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AI Accelerator


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If it works as advertises there are number of games that can use it right now.  Oblivion is one of them.  RAI might look good on paper but wow, some of the things the NPCs do make very little sense.


Accelerated AI wouldn't make the AI in Oblivion better -- it might take a bit of the stress off the CPU though.


A poor implementation is just that.. programming an AI like RAI was hyped to be would probably be a lot harder then finding the resources to make it run.

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AI programming, thats a job I wouldnt touch with a three meter pole. Crikey.

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There will be specialist cards for everything soon.  Sheesh.  I only have so many slots in my motherboard and they are all used up.  It just seems a bit ridiculous.

Don't worry, Hades, within 2-3 years it's all going to be on-chip - Graphics, physics, AI, sound, network, wireless, memory controllers, hard disk controllers, everything. The only thing left on your motherboard will be power supply capacitors and memory slots.

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Funny you should mention that, because I read an article talking about ATi/AMD creating a high end integrated solution.


Such a solution might be useful in small devices (palmtops and the like), possibly even in networked workstations for uniformity, but hardly attractive for high-end gaming and graphics. One of the articles I read about the merger did acknowledge that.


But as far as physics, etc. cards go, these additional 'helper' cards do seem to be a candidate for all-in-one integration on the graphics card itself. Until that happens, the technology won't become mainstream, because it's not enough of an advance to justify the cost or space requirement. (I think it's Nvidia's turn to roll.)

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Funny you should mention that, because I read an article talking about ATi/AMD creating a high end integrated solution.


Such a solution might be useful in small devices (palmtops and the like), possibly even in networked workstations for uniformity, but hardly attractive for high-end gaming and graphics. One of the articles I read about the merger did acknowledge that.


But as far as physics, etc. cards go, these additional 'helper' cards do seem to be a candidate for all-in-one integration on the graphics card itself. Until that happens, the technology won't become mainstream, because it's not enough of an advance to justify the cost or space requirement. (I think it's Nvidia's turn to roll.)



When I say "high end integrated solution," I'm talking about ATi putting their high end graphics accelerators right on chip. Whether or not that's good enough for us is one thing, but it is significantly better than the integrated solution that Intel is using now.


Furthermore, if higher quality integrated graphics chips become more popular, the "lowest common denominator" in games gets raised.

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The problem with integrated solutions in regards to gaming is that gamers usually want to upgrade a few components well before the motherboard needs to be replaced. So I doubt the hardcore gamers will see it as viable.


That is unless the rate at which new hardware gets released is significantly lowered, although I don't see that happening anytime soon. Mostly because that would cut into the profit margins of Nvidia and ATI.


At least that's how I see things. Personally I prefer the modular approach, if something breaks down, I'd rather not have to replace everything. Although when I recently helped upgrade my mother's computer, I went with an integrated solution, but she has no demands whatsoever on performance so it hardly relates to gamers.


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The first thing that i wanted to check up upon this solution was their so-called A * algorihtm. Problem is, that i have never heard of it. Any links?

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The problem with integrated solutions in regards to gaming is that gamers usually want to upgrade a few components well before the motherboard needs to be replaced. So I doubt the hardcore gamers will see it as viable.


That is unless the rate at which new hardware gets released is significantly lowered, although I don't see that happening anytime soon. Mostly because that would cut into the profit margins of Nvidia and ATI.


At least that's how I see things. Personally I prefer the modular approach, if something breaks down, I'd rather not have to replace everything. Although when I recently helped upgrade my mother's computer, I went with an integrated solution, but she has no demands whatsoever on performance so it hardly relates to gamers.



I don't think it'd be integrated into the motherboard, but rather the CPU chip itself. If motherboards still come with expansion slots, it'd be less restrictive.


As for A*, it's pretty much the pathfinding algorithm. The funny thing is that they say they don't use heuristics, which means they aren't using A* (since A* is a heuristic).

Edited by alanschu
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