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I'm no Sens fan, by any stretch, but they're a Canadian team in the playoffs, and much better them than the Devils. Was the goal as contoversial as they're making it out to be? Should it have been allowed? I thought it was okay. It looked to me like Brodeur had time to recover, he just took his time about it.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Meh. Kanadian teams are boring. Anyways, I do hope Ottawa wins the series so people can shut up about them being 'play off chokers'. I hate that.


As for the goal; it's a tough call; but according to the rule I don't think it should count as it's obvious that the contact effected his ability to play plus consideirng what Ottawa was doing during the game; that was not incidental. The feigned ignorance and flipplantness is also bogus, imo.


Ah well. 'Tis is life with the horrible referring that continues in the play offs. Geez.. The first round it looked like the refs werer actually pretty decent at what they do. L0L


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Ottawa won't lose the 'playoff choker' tag until they make it to the finals. At least that's the way I see it.


Eat that, Hasek!! Go Cheechoo!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Meh. Kanadian teams are boring.


No you're boring! :sorcerer:


I don't think Ottawa will fully lose the "playoff choker" label until they win the cup. Until they win it all, there will always be people out that that will say the choked.


I can't honestly remember just how much contact was made by Fisher, but I do remember thinking that Brodeur got caught just like Hasek trying to sell the penalty. Question though: What was Ottawa "doing during the game" in your opinion? I didn't see much myself, but then I'm a little biased. ;)


W00T San Jose takes game 3!

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Fisher just kinda clipped Brodeur as he skated by, knocked him off balance a little bit. He didn't fall, he just stumbled. A very short time later Priessing scored the goal. Brodeur gave the refs a dirty look, but no one really argued all that much. Analysts on TSN after the game said it should have been called 'incidental contact'. No goal, face-off at centre ice. Oh well, it's in the books now as a win for the Sens. I don't care if they ever lose the choker label, but like I said, better them than the Devils.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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"What was Ottawa "doing during the game" in your opinion?"


They had a habit (like many teams in the play offs do for that matter) of crowding the goalie (n this case, brodeur) and having tons of 'incidental/accidental' contatc with him. That's why I find the idea that the contact in this case was simply an 'oopsy'. And, that's not just my opinion but both CBC and TSN analysts' opinions and they had highlights to back them up so I wans't seeing things during the game.


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The trouble is, Ottawa has had an extremely talented team that typically dominates in the regular season for years. But yeah, they've been unable to translate tha into a Stanley Cup, and that's the real test of a team's greatness.

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Rangers win, and deservedly so. However, I have to admit that was 99.9% chance, a goal; but good news for me and the Rangers... can't 100% prove it and considering all the balony calls against the Rangers in this series; it was about time they got one called in their favor.




What a game, and series.


Miller, Jagr, and Lundqvist = Best Players In Series.

Edited by Volourn


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Rangers win, and deservedly so. However, I have to admit that was 99.9% chance, a goal; but good news for me and the Rangers... can't 100% prove it and considering all the balony calls against the Rangers in this series; it was about time they got one called in their favor.


The view that CBC showed just a moment ago on "Behind the Mask" looked like the puck was definitely over the goal line to me. This to me does seem to be a little bit of a one mistake to fix another deal. :)

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How did we lose that?!

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Looked in to me. While it hit the posts, it did cross the ine. Of course, I only saw the goal twice (once live and the instant replay) before switching channels so I didn't get all views. SJ doesn't seem to be making a fuss so they must think it's a legit goal.


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Looked in to me. While it hit the posts, it did cross the ine. Of course, I only saw the goal twice (once live and the instant replay) before switching channels so I didn't get all views. SJ doesn't seem to be making a fuss so they must think it's a legit goal.


Nabokov seemed to be arguing pretty vehemently with the ref, but TSN cut the feed before they even showed a replay. I would have liked to see an overhead view that actually showed it in the net. Every other angle makes it hard to see. Just the fact that it bounced off both posts and right back out makes me skeptical. I haven't seen any articles about the goal though. :?


@Hurlshot: It does seem to be a recurring theme. :D Did you see the shark that someone threw on the ice? How do you sneak something like that into the arena? :o

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Going into overtime now. 1-1. Vancouver has (including tonight) has played in 50% (6 of 12) of all overtime games in these playoffs so far. >_<


Er... Luongo is still in the back room and the game is starting. Sabourin is now in net. :down:


Whew. Sabourin makes three big saves and now Luongo is back on the ice. Luongo is trying to beat his 70 something save record from game one against Dallas and in fewer periods. Anaheim is up to 60 so far.


Looks like Luongo won't be breaking that record now. :sad:

Edited by Deraldin
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1) Elbowing.

2) I can't believe that its Luongo's fault that we're out of the playoffs. After all that, and he lets in a goal from the blue line.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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1) Elbowing.

2) I can't believe that its Luongo's fault that we're out of the playoffs. After all that, and he lets in a goal from the blue line.



I missed the goal but saw the celebrations. Please tell me it wasn't Cloutier-esque?

And Luongo has carried you team all season, Oerwinde. He's great, but luck runs out, eventually.

I think you should trade him to the Oilers, personally.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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1) Elbowing.

2) I can't believe that its Luongo's fault that we're out of the playoffs. After all that, and he lets in a goal from the blue line.



I missed the goal but saw the celebrations. Please tell me it wasn't Cloutier-esque?

And Luongo has carried you team all season, Oerwinde. He's great, but luck runs out, eventually.

I think you should trade him to the Oilers, personally.


Jannik Hannsen had the puck then got elbowed in the head and went down, the puck skidded out and was shot from the blue line. Luongo thought there was going to be a penalty and took his eyes off the puck and it went in.


Hannsen had his head down which is my guess why it wasn't a penalty.


And Luongo is the only reason we even made it this far so I can't be mad at him for losing the game though.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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