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Wow! TSN is showing the Edmonton-Carolina game!


EDIT: LOL! Right afterward I start watching we get Magoo calling a penalty and the announcers are telling Brind'amor to take a number in the "I hate Magoo" line. :D

Edited by Deraldin
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I missed Jason Smith's goal ;)


The Oilers seemed pretty akward in the first, but played much better as the game wore on. The rookies made themselves be noticed in limited ice time. And don't get me started about Marty Reasoner and his line!!


So now we have a two point lead in the division and are now six away from last spot? That seems a little underwhelming.


And Stoll gets the first star from me tonight, hands down.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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While Tampa Bay absolutely bitchslaps Atlanta. I watched about a period and a half of this game in total and sweet jebus was it one sided. Marc Denis did make a few dynamite saves for his team, but when you're up eight nothing does a shutout really matter?


I put aside my natural tendencies and even watched a bit of the Flames/Wild contest. As much as I hate the team he plays for, I'd trade just about any player on the Oilers roster for Iginla. Sorry Alan and Checkpoint. :huh: I'd say he has as good a chance as any to regain his super elite status from a few seasons ago this year.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Why are you apologizing?  The only person I'd value more than Iginla would be Kiprusoff.

I wouldn't mind having Iginla, but I'm not so sure he's worth $7m. At that price he should be a more dominating factor on the Flames.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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For once I think the NHL is right. Humour is cool (like when some Swedish player kissed another player because they ended up on the big screen kiss-a-tron) but there's a line you cannot cross or it becomes mocking. I think it's difficult to joke about the officials without mocking them. And it's not like the life of a zebra isn't tough enough without the players openly mocking them during the game.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Stupid NHL. I know one thing; not too many businesses could get away such scott free in stealing money from their employees like sports leagues for such asanine crap like this.


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I think the fine is fair, but also probably worth it. $2500 isn't too much for these guys, and the point definitely was made. Honestly, hockey does need more personality and players willing to spice things up, and that's what Shaefer was doing.

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"You really have trouble understanding that the NHL as an organization has rules that don't apply to other situations in society, right?"


So does the mafia.. doens't make their behaviour any more acceptable, does it?..




P.S. And, no, I'm not saying the NHL = Mafia.. Nice try; though.


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