Dark Wastl Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Apart from not finishing the story being a bad idea, I can't see why anyone would be interested in having a KOTOR-game during the Mandalorian wars. You know what happens, you know who did what, there are no real surprises possible. You either play a story that is already told (if you play as Revan) or aren't of any importance (if you play someone else). There is nothing to be gained in such a game. The few nice things about the War would be completely overshadowed by the lack of a real plot.
muscrat Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 (edited) OK, it was a random idea but so what. I just put it there because IMO there wasnt really a good story for k3 to feed off of. Im not saying it anyone fault (Lucasarts) but come on the exile is kind of pointless, and Revan has been gone for 5 years. It was just a fresh idea thats all. about the jedi characters thing. that was a great idea and who cares if it makes other ppl useless because normally, they're usless to begin with. But you could always turn mandolore or hanharr into a jedi useing that glitch... Edited June 22, 2007 by muscrat You are so ugly when you got hit by the ugly stick you made it ugly
nova prime Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Lucian said: Welcome to Kotor3: Ideas and Suggestions part 23! It's continuing mission is to have a place for the on-going discussions relating to K3. There is a lot of continued interest on this topic and keeping input centralised will have more impact and possible influence than multiple threads scattered throughout the forum. While I know members who've been here a long time may find this discussion a somewhat elderly and done-to-death topic, please keep in mind that there are new members arriving all of the time, and to them, this might be a new and current topic of interest that they wish to discuss. Courtsey and hospitality to all members enhances the community and makes me smile - spam and trollish behaviour does not. So let's keep the posts on-topic, respectful and constructive in nature. If you don't wish to participate in K3 discussions, then DO NOT POST. :D Have fun! Here are the links to the past threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Part 22 Battle monsters not least ye become a monster. If you gaze into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you
nova prime Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 srry bout the last post wasnt payin attention lol. if any of you remember when conderous said in the first game they were attacked by living asteroid that shot moten lava if any of you are familiar with the new jedi order series you see that it is the yuuzhan vong ships and at the end of the series you find out the yuuzhan vong could weild the force but were striped of it by something thousands of years ago an it just so happens that revan left to go to unknown space an the yuuzhan vong live in unknown space coincidence i dont think so??!! Battle monsters not least ye become a monster. If you gaze into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you
Omelette Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 muscrat said: OK, it was a random idea but so what. I just put it there because IMO there wasnt really a good story for k3 to feed off of. Im not saying it anyone fault (Lucasarts) but come on the exile is kind of pointless, and Revan has been gone for 5 years. It was just a fresh idea thats all. You are forgiven.
WKlingbeil Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 apploud said: WKlingbeil said: apploud said: Tale said: If a KOTOR 3 is made, I hope they don't make your entire group turn into Jedi again like KOTOR 2. I wouldn't even want the option open to them. And unlike KOTOR 1, I'd kind of like it if there weren't even enough Jedi to fill up the extra slots in the party. 3 member cap, only one companion Jedi. Because seriously, who uses anything but Jedi in their party? Anyone? Bueller? I do, with the precise shot feats and duel weilding blasters party members who use guns become quite effective (not to mention the close combat feat) The whole point of having the trainable Jedi was that they were actually the "True" Jedi, as Kreia spoke of at the end of the game, and I actually liked that idea. Who cares who else uses all Jedi in their parties? It is of no consequence to anyone but the user, so if you don't want to use jedi, that is your choice. If I want to use Jedi, that is mine. I mean, what's so special about some peasant fighter in Star Wars? Think outside the box, the idea of a Jedi is completely awesome, but what's so special about some loser mercenary? I could play almost any game and be a mercenary, some fighter, or any other standard fighter, but there's no other game where I can be a Jedi. Nonetheless, if somebody wants to play a Star Wars game without that extra depth of a jedi should be more than happy to do that, but quit caring about what other people do. You asked a question, implying that anyone who deos what you asked is stupid, I answered and