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Soccer at Obsidian


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They show true fighting spirit, just like the old Vikings!


It doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you cleave a lot of skulls :teehee:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Season started for my university social team, 8-2, 3-2 and 7-1 losses, I think (I lost count of the goals we conceded.)


Problem is that generally our team is good and we have a few able players, but we have two or three players who really have no idea what they are doing. Our fullbacks have no concept of line defence, and basically every time an opposition throws a throw-in behind them they just stand there and go 'huh' instead of tracking back. It's really sad when throw-ins rip open your defence with regularity. Also, no standard goalkeeper really hurts; one of the players brought in his buddy for the first game and he palmed in completely easy balls into the net 4 times in 10 minutes. In fact, he was about as good as my mom.


I got pretty pissed off last game, in fact, because I was right-wing, but due to the aforementioned failures of the right-back I was basically defending both their right wing and their right back; then when we attack I'd bust my butt to get up there, but idiotically both our central midfielders, our left winger and both our strikers would bunch up in the left quadrant of the field and try to do everything there (and get bunched up and failz) while I am open. Then the right-back who was subbed on proceeded to just say, "I want to attack! Everyone is attacking on the left! Let's go!" and stay in the left attack zone leaving me dry. :teehee: Ah well.


Of course, the next day I had the sense to play three hours of basketball, and now I'm dying.

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Welp, the season is over for the OEI B-Team. We won 1 and lost 7. Our roster was pretty thin this season and we were regularly playing with only 7 (no subs for the game). Our last game went okay. It was a rough first half, with two goals scored and one of my front teeth chipped. We shut them out in the second half and actually had several good shots on goal, but it didn't pan out.


I'm going back to fencing until July rolls around (that's when the next Irvine city league soccer season starts). At least in fencing I get to wear a mask.



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I was defending against a shot on goal. The forward took the shot, which went by me. I tracked the shot with my head, and was immediately hit in the lower jaw by the ball as it bounced off of Brad Smith's knee. My lower teeth struck my upper teeth and took a chunk out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From the words of J.E. Sawyer: "Benjamin James Gregory "Living Legend" Rasputin Mao Ma III was a soccer hero last night, scoring a goal in the last five seconds* from an assist by Noah."


*4-1 loss.


Ben's first goal of his soccer career.



I will save this team guys don't worry .

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