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So, the Dominator leads Detroit to victory. This means I was 3-1 in that round with my only false call was the Rangers. I am 10-2, overall. Not too shabby.


Conference Finals




1. Buffalo vs. Ottawa: Tough call; but I think Miller will get the job done in the end. - Buffalo in 7


2. Detroit vs. Anaheim: Interesting match up. Anaheim looks unbetaable, and Detroit has the Dominator. Flip a coin. - Detroit in 7


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So, the Dominator leads Detroit to victory. This means I was 3-1 in that round with my only false call was the Rangers. I am 10-2, overall. Not too shabby.


Conference Finals




1. Buffalo vs. Ottawa: Tough call; but I think Miller will get the job done in the end. - Buffalo in 7


2. Detroit vs. Anaheim: Interesting match up. Anaheim looks unbetaable, and Detroit has the Dominator. Flip a coin. - Detroit in 7


You are 10-2 so I think that makes me 9-3. My one wrong guess in the second round was I picked San Jose over Detroit. It was looking good in the first couple games, but then Detroit seemed to kick it up a notch and San Jose didn't seem to be able to match it. :down:


Conference Finals!


1. Buffalo vs Ottawa: Unless the Sabres manage to find another gear they are going down. Based on their play from both teams so far I'd give this to Ottawa in 5, but I think playing Ottawa will be what the Sabres need to get their game up. This one won't go down to the wire. It will be a much closer series than the final outcome will suggest, but I have to give it to Ottawa in six.


2. Anaheim vs. Detroit: Really difficult match up to predict. Both teams were dominant in their second round victories. I unfortunately did not get a chance to watch either team much, but if Volo is going with Detroit in seven, I'll have to go with Anaheim in seven just to be different. :yucky:

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Yeah I'll pick Anaheim and Buffalo. I'm so bummed right now.


I wonder what San Jose will do now? I don't think they will get rid of Wilson. Guerin will be gone, and Hannan is unrestricted now. They will probably try and work out a deal with either Rivet or Hannan, but not both. I still don't know which goalie they will trade, but it looks like Toskala will be the trade bait. He's got a cheap contract and he had a great regular season, so the Sharks should get a decent value for him.


Some folks are talking about Marleau being traded, but that's tough. I guess if it was for Drury, I can see it, but Marleau is still a mainstay in the organization. Yzerman and Sakic have had rough playoff series as well, but you don't trade a captain after just one bad round. Marleau's playoff numbers are pretty staggering over the years.

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I still don't know which goalie they will trade, but it looks like Toskala will be the trade bait. He's got a cheap contract and he had a great regular season, so the Sharks should get a decent value for him.


How about Gerber? I'm sure my Sens would be willing to swap him. :yucky:


On the predictions front, at least I'm ahead of Jeremy Roenick. He's 8-4 so far. Maggie is 7-5 now. McKenzie and Duthie are tied with Volo and Dreger and Pang are ahead of the curve. TSN Predictions

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Hah! This is great. Playoff bets. The Ontario Premier and the New York Governor are betting on the outcome of the Sens-Sabres series. A months supply of Tim Hortons Coffee vs a supply of buffalo wings from Anchor Bar in Buffalo. ;)


The bet between the mayor of Vancouver and the mayor of Anaheim I believe was that the losing mayor had to wear the winning team's jersey in their next press conference

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Hah! This is great. Playoff bets. The Ontario Premier and the New York Governor are betting on the outcome of the Sens-Sabres series. A months supply of Tim Hortons Coffee vs a supply of buffalo wings from Anchor Bar in Buffalo. :devil:


The bet between the mayor of Vancouver and the mayor of Anaheim I believe was that the losing mayor had to wear the winning team's jersey in their next press conference


Yeah, but that one wasn't mentioned in the media here in Ontario. Seems like a pretty standard bet though. :yucky:


And did this thread just completely die now that everyone else's teams are out? >_<

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Hah! This is great. Playoff bets. The Ontario Premier and the New York Governor are betting on the outcome of the Sens-Sabres series. A months supply of Tim Hortons Coffee vs a supply of buffalo wings from Anchor Bar in Buffalo. :devil:


The bet between the mayor of Vancouver and the mayor of Anaheim I believe was that the losing mayor had to wear the winning team's jersey in their next press conference


Yeah, but that one wasn't mentioned in the media here in Ontario. Seems like a pretty standard bet though. :yucky:


And did this thread just completely die now that everyone else's teams are out? >_<


Go Sens! As the only Canadian team still in the playoffs, I'm obligated to cheer for them.


Well... that and I don't like any of the other teams.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I'm a bit dead inside, but I'm still reading the thread. Detroit beating Anaheim will soothe my pains a bit, as that means the Sharks lost to a team that went to the Cup.


I don't really have a favorite in the East. I think Alfredson deserves a Cup, and this is a good year for him to do it.

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Ack. This Buffalo-Ottawa game is much more nerve-wracking than game one. Ottawa just managed to tie it up 2-2a few minutes ago. It seems to be going the exact opposite of game one so far. Two early goals for Buffalo in the first followed by a late goal from Ottawa and the tying goal from Ottawa in the second period. I just hope this trend doesn't continue with three third period goals by Buffalo. >_<

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I still can't decide who I want to advance in the west. I hate Anaheim with a passion, but Detroit is one of those teams where you just go 'meh'.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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90? L0L Oiler fans are funny. I don't think the hit was as bad as some think. It was still bad. I think suspesnsion for the rets of this series would have beena cceptable; but I can see why theys ettled on 1 game consideirng the suspesnions they've handed down earlier in the play offs that were much worse.


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