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Is it April Fools in September? I remember hearing something about Milbury trying to do the same thing a few months ago, but the league shut him down.


Perhaps the people in Long Island didn't learn from their Alexei Yashin contract. It's not like they are on the same team easy to forget about the 10 year, 90 million dollar blunder that they're still paying for.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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15 years? That's way too long. A lot can happen in 15 years. Right now, DiPietreo is a good goalie. 5 years from now he may be the best and deserving of more money, or the worse deserving of less. Pooor deal by both other than it gives DiPietro some 'security' which means nothing when it comes to a sports contract.


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After doing some reading, it wasn't the league that shut down the fifteen year deal before. It was the insurance companies instead.


These are his stats over the last five seasons:


Season Team GP MIN W L T GA SA SO GA Avg SV %

2005-2006 Islanders 63 3,571 30 24 0 180 1,797 1 3.02 .900

2003-2004 Islanders 50 2,843 23 18 5 112 1,261 5 2.36 .911

2002-2003 Islanders 10 585 2 5 2 29 273 0 2.97 .894

2001-2002 Islanders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 .000

2000-2001 Islanders 20 1,083 3 15 1 63 515 0 3.49 .878


NHL Totals: 143 8,083 58 62 8 384 3,846 6 2.85 .900



This is an insanely stupid contract. You have to feel bad for Islanders fans.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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It's not just the past; but the future.


If we looked at just the past, then stars like Mesieer who mad elike 3-4 million (or even lower) in the last few years of his career instead of the 8-9 million he truly deserved if you go by past production of multiple 100 point seasons, multiple rings, the rep for being the best captain in sports history. Etc., etc.


The past is important; but so is the future.


Afterall, high picks in the draft get pretty good deals in their first season even thoguh they technically have done squat in the NHL.


P.S. I'm not defending thd deal. I think the deal is bogus just based on the length not even counting the money. I think 15 years would eb bogus whether he was paid 1 mil per year or 8 mil per year.


Like I said, too much can change in 15 years.

Edited by Volourn


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Afterall, high picks in the draft get pretty good deals in their first season even thoguh they technically have done squat in the NHL.


Not really. Entry level contracts are capped in the 900k region. The only way they can make good money is if they cash in on the bonuses, which means that have to do more than squat in the NHL.

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"Entry level contracts are capped in the 900k region."


What's the NHL minimum salary? Is it 900k? If not, unproven rookies sure are getting a good deal.


This past year it was 450k I believe.


In other news, Kor and Alan should be pleased to hear that Lupul signed a 3 year $7 mil deal.

Edited by Deraldin
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I'm curious about a contract like this.


I mean, Magic Johnson signed a 25 year, $25 million contract when he first came into the NBA in 1980. Wayne Gretzky signed a 21 year contract as well.


Clearly in both of these cases they weren't committed to the contract for those extreme lengths of time.

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"This past year it was 450k I believe."


So, more than a few rookies, get double the minimum simply based on potential?


Anyways, yeah, the Islander Gm and DiPietro screwed up big time here.


Afterall, how is DiPietro gonna feel 5 years from now *if* (a big *if*) he's considered one of the top 5 goalies in the NHL, and he's stuck with a 'meaisly' 4.5 mil per year while his fellow great goalie cohorts are signing deals for 6 mil+?




I know how? He's gonna wnat a rengotaions.


And, how are the Isles gonna feel if he gets injured, and has to retire after 5 years? Gonna whine to their insurance company. That's how.







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So, more than a few rookies, get double the minimum simply based on potential?


It's not "entirely" potential. Yes, you don't know necessarily how someone is going to perform in the NHL, and for the most part it is still potential. But it's not really a stretch that a player like Sidney Crosby is probably going to have a more successful career than Sven Butenschon.



I know how? He's gonna wnat a rengotaions.


Then he's going to have to hope that the new CBA allows for contract renegotiations.

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So Alan, are there are preseason games in your immediate future? I've heard grumblings that ticket prices are the same as for the regular season. That's the downside of a Stanley Cup Final run, I guess.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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In other news the Oilers have signed Joffrey Lupul to a three-year $6.935m deal. I think it's backloaded, and somewhat expensive for a still relatively unproven player, but since they essentially buy two years of arbitration rights from him and keep avoiding having all player contracts expire in the same year (like what happened in Buffalo) I guess it makes sense. I'm just happy it's sorted before camp.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Can you feel it? It's close. Like less than a month away close.


Today was pretty busy from an NHL standpoint. You had Bobby Clarke responding to the backlash of doubling the Canucks' Ryan Keslers' salary with an offer sheet.


Then rumours shifted to Keith Primeau announcing his retirement tomorrow.


After that there was TSN video of Rob Schremp from the Oilers' rookie camp with an astounding attempt at puckhandling and manipulation.


And to top it off I see that Chicago resigned one of my favorite players, Tuomo Ruutu. I just pray he can stay healthy this season.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Dear me! Schremp! That second one was almost more impressive since he put it in the back of the net on that one, but the one that impressed me the most was the golf swing. That stuff's supposed to be, like, really hard.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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And to top it off I see that Chicago resigned one of my favorite players, Tuomo Ruutu.  I just pray he can stay healthy this season.




As do I. So, the Blues signed Radek Dvorak. Any relation to the composer?\





People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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