you go on about ME caring what other people do? Your the one being insulting and trying to say your way is better, all i did was answer a question. Omelette said: muscrat said: But what I think would be a good idea for K3 is instead of continuing the story because lets face it, it will be hard to satisfy the ppl that want to be Reven again and the ppl that want to be the exile at the same time. So why not take the setting back to the mandolorian wars, something where we could play in the war because we all (that have played K1 & K2) know a lot about it but have never played it. IMO its a good idea. Are you serious? Really? I'm sorry, but no. Two games have built up to this giant enemy and plot and it's all going to come down to it in K3. To suddenly stop the story in the middle is more than stupid it's...idiotic. We want to have this game finished, find out what happened to Revan and the Exile, know about these Unknown Sith, and then finish the game and the story. To just jump to another story line is like reading a book halfway into it and then forgetting that and starting another book. It makes no sense. Actually it would be like reading the middle of a book and then reading the beginning before the end, seeing as the mandalorian wars were first and caused everything that was happening..... Well, I suppose I will respond to this, if for nothing other than clarification, I don't recall accusing anyone of being stupid, as if anyone decides that they don't want to use Jedi, that is entirely up to them, and I couldn't care less what they do. And that was the entire point of the post, and I think the miscommunication stemmed from the fact that I was not responding to your post, in fact, I don't even recall what your post was. I was responding to the person's idea that was to not have but one other jedi, and only 3 party members to choose from period. The only reason I was responding to that was because he would not have to use any of the jedi, even if every party member but the droids were jedi (with a minimum of 2, of course). Yet many others would not get that added aspect of the Jedi is Obsidian had the same opinion in mind, which sounds silly IMO. He then concluded by asking, "Because who uses anything but Jedi anyway?", and that was why I mentioned that it doesn't matter what other people do in their games, if they want to destroy everyone using Jedi, that is entirely up to them. So, either way, I meant no offense, especially since I don't even remember seeing your post, and therefore could not have even responded to it. It's all cool though, just thought I might clarify.
WKlingbeil Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 nova prime said: srry bout the last post wasnt payin attention lol. if any of you remember when conderous said in the first game they were attacked by living asteroid that shot moten lava if any of you are familiar with the new jedi order series you see that it is the yuuzhan vong ships and at the end of the series you find out the yuuzhan vong could weild the force but were striped of it by something thousands of years ago an it just so happens that revan left to go to unknown space an the yuuzhan vong live in unknown space coincidence i dont think so??!! I don't know, I don't think they'll go with the whole Yuuzhan Vong approach, as it is already in the books. I mean, I guess they could go with having our party fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, and meeting up with Yoda's and Vandar's planet, as it is assumed that their race were the ones that stripped the Vong of their force powers, so perhaps you fight them with their force powers. But I am not sure that will be the case, as Kreia mentioned, numerous times, that Revan went off to fight the "True Sith." So I think it'll be a race we've never seen before, or heard of, or at least I'm hoping so. I guess I see it as that would be too easy of a story, and a bit disappointing if they went with that. Shoot, I wouldn't even mind finding an entire new galaxy, full with a galaxy-wide government, whether good or bad, and if it's good, maybe you have to protect that government in this game, before the Sith attack the Republic. I just hope they don't rush it again, I really do. Whatever they do, it just needs to be a quality end product.
Revan1127 Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Dark Wastl said: Apart from not finishing the story being a bad idea, I can't see why anyone would be interested in having a KOTOR-game during the Mandalorian wars. You know what happens, you know who did what, there are no real surprises possible. You either play a story that is already told (if you play as Revan) or aren't of any importance (if you play someone else). There is nothing to be gained in such a game. The few nice things about the War would be completely overshadowed by the lack of a real plot. I think a Mandalorian game would be nice but after Kotor 3. There is a lot about the Mandalorian wars that we don "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin " Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."
