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Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows


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I have a serbian friend for whom, for a time bombing was a daily part of her life and she hardly complains at all.


Of course, I'm not saying that 9/11 wasn't a horrifying event, just that things should be  kept in perspective.



Thats an interesting point I learned about when the UK busses got bombed. Another board I used to frequents population is mostly British and most didnt seem the least bit bothered by the bombings. When asked why, they just stated that they were used to it from years and years of bombing from the IRA. I guess you get used to anything given enough exposure to it.

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Anything FOX News supports is most likely corrupted.

she's a troll yet you say things like this? what a joke. just because fox doesn't fit into your nifty cool ideology doesn't make them any worse (or better) than any other news organization.



Pfft. Their a republican brown nose brainwashing tool. What a surprise, Tony Snow from Fox news joins the white house press secratary. This is the same News Corporation that started the "War On Christmas" claiming liberals, and the secularist were attacking Christmas. Fox News even gets a man who is being paid by Exxon to say why we should be for oil, and cuts the other guy off by going to commercial before he could reveal it. They even tell their guests to shut up.



It is subjective whether or not you like this News group, thats redundant. I don't care whether you get your news from Fox or even Pat Robertson. Do you do #$#)? :ninja:


Clicky! Fox News Misleads

Clicky! Fox News Tenchniques

Clicky! Fox News Memos

Clicky! Fox News Investigating Techniques

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But those links are just of anti-republican people that are convinced that Fox is just a republican nesting ground and equally as biased in just the opposite way!!!

Many of the people in those links are ex-employees.


I guess thats the coolness that Tak was talking about. :cool:


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While Fox news is a favorite around here for attack, they're not any better or worse than other entertainment outlets like CNN or MSNBC.


If fact, I do think that angry ex-employees might not be the best sources for discussing a place of business fairly. In much the same way, I think it's probably not a good idea to take one source for granted while scoffing at another. Hey, if your internet advocacy site gives you the ammunition you so desperately need to attack Fox, go ahead.


Now, I really do think that PBS does a better job overall of presenting the news. I don't think they're flawless, but they are better. The real problem, however, lies in news analysis. In the major news networks, news analysis has taken on an increasing role. Simply put, it's a lot more entertaining and it's also something that doesn't require real news. In other words, if there's a slow news day, you can plug in an analyst and still call it the "news." I think that's a mistake. ...But don't kid yourselves, Fox haters, the liberals and conservatives alike do it.


Oh, by the way, I've seen similar attacks on all sorts of news organizations, but the resources aimed at attacking Fox really boggle the mind. I mean, we're past advocacy and smack dab in the middle of vendetta.

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There weren't just ex employees in those videos. I do agree that PBS has better news coverage, NPR does also, I like BBC also, and I have random other sites where I get my news and PodCasts from also.


All I'm Saying is Fox sucks at news period. I think they are the worste of the main news stations. And do not help society, but only damage it by keeping their viewers ignorant.


Edward R. Murrows

If we go on as we are, we are protecting the mind of the American public from any real contact with the menacing world that squeezes in upon us. We are engaged in a great experiment to discover whether a free public opinion can devise and direct methods of managing the affairs of the nation. We may fail. But we are handicapping ourselves needlessly.


    Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information.

We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent. We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.


    This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful.

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I agree that PBS news really isn't bad and is probably the best on the U.S. market.


I generally watch ABC News at 630 and Jim Lehrer at 7.

I think ABC is (while not *unbiased*) probably the best commercial news syndicate. Peter Jennings brought a certain sophistication and international perspective to it that is still there (and still not there on the others, IMO).

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All I'm Saying is Fox sucks at news period. I think they are the worste of the main news stations. And do not help society, but only damage it by keeping their viewers ignorant.

and how would you know that? from all the left-wing blogs? or do you actually watch fox news? :thumbsup:"


Edward R. Murrows

yeah, there's a beacon of light...



Edited by taks

comrade taks... just because.

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