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Say hi to: Mr. James Zhang

Jorian Drake

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i knew about 2 months before the official announcement that Mass Effect will come to PC aswell


I knew that Mass Effect was pretty much coming to the PC when Mass Effect was first announced years ago.



the real news is that the recent appearence of it is one of many other things that indicate thet the developement of the game restarted or is soon to happen and these are the preparations we notice.


I think it's only real news to you, because you really want it to be. Because you really want there to be a KOTOR 3, you'll take these pictures (and anything else) as a sign that it is the case.

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Nice find Jorian Drake! Thanks for taking the time to find these pictures and to post them here. They certainly look good and they do appear to be legitimate. They are probably from the alleged initial work done on KOTOR 3 in 2004 before it was cancelled, but it is always good to have even the vaguest of hints of activity on the KOTOR 3 front, so any KOTOR 3 related news is appreciated.


As said somewhere else already: the real news is not that i found these pictures, the real news is that the recent appearence of it is one of many other things that indicate thet the developement of the game restarted or is soon to happen and these are the preparations we notice.


It could mean that. Or it could be that some internal deadline after game cancellation has run out at Lucasarts enabling him to put these pictures on his website. As such it could even indicate the absence of work on KOTOR 3. Of course, I do hope your theory is correct, but we really don't know without further info.

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Yet another assumption: No work is currently being done on K3, because these images were released into the net instead of being used in the game development.


How's that Jorian? Bold enough?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


There is no K3 nor shall there be. If there was to be a K3 LucasArts would make that announcement. That would be the only trusted source in regards to this.


they did that awhile already, but legal issues are a problem with LA (as always)


In an interview with Next Generation's Colin Campbell, LucasArts VP Nancy MacIntyre mapped out her company's plans to continue delivering Star Wars goodness to Force-sensitive geeks over the next few years.


"Our fans want a logical progression of the Star Wars story line, so we are committed to only two Star Wars experiences a year," says MacIntyre. "This must be a new policy moving forward because there have been no fewer than 25 Star Wars titles released in the past seven years (not counting handhelds), and at least one of those games had some serious continuity problems.

We've also got Star Wars franchises like Knights of the Old Republic ... that we will not leave behind. It's very important to us that we grow those franchises."

Edited by Jorian Drake


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They did? Proof?
During EA's analyst report earlier, it was seemingly revealed that in addition to working on more Mass Effect, Dragon Age and a "New MMO", BioWare are also handling a new Knights of the Old Republic title.

Which means that, if accurate, it's not their upcoming MMO. So, a new, straight-up RPG, then? Probably. If this is indeed correct (and we checked with EA), your excitement glands can't possibly repel joy of this magnitude.


it is all out already, but they just never said the sentence 'yes we work on it' itself, they like to evade the straight answer, but LA (or EA) saying things about it again and again gives you a clear picture

Edited by Jorian Drake


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Uhh, you know that doesn't mean anything?


They could continue kotor franchise when they want and in whatever way they want. It could be FPS or MMORPG just as well as CRPG. And that definetly doesn't mean they have one under development right now, in fact it is opposite.


All that means is that there'll be some title(s) that belong under Kotor franchise. That could be in 2020 just as well as in 2008


And that EA report thing was false btw, it created huge buzz out of nothing.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Uhh, you know that doesn't mean anything?


They could continue kotor franchise when they want and in whatever way they want. It could be FPS or MMORPG just as well as CRPG. And that definetly doesn't mean they have one under development right now, in fact it is opposite.


All that means is that there'll be some title(s) that belong under Kotor franchise. That could be in 2020 just as well as in 2008


And that EA report thing was false btw, it created huge buzz out of nothing.

clear. up. your. PM. box.


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I don't see a direct link pointing to LA's website.

EA is the owner of Bioware, and EA is leaking out things every day

Which part of this don't we understand? Links and sources from LA thank you very much. Bioware and that insufferable EA, don't mean anything. Not a thing at all.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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but IGN said...


KOTOR's Future Uncertain

LucasArts confirms MMO, but it's not Knights of the Old Republic.


February 14, 2008

...So where does BioWare stand in all of this? We know there's a new MMO on the way, and that both EA and LucasArts have acknowledged this publicly, but there's no definite answer on whether or not we'll see KOTOR's return in the future. In contacting LucasArts about its works with BioWare, and the possibility of a future KOTOR product, the company stated that, "Yes, we are working with BioWare. We've announced that we're working with the developer on a project, but it has nothing to do with Knights of the Old Republic."

Edited by funcroc
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I don't see a direct link pointing to LA's website.

EA is the owner of Bioware, and EA is leaking out things every day

Which part of this don't we understand? Links and sources from LA thank you very much. Bioware and that insufferable EA, don't mean anything. Not a thing at all.

the Alliance between Bioware and LA do mean something, aswell as EA owns Bioware



EDIT: yes, there is an MMO in the works but its not the only common project of them, they also did say that not long ago

Edited by Jorian Drake


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Uhh, you know that doesn't mean anything?


They could continue kotor franchise when they want and in whatever way they want. It could be FPS or MMORPG just as well as CRPG. And that definetly doesn't mean they have one under development right now, in fact it is opposite.


All that means is that there'll be some title(s) that belong under Kotor franchise. That could be in 2020 just as well as in 2008


And that EA report thing was false btw, it created huge buzz out of nothing.

clear. up. your. PM. box.


Did already


Man aint' you thick, funcroc just posted the proof.


EA HAS NOT LEAKED ANYTHING. It was list of franchises that tranfer unde EA's domination (Mass Effect Franchise, Dragon Age franchise ((yes they call it franchise already)) and Kotor franchise). No secret Kotor projectz or anything.


LA and Bioware are working again on some game but that game is NOT kotor 3.


Btw, how come you suddenly start going on how Bio is like 100 % surely developing K3 right now but just moments ago you kept talking about "yer friends" at Obsidian in that other topic?

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Btw, how come you suddenly start going on how Bio is like 100 % surely developing K3 right now but just moments ago you kept talking about "yer friends" at Obsidian in that other topic?

i didn't know that in feb 14-15 they commented on the projects before



After a brief stint with Obsidian Entertainment in 2004, the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic franchise is set to return to the folks at BioWare. So says an EA investor report which listed the game amongst BioWare's multiple ongoing projects.

Mind you, it's listed simply as "KOTOR," so there's a small chance that the studio is actually working on Kleptomaniac on the Origami Recliner... That doesn't sound like something you'd collaborate with LucasArts on, though ...

Edited by Jorian Drake


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Yeah, they were reading the investor report wrong. Didn't we already settle this a while ago?

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Yes we did. Jorian wasn't around though

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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It is fair enough to express why you (a generic 'you') believe such a game may be in production or not and why you believe such.


Two things to remember, one to be careful about what you try to pass off as facts and careful in the way such messages are delivered.


It is perfectly possible to explain a point of view without insulting those who believes otherwise, simply by explaining why you believe the way you do.


E.g. I believe myself that Kotor 3 is not in production by either Obsidian nor Bioware because Fearghus Urquhart has previously publicly stated that such a game is not in production by Obsidian (like what, two years ago?) and Chris Priestly has publicly stated (recently) that such a game is not in production by Bioware.


It may or may not be agreeable, to those who prefer to believe it in production by either company, but that is their prerogative just as it is their right to explain why they believe it to be in production.


It can be done without getting personal or insulting.


(that was a badly veiled hint)



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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