Darth Mortis Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 (edited) Revan1127 said: Dark Wastl said: Apart from not finishing the story being a bad idea, I can't see why anyone would be interested in having a KOTOR-game during the Mandalorian wars. You know what happens, you know who did what, there are no real surprises possible. You either play a story that is already told (if you play as Revan) or aren't of any importance (if you play someone else). There is nothing to be gained in such a game. The few nice things about the War would be completely overshadowed by the lack of a real plot. I think a Mandalorian game would be nice but after Kotor 3. There is a lot about the Mandalorian wars that we don Edited June 23, 2007 by Darth Mortis
muscrat Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 actually thats kind of what i had in mind except its a combonation of my idea and continuing the story You are so ugly when you got hit by the ugly stick you made it ugly
Revan1127 Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 (edited) "(I The game would not have to be a rpg becuase as you stated we already know how it is gonna end. Is that real problem though? I think having a mando war game would do much for the players of the kotor games to understand Revan, Malak, the exile and the other main character of the time.)" "(I sort of agree, you could have an RPG Mandolorian wars game-after all while Revan and Malak were calling the shots they were not everywhere, so you could be one of their recruits doing missions for them. But such a game would probably work better as a FPS, real time stategy or flight sim than as an RPG.)" Thats what i was trying to say an RTS would proply work beter, I also like your ideas, but im proply one the few who would like to play as Revan again. I think their is already to many really powerful people but that just might be me. Edited June 23, 2007 by Revan1127 "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin " Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."
nova prime Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Revan1127 said: "(I The game would not have to be a rpg becuase as you stated we already know how it is gonna end. Is that real problem though? I think having a mando war game would do much for the players of the kotor games to understand Revan, Malak, the exile and the other main character of the time.)" "(I sort of agree, you could have an RPG Mandolorian wars game-after all while Revan and Malak were calling the shots they were not everywhere, so you could be one of their recruits doing missions for them. But such a game would probably work better as a FPS, real time stategy or flight sim than as an RPG.)" Thats what i was trying to say an RTS would proply work beter, I also like your ideas, but im proply one the few who would like to play as Revan again. I think their is already to many really powerful people but that just might be me. i would much rather play as revan again since the game so far has revolved around him (or her which ever u chose) Battle monsters not least ye become a monster. If you gaze into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you
muscrat Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Even though I'm probably alone on this, I actually think we shouldn't play as Revan again. I'm not saying I dont want to play as Revan, I'm just saying he's been gone for 5-6 years and who knows whats happened to him. Again this is just an idea. You are so ugly when you got hit by the ugly stick you made it ugly
Wolva Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 I really like the ideas of Darth Mortis I also think that it could work. If the stroy is built in this way than you really feel like your doing it for something because you could something like a reputation (wich influence how people react to you, like if you do everything in your power to stop the invasion you will get more help from people or less ofcourse), and you could go through the entire galaxy since the war will effect the entire republic not just the outer-rim like in K1 and K2. And if you try to conquer the republic maybe you get something like a rebelion wich you have to supress without lossing to much troops/resources etc. because you'll be weakend against the invasion. Just some extra toughts.
WKlingbeil Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 muscrat said: Even though I'm probably alone on this, I actually think we shouldn't play as Revan again. I'm not saying I dont want to play as Revan, I'm just saying he's been gone for 5-6 years and who knows whats happened to him. Again this is just an idea. Actually Muscrat, from what I've seen, you are in the majority. I think I'm in the heavy minority when I say that I think we should be the Exile again, although I think the Revan storyline would be fun as well. And actually, with him/her being gone for 5-6 years, that gives a lot of leeway to be Revan again. Shoot, you could even play out part of that time, and possibly hear about the Exile's exploits and what-not. Although, Darth Mortis' idea almost would seem like what it would actually be, as it would play out so perfectly. I wouldn't mind simply seeing a little bit of the end of the Mandalorian Wars, like the beginning of the game being a cutscene from Malachor V, and as Mortis said, something happening to the main character, and so on. It would seem to me that Mortis' idea is probably not going to be far off from the final product, as I said before, it fits so perfectly.
