


Also, Drive for Five is a success! Canada wins gold at the juniors again. Take that mkreku! :grin::p

Edited by Deraldin
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Yeah, what a great revenge!! Grr, why couldn't they have played against Canada as they did against Russia earlier in the tournament?! I should have seen this coming after the game against the Slovaks. I was hoping it was because of the Slovaks that the Swedes played so (relatively) badly and not because of a downward spiral.. Oh well.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Fighting is awesome, folks. yeah, extreme case; but how many needless injuries occur because of useless fisticuffs that only add to entertain barbarians?


I want REAL hockey players; not wannabe boxers lacing up skates.

This seems just like a freak accident to me, with all the fights that happen etc, this hasn't happened before.



Outdoor game was awesome. I tapped it and I'm going to keep in the DVR in order to rewatch it.


Also, this goal must be watched if you're a sports fan at all let along a hockey fan:

Edited by wesley2
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You know, as a sometimes Sens fan, watching this season has been absolutely brutal. They need some major changes on that team if they expect to get anywhere. Watching them lose game after game is just painful even though every loss brings them closer to that last spot and the best shot at Tavares.


Actually had a discussion about the Sens with a fellow Sens fan and a Leafs fan. Sens fan made some comment that the Sens are better than the Leafs at everything, including tanking a season for that high draft pick. :sorcerer:

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Actually had a discussion about the Sens with a fellow Sens fan and a Leafs fan. Sens fan made some comment that the Sens are better than the Leafs at everything, including tanking a season for that high draft pick. o:)


It didn't work out so well the last time they tried it. Alexander Daigle, anyone?


And the Oilers better play a hell of a lot better against the Canucks tomorrow night than they did against the Islanders. I say play Garon or that kid who isn't a kid anymore that we have to keep on the roster this year against a rusty Mats Sundin. That way the Oil can keep Roloson rested for another stand on his head night against the Sharks on Friday.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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You know, as a sometimes Sens fan, watching this season has been absolutely brutal. They need some major changes on that team if they expect to get anywhere. Watching them lose game after game is just painful even though every loss brings them closer to that last spot and the best shot at Tavares.

I don't think getting Tavares would solve any of Ottawa's problems (unless they used him as trade bait). They're not lacking up front (with Heatley, Spezza and Alfredsson), what they need is defence and a goalie. They should go for Viktor Hedman, and trade for a solid goaltender.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I saw your optimistic post in the PGT, Checkpoint. It was like you were the yay in a sea of nay.


Bad game for the Oil tonight. Plus seeing the has-to-be-broken leg of Zack Stortini wasn't pretty either. I didn't get a good look at what happened to injure Souray's thumb. Those are the breaks. No pun intended.


Maybe now will be the time for Visnovsky to step up as the teams best player.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Shanahan has 131 points in 177 playoff games, which seems pretty respectable to me. Volourn, I thought you said choking was a myth in the NHL thread?


If he scores 10-15 goals in half an NHL season, I'd consider that a pretty solid contribution. Heck, for a 40-year old guy, I'd consider that decent for a full season.

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"Shanahan has 131 points in 177 playoff games, which seems pretty respectable to me."


It is; but that wa swhen he was younger.



" Volourn, I thought you said choking was a myth in the NHL thread?"


It is. Hence the quotations. The problem with Shanahan is not choking. It's that he is simply not good enough to play at a high level like he used to. he's 3rd or 4th line tops now.



"If he scores 10-15 goals in half an NHL season, I'd consider that a pretty solid contribution."


That;s a best case scenario. And,d on't forget he'll see a lot of power play time too.



" Heck, for a 40-year old guy, I'd consider that decent for a full season."


Age is irrelevant. If a 40 year old is going to play NHL hockey they better be able to perform like any player. And, for a guy like Shanahan, 10-15 goals for a full season would be absolute crap.

Edited by Volourn


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Age is irrelevant. If a 40 year old is going to play NHL hockey they better be able to perform like any player.


And, for a guy like Shanahan, 10-15 goals for a full season would be absolute crap.


Do you see where this is a contradiction? You can't have it both ways. Half the guys in the league are going to be meeting their expectations if they score 10-15 goals.


Now if you want to make an argument about money, I can agree that he shouldn't be making what he was a few years ago. Just like Roenick, his contract should be around 1 million a year. But the Devils haven't firmed up a contract yet, so we can argue about that bridge when we get there.

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"Half the guys in the league are going to be meeting their expectations if they score 10-15 goals."


Huh? There is no contradiction. Age is irrelevant. Shanahan is a pure goal scorer who is paid to score goals. Half the league isn't paid to score goals so the expecations for them is vastly different. So, your mystical contradiction doesn't exist. 15-20 goals is what an Avery level offensive player should be striving for - NOT a Shanahan level offensive player should be striving for.


Still, 10-15 goals at a reasonable price should be fine. But, that's if he delivers. Afterall, he had 23 goals (with a measily 23 assists in 73 games last season with the Rangers) so 10-15 goals is the best you cna expect from him which for Shanahan is a poor showing just like his 23 goals/46 points last season was not cool.


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Speaking of expectations, I think Eric Cole still has a decent chance of being a 20-20 guy this year, maybe even more. After a gawdawful start to the season ( production wise, the effort was there) he's starting to look like a great power forward again. Which kind of shocks me, because I haven't seen a player so snakebit since Radek Dvorak suited up for the Oilers a few seasons ago. And it was starting to look like Cole would have to sacrifice chickens to get a point.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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