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The Witcher Spoilers


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You'll be able to get the same armor in CH 3 from the armor-selling dude outside the tavern. After my first game I realized how important cash was, and I gathered herbs frantically, sold every rusty sword I found and ran back and forth selling torches (those things are worth 40 gold EACH). Since it's almost the end-game before you get your special armor, I recommend getting this armor to tide you over.


Don't think you'll be getting another silver sword until the Lady of the Lake quest... it's a marvelous sword but you cannot upgrade it with runes (well, you can, but it just becomes another silver sword and loses its own "special" powers... which are awesome.) So upgrade your current silver with runes as soon as you can afford... you'll not need to do so again.


You will also be able to get back to the swamp in CH 3, but you won't be fighting just ordinary wyvrens then. They'll be Royal Wyvrens (save 3 of their eggs for later! :( )


Don't hit the tower until you have done everything in CH 2 that you want to do... and good luck!

Edited by ~Di
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Don't hit the tower until you have done everything in CH 2 that you want to do... and good luck!

Thanks :)


That is exactly what I did. I gave up finding the missing child though. Everything else I suspect I could possibly do (exempting stuff like fistfighting and poker quests and the likes which I suspect is ongoing), I did. That included buffing Geralt up with Tawny Owl, Swallow, blade coating (sorry, can't remember the name), and the potion that increases the damage you do at the cost of not evading enemies. Either that or the 5 levels I gained in the meantime made a differnce. The wyverns were toast and I got myself a shiny new steel sword :shifty:


While still being well and good buffed, I payed the tower a visit and whooped some sorry pyromaniac butt :x


Just started chapter 3, exploring the streets around Triss' place.


Edit: The old lady in the swamp said something about their water lord being able to turn water into healing potions etc. Is that just superstition or will the voysomething actually take bottled water and do something with it?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I don't think that means anything.


and the boy will be found in chapter three... or so I read. I failed that quest.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I don't think that means anything.

What a shame. With all the real world references, it would have been fun with a Fish that could turn water into wine :)


I liked the story about the gnome Alfred Nabel who created that stuff that could blow mountain sides away... and a book called 'Ain't so far' :shifty:


Good to know that I didn't leave an unfinished quest behind :x

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Edit: The old lady in the swamp said something about their water lord being able to turn water into healing potions etc. Is that just superstition or will the voysomething actually take bottled water and do something with it?


If you question Vaska more, she'll tell you that you can leave items in the Voydanoi "mailbox" (where you put the logger's axe, if you did that quest in Ch 2), and they will exchange it. Not things of dry land, however, so only leave swamp herbs, fish, swamp animal extracts etc. Now I never bothered to try it but it might be fun for you to see what they leave! Just save first in case you leave something that pisses them off... you do not want to make Vaska mad. :ermm:

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Edit: The old lady in the swamp said something about their water lord being able to turn water into healing potions etc. Is that just superstition or will the voysomething actually take bottled water and do something with it?


If you question Vaska more, she'll tell you that you can leave items in the Voydanoi "mailbox" (where you put the logger's axe, if you did that quest in Ch 2), and they will exchange it. Not things of dry land, however, so only leave swamp herbs, fish, swamp animal extracts etc. Now I never bothered to try it but it might be fun for you to see what they leave! Just save first in case you leave something that pisses them off... you do not want to make Vaska mad. ;)

I tried to leave a fish. Found hellebore petals the day after. So, they do swap things :)


Less sure if it is useful or not, sort of like the Meliteli (sp?) statue in the church after you've got the quest item. Solving some witcher contracts, following the main quest a bit. Having great fun so far. Latest achievement was cleearing out the Salamandra hideout in the sewers.


Decided to side with the "squirrels" during the bank robbery.


I met a nurse in distress and managed to sneak into the basement of her mothers house and kill the fleder down there. Talking to the mother afterwards reveals that she thinks the fleder to have been her son. I can't find the nurse anymore though, so I can't finish the quest at the time being. Tried to visit the church inside and outside at dawn, dusk, midnight and noon :thumbsup:


Are there any good hunting grounds for cocatrices?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I tried to leave a fish. Found hellebore petals the day after. So, they do swap things :(


Less sure if it is useful or not, sort of like the Meliteli (sp?) statue in the church after you've got the quest item. Solving some witcher contracts, following the main quest a bit. Having great fun so far. Latest achievement was cleearing out the Salamandra hideout in the sewers.