Darth Mortis Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 WKlingbeil said: Although, Darth Mortis' idea almost would seem like what it would actually be, as it would play out so perfectly. I wouldn't mind simply seeing a little bit of the end of the Mandalorian Wars, like the beginning of the game being a cutscene from Malachor V, and as Mortis said, something happening to the main character, and so on. It would seem to me that Mortis' idea is probably not going to be far off from the final product, as I said before, it fits so perfectly. Lets hope K3 is like this-it would give a much greater scope to the overall game, and be the kind of ending the KOTOR series deserves. (And, BTW if LA or the developer of K3 reads this I am open to reasonable offers if you want to use this....... )
DAWUSS Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 Darth Mortis said: WKlingbeil said: Although, Darth Mortis' idea almost would seem like what it would actually be, as it would play out so perfectly. I wouldn't mind simply seeing a little bit of the end of the Mandalorian Wars, like the beginning of the game being a cutscene from Malachor V, and as Mortis said, something happening to the main character, and so on. It would seem to me that Mortis' idea is probably not going to be far off from the final product, as I said before, it fits so perfectly. Lets hope K3 is like this-it would give a much greater scope to the overall game, and be the kind of ending the KOTOR series deserves. (And, BTW if LA or the developer of K3 reads this I am open to reasonable offers if you want to use this....... ) They'll just cannibalize and modify and call it a day. DAWUSS Coach C said: Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
WKlingbeil Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 DAWUSS said: Darth Mortis said: WKlingbeil said: Although, Darth Mortis' idea almost would seem like what it would actually be, as it would play out so perfectly. I wouldn't mind simply seeing a little bit of the end of the Mandalorian Wars, like the beginning of the game being a cutscene from Malachor V, and as Mortis said, something happening to the main character, and so on. It would seem to me that Mortis' idea is probably not going to be far off from the final product, as I said before, it fits so perfectly. Lets hope K3 is like this-it would give a much greater scope to the overall game, and be the kind of ending the KOTOR series deserves. (And, BTW if LA or the developer of K3 reads this I am open to reasonable offers if you want to use this....... ) They'll just cannibalize and modify and call it a day. Haha, you're probably right, they'll make it just so different that it's legally their idea. Shoot, if they stole one of my ideas, I'd just ask that they did something like put my name as an NPC that you can have an actual conversation with..... like a Cantina worker, or maybe a Bounty Hunter that you get to kill, haha, that would be sweet. I would be immortalized as a Bounty Hunter in K3 that is killed..... So, like Darth Mortis, LA, if you're reading this, you can have all my ideas for free, and consider this a contract, as long as my name is important in the game, though not that important, only semi..... like I said, someone that you just gather information from would be sweet, although it would be awesome if you made me an Iridonian, like from K1 on Manaan...... SWEET!
Darth Mortis Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 If they wanted to use one of my ideas all they would have to do is put my name in the credits and give me a copy of the finished game......of course a computer that will be able to run it at maximum settings would be nice as well
seejai Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 this one guy at a video shop was saying how one of the companies involved wih kotor would be making another rpg similar to kotor but not star wars.... that would make me mad. the star wars part is most of the appeal. "She was short, she was furry, she was loud, and she was determined to sell him a melon"- random passage from Spector of the Past by Timothy Zahn
Darth Mortis Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 He probably meant that they would use the basic game engine from the KOTOR games for their new game.
