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Aaron Ward has just gone down in the Montreal-Boston game. He was turning around when he collided with Francis Boullion who had just come out of the penalty box to end a Boston 5-on-3. Ward lay on the ice for awhile before he got up and was helped back to the dressing room. Sure hope he's okay. :)


And now Montreal has won the game by a final score of 2-1.

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Man, Scott Stevens was totally the master of catching a player with their head down, wasn't he?


Hey, congrats Volo on your team rising above the .500 mark. What did the Rangers have, nearly forty shots tonight?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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About that. I hope they cna stay .500+; but they have 4 road games coming up and they have 0 road wins on the year, and the 4 goals tonight wa sonly the second time all season they scored 4+ goals. L0L


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Sweet victory tonight! And Raycroft got a shut-out! I can't believe we didn't blow a three goal lead in the last period, that has been our motto this season.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Crap. Montreal loses 3-1. Another game lost in the last 5 minutes. :sad: Why do they always have horrible luck when they are playing their best? So many amazing chances and none of them went in.


At least Huet was awarded the second star.

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Yeah, you fell victim to the Alfie too. I know how you feel.


Alfie scored the tying goal and an empty netter. Neil scored the game winner. :)


I suppose the bright side here is that at least Montreal is only losing 1 goal leads late in the third instead of 3 goal leads.

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Wow, what a game between Calgary and Edmonton tonight. I didn't realize Calgary had been as unlucky as Edmonton lately. You just lost to the worst team in the NHL, Flamers. HA!


Dikety Tarnstrom played maybe his best game in an Oiler sweater tonight, as did Mathieu Garon. And Ales Hemsky has to be pretty sore from all the shots he took tonight.


Speaking of crazy, I just saw Dallas tie the Kings in the last minute of the third. Now Kopitar seals the deal in overtime. The western conference rulez!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Crosby is tied with Zetterberg now for the league lead (Zetterberg has one game in hand).


That game Detroit-Chicago was simply huge for the Blackhawks and a good game to boot. I think it was the first televised Hawks game in the Chicago area for years plus the Hawks gained ground on the Red Wings and stopped them from reaching a franchise record for a win streak, kinda rekindling the rivalry.


In fact they also broke Osgood's attempt to tie the streak of games without losing in regulation (21, by Osgood in 1996). The only streak they didn't break was Zetterberg's point streak, which is now 17 games from the start of the season (club record). Now he only has 12 games and 38 points to tie the franchise point streak at any time. :p

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Hahaha, Dallas is really in trouble now! Brett Hull as GM? Hahahahahaha.


Oilers picked up a win as well! 1-0 in a shootout over Vancouver. Considering both teams were missing good chunks of their defense, you'd think there would have been more scoring, but Garon and Luongo were great. :)

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Kudos to the Oilers for picking up five of eight points on the first half of an eight game set against divisional opponents. If the team can win it's game tomorrow against Minnesota, we'll only be a measly two games under five hundred, which would be seem pretty damn sweet to me.


Hey, we're not in last place anymore either!! :):grin::ermm:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Buffalo is really having a hard time this season. Those loss of Drury and Briere must have really hurt. I didn't realize it until TSN pointed it out, but they are actually tied for last place in the East and overall. Phoenix has more points!

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What are we up to now? 4 losses out of the last 5 games or so? Something like that. At least we make other teams look good. We even let in 5 goals against a team that had only scored 5 goals (or more) ONCE before this season! Go Leafs go!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Haha! Read this (and watch the video at the end):


Gaborik Apologizes To Fantasy Owners


In an unprecedented move, Minnesota Wild forward Marian Gaborik has apologized to fantasy hockey owners for playing in a defensive system.


"When developing this team it is obvious that management paid no attention to fantasy owners, but instead selfishly decided that winning games was more important," Gaborik said in a "prepared statement."


"I will continue to help you out when I can," Gaborik explained. "But I am afraid management is obsessed with giving Minnesota fans a Stanley Cup."



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Mkreku is going to be happy when he gets online. Toronto beat Ottawa 3-0 tonight.


Montreal also beat Boston 7-4. 35 penalties in the game. 3 powerplay, one shorthanded and 3 even strength goals by 7 different players for Montreal.

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I must admit it feels pretty good to finally be able to beat Ottawa. I mean, only two other teams in the NHL has done that this year.



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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