Decided to side with the "squirrels" during the bank robbery.


I met a nurse in distress and managed to sneak into the basement of her mothers house and kill the fleder down there. Talking to the mother afterwards reveals that she thinks the fleder to have been her son. I can't find the nurse anymore though, so I can't finish the quest at the time being. Tried to visit the church inside and outside at dawn, dusk, midnight and noon :(


Are there any good hunting grounds for cocatrices?


The nurse will be in front of the hospital at noon only. Just like the woman who appears outside the order and walks to the graveyard at noon each day, who wants you to do in her husband's ghost.


In Ch. 3, the swamp cave is filled with cocatrices. You'll get a quest from the druids to get a mushroom there, and you can kill all the cocatrices you need... and then some!


Choosing sides is always a bummer for me. I usually play neutral all the way (but you MUST choose a side for the bank robbery, dang it). I have also gone with the Order once and the Squirrels once... but it broke my heart to kill Sigfried 'cause I liked the guy! If I'm neutral, I don't have to kill either of 'em! I'm such a wuss....


Glad you're having fun. Despite cringing at the juvenile trading cards, I really loved The Witcher.

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The nurse will be in front of the hospital at noon only. Just like the woman who appears outside the order and walks to the graveyard at noon each day, who wants you to do in her husband's ghost.

Yeah, one day I walked past there is she was back. It also rained when I found her again, sheltering under the church roof. Coincidence?


In Ch. 3, the swamp cave is filled with cocatrices. You'll get a quest from the druids to get a mushroom there, and you can kill all the cocatrices you need... and then some!

Heh, yes, discovered that too. Lesson learned. In this game, things aren't always meant to found and/fixed right away. What a nice change. The druids are always worth a visit, if nothing else just to see Morenn. I have this huge stockpile of wolfpelts :o


Choosing sides is always a bummer for me. I usually play neutral all the way (but you MUST choose a side for the bank robbery, dang it). I have also gone with the Order once and the Squirrels once... but it broke my heart to kill Sigfried 'cause I liked the guy! If I'm neutral, I don't have to kill either of 'em! I'm such a wuss....

Ouch, that doesn't sound good. I really like Siegfried, even if he doesn't talk to me anymore. His performance at Shanis party was a surprise :(


Glad you're having fun. Despite cringing at the juvenile trading cards, I really loved The Witcher.

I am too old to get excited over pixellated boobies (probably seen way too many real ones), but I would lie if I tried to deny that it brings out the "collector" in me. Maybe that is what people feel when they collect sportscards, this having to go that extra mile to get the one missing?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The cards are completely retarded, but I'm ashamed to admit, the in game pixelated boobies are a welcome distraction when you don't care what the NPC has to say. :)


Fewer sexual encounters that make a little more sense would have been preferable.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Ok, So I finally finished it. The enhanced edition that is, so it might be a tad different from the regular one. I was relatively pleasd with the ending, but it left too much unexplained. Like what the friggin' heck happened to the other three witchers??! How did Gerald come back from the dead aftr 5 years?! And where did Alvin go? And what happened to the whole marry shani/triss and start a family?




And Alvin is not the grandmaster, thats rubbish. Its just people trying to tie a lose end that the developers missed. Alvin is blond with blue eyes, the grandmaster has dark brown hair and brown eyes. I think the devs were just trying to do some kind of half-done attempt at "heres what can happen if you dont obey spiderman and go with great responsability for great power" or maybe just to confuse the player in an attempt to be "deep"

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Wow. When you post a spoiler, you post a big one. Hope Gorth doesn't come back here until after he's finished his first game! ;)

It's Ok. This is the spoiler section after all :down:


I lost my previous game in progress due to technical malfunctions, so I only just made it back up to chapter 3 again. Discovered a few things that I didn't notice in my first play through. There was a guy, Coleman which had a couple of small quests and the Elder Druid is a &^%$# rip off, charging 500 Orens just to make a tiny thunderstorm :o