OverPowered Godzilla (OPG) Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 I think they should add radiation damage as a new damage type. I think when you upgrade an item the upgrades should change the apearance of thew item and the visual effects that it has when used against any enemy. For example barab ore ingot should burst in flames when hitting a target and do radiation and fire damage. I think that the crystals (power crystals) you put in should be the ones that effect the color and combinations should produce stranger colors. The melee combat needs some tweaking and he whole combat system in general. I want to see diferent lightsaber hilts that can all be used with certain upgrades. For example one hilt type should fit like 3 crystals in but another should only fit one in and the upgrades for each hilt should be different. I would like to see legs and limbs get chopped off in saber combat which I want much more advanced. I would like to see dirupter weapons vaporize foes. I want to see the items you wear more such as belts and stuff. If mandalore is in it I think he should get a flame thrower attatchment or something like jango fett. I think the choke should lift the opponant in the air. I think you should be able to pick up objects with the force and move them into your enemy. I don't want the story showing the gender of revan or the exile and I want them to have mask on or give us the option of creating our character (exile and revan) in the beginning of the game. I want to see electric judgement for a lightside power. Quote Duh, "Sidious was strongest sith lord in his time" my ass, he was the only sith lord - Xard
WKlingbeil Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 OverPowered Godzilla (OPG) said: I think they should add radiation damage as a new damage type. I think when you upgrade an item the upgrades should change the apearance of thew item and the visual effects that it has when used against any enemy. For example barab ore ingot should burst in flames when hitting a target and do radiation and fire damage. I think that the crystals (power crystals) you put in should be the ones that effect the color and combinations should produce stranger colors. The melee combat needs some tweaking and he whole combat system in general. I want to see diferent lightsaber hilts that can all be used with certain upgrades. For example one hilt type should fit like 3 crystals in but another should only fit one in and the upgrades for each hilt should be different. I would like to see legs and limbs get chopped off in saber combat which I want much more advanced. I would like to see dirupter weapons vaporize foes. I want to see the items you wear more such as belts and stuff. If mandalore is in it I think he should get a flame thrower attatchment or something like jango fett. I think the choke should lift the opponant in the air. I think you should be able to pick up objects with the force and move them into your enemy. I don't want the story showing the gender of revan or the exile and I want them to have mask on or give us the option of creating our character (exile and revan) in the beginning of the game. I want to see electric judgement for a lightside power. While I do like some of your ideas, I think there are some that would be simply taking up the developer's time. Moving objects into your enemy with the force would sort of change it from an RPG, especially with the added advanced lightsaber fighting you're looking for. There's already Jedi Knights and Jedi Academy, which is very much similar to your ideas, though not all of them. To me, the combat is not what makes KotOR as great as it is, it's the depth. I do like your ideas of the lightsaber having different looks with each crystal, and I actually would love to have like a focusing crystal build option at the workbench, and instead of your typical colors, you have the color bars that fade from each color, giving practically every color created in the spectrum, simply for more diversity, and I don't see that causing too much extra work, but for presentation's sake, a whole lot of diversity. I personally loved the Cyan crystal from K2, but you didn't find it everytime you played through, as when I did find it, that was the crystal I used everytime. I definitely think the different crystals should affect the appearance of the lightsaber, as you said, because the lightsaber is a primary storyline in and of itself in both games. I think the combat system doesn't need an overhaul, only some minor changes here and there, as this game is not a hack and slash, it's an RPG. I definitely understand your desires for the game, but KotOR is a story above all other things, a very, VERY interesting and interactive story.
Darth Mortis Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 (edited) I think I posted about lighsabre blades altering depending on what crystals/upgrades you put in them ages ago (Ages meaning about two parts ago lol). Thinking more on it, and with a better understanding of K2 I can see why they didn't add this to K2, and ironically I agree that the time needed to do this probably wasn't worth it for that game-which was rushed as it was. What I can't understand is why they didn't include this to K1, given that you can only put two crystals into a sabre in that game. I would have thought it would have been quite simple-you have three crystals so you just split the lightsabres blade into three areas each of which can alter depending on the crystal. I guess no one thought of it *shrugs* If nothing else unique blade colours would allow you to find your lightsabre in your inventory should you be forced to drop it at some point-or for that matter work out who is meant to have which sabre if you've been upgrading a few at once. Currently I either have to make sure I'm the only one with that colour blade, or I have to check the stats and try and recall what I put in my sabre. Edited June 28, 2007 by Darth Mortis
OverPowered Godzilla (OPG) Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Do you guys think we will play as the Exile or Revan or a new charcter? Quote Duh, "Sidious was strongest sith lord in his time" my ass, he was the only sith lord - Xard
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