In my first game, there was already a thunderstorm when I needed it. I tried to invite Carmen for Shani's little party... :lol:


Ok, maybe I liked the party better with Siegfried as the guest, but it was hilarious none the less. Somebody must have had fun coming up with those scenarios.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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You know, I've always wanted Sigfried as the guest but by the time Shani has her party in my games, the guy is sitting in the swamp with a echinopse thorn in his gut. >_<


Maybe if I ignore some of the sidequests until later and hit the main story until I get to that point... I shall try that next time! Yeah, as you've found out, Carmen will come to the party... and boy, does that piss off Shani! I felt really bad, so I never invited her again. I've always taken my favorite dwarf!


Damn, sorry about your lost game. I hate it when that happens.

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I can never find everyones favorite dwarf.


I just love what they find in grannies journal

Especially the first five pages :grin:


I think that (the dwarf) would be Zoltan. He is supposedly one of my oldest and best friends together with Dandelion.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I know who he is... it's just hes wandering around town all the time and I can never figure out where he is...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I know who he is... it's just hes wandering around town all the time and I can never figure out where he is...

I am not sure about chapter 3 and onwards, but in chapter 2 he seems to walk between the Hairy Bear and the non-human district. Occasionally visiting his dwarf friend, Vivaldi.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Help! :sorcerer:


Where in the world would I go and look for virgins? There seems to be a severe shortage of them. I asked random girls on the street, but only two bothered replying, implying that I was either some kind of cultist or worse.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Help! :thumbsup:


Where in the world would I go and look for virgins? There seems to be a severe shortage of them. I asked random girls on the street, but only two bothered replying, implying that I was either some kind of cultist or worse.

... there is a pack of nuns at the freaking hospital.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Help! :blink:


Where in the world would I go and look for virgins? There seems to be a severe shortage of them. I asked random girls on the street, but only two bothered replying, implying that I was either some kind of cultist or worse.

... there is a pack of nuns at the freaking hospital.

I thought Dandelion had seen to that there was no virgins there :teehee:


Ok, I'll check out the status of the nuns. Thanks :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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So, I was checking out some of the other content in the EE box. Turned out that the game guide has all the answers, including which solution to quests gives the most xp, detailed descriptions how to solve etc. ;)


Ah well, I might just want to not look too much into that one yet. More fun not having a clue what is going to happen, although Alvin is asking some rather badly concealed questions that implies he has a major role to play in the future. I suspect my answers to his questions/dialogues will come back and bite me in the butt later.


Edit: Decided not to sacrifice the prize cow. Some quite funny dialogue with the cow, cow guard and cow buffs there :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think I am getting close to the end...


Fighting a big hentai monster in the sewers together with my pointy eared ally.


I almost managed to get the Elder Druid all the stuff he needed for their rising against the loggers and those cruel to animals, but I couldn't find any white roses (I had a diamond, a silken scarf and the herb he wanted). Did I miss out on anything or was it just a fun addition to the game (he gave me potions in return for my items, no quest log entries seemed to have been created)?!?


I had given up on the dentist with the name that sounds suspiciously like the German word for tooth ache (Zahn Schmertz). Then I ran through all the crypts, huts, houses and caves again. Lets just say, that what I had expected to give me my missing piece for the collection. The dentist's reward was worth it though, better than the blade I had purchased previously. Finally having both a good silver and a good steel blade, the royal huntsman decided to offer me a blade too :shifty:


Ah well, got the Raven armour too, although it only seemed to offer slightly better protection than the leather armour I was already wearing.


Now I am back to bashing those groping tentacles again...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Help! ;)


Where in the world would I go and look for virgins? There seems to be a severe shortage of them. I asked random girls on the street, but only two bothered replying, implying that I was either some kind of cultist or worse.

... there is a pack of nuns at the freaking hospital.

I thought Dandelion had seen to that there was no virgins there :teehee:


Ok, I'll check out the status of the nuns. Thanks :)


:o Gorth! Behave yourself! :lol:

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