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how short is too short?


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Volourn does bring up a good point.


IF (big big if) NWN2 is a 20 hour game with massive replay value, then it'd be ok for it to be a shorter game.


Because replay value adds to the total length of the game... thus a 20 hour game with enough content for 2-3 plays is a 40-60 hour game in my book.

Edited by Darque
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Then don't buy it. It's THAT simple.


Of course, if it's good 9as opposed to sucky) and you play it 3-4 times that 20 hours can eaisly turn into 60-80 hours.


As an earlier example, there was a game that took 30 minutes to an hour to 'finish'. However, I played it a multitude of times making the playing time I got out of it almost imeasurable.


Though I wa syoung, and it wa smy parents who bought it; it was eaisly worth the money. Easily. Certain more than MW and it's hundreds of supposed hours of play time.





Blast it all, Volo, how is it that you can, with bad spelling and your bloody roofles, get people to understand what I could not?


[dangerfeld]I get no respect.[/dangerfeld]

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My opinion is simple. Game makers should make whatever game they want how they want for whatever reason. Through hype and what not they will tell potential cusomters about the game, and then the customer will decide if said game si worth a purchase.  A game maker owes a POTENTIAL customer NOTHING. But, they do owe themselves to make the best game they feel they can that also will make the process both financially and creatively worthwhile from their perspective.




As a potential customer I can say one thing, 20 hour game isn't worth $50.



you and vol has accounted for probably a third of all the posts we can recall that we simply discount as too ridiculous to have been constructed by sane people. in that regard we must thanks the both of you, as you has helped convince Gromnir to stay away from recreational drugs. that being said, vol is temporary inching ahead of vis on the Gromnir WACKOMETER 2006 scale.


the suggestion that asking fergie for clarification 'bout gameplay hours constitutes arrogance on our part is something we finds... baffling. am not thinking that we could gets vol to name another product or service for which Gromnir questioning the makers/providers 'bout qualitative or quantities aspects would constitute proof of arrogance... or even evidence of unreasonableness.




am taking that back. is some cults and fringe religions that gets real twitchy when you ask'em where the money is going

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Then don't buy it. It's THAT simple.




that is the only rational thing you has said so far in this thread.




HA! GoodFun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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I don't count replays as part of the value of the game.  The first play through is the only time when a player has absolutely no experience of what the game is or what it contains, thusly only that play length counts.


Sucks to be you then :lol:


Play time is play time.

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And replay time is replay time. Having a game with a good replay value is nice but its till replay. I will be going over the same bits for the most part with minor variances. that is usually what replay gives you. Same bits with little variance.


Only through the first time through the game without any previous experience with that game can one get an accurate view on the actual playtime of that game, and it is that value that only matters.

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I don't count replays as part of the value of the game.  The first play through is the only time when a player has absolutely no experience of what the game is or what it contains, thusly only that play length counts.


What about games like Jade Empire, or KotOR? When you finish the "good guy" playthrough, you still have no idea what the "bad guy" playthrough will be like.

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I don't count replays as part of the value of the game.  The first play through is the only time when a player has absolutely no experience of what the game is or what it contains, thusly only that play length counts.


Sucks to be you then :lol:


Play time is play time.

That it is. :)


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I usually save at the turning point then play to the end as the good guy then reload to that point and take the bad guy path. In any case you are still doing the same bits. The difference between being a good guy and being a bad guy in JE and KotOR are minor and doesn't have far reaching changes in the game.

Edited by Judge Hades
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I don't count replays as part of the value of the game.  The first play through is the only time when a player has absolutely no experience of what the game is or what it contains, thusly only that play length counts.


Sucks to be you then :lol:


Play time is play time.


well, we think that it is worth noting that replays is rarely as fulfilling as first plays... is not simply that play time is play time. first time we encountered ravel and her triumverate of guises, we were honestly moved... were shocked that such a fantastic character could get worked into a crpg. second time were still okie dokie, and so were third, but never is it like #1.


see, that is the problem with the notion o' replay value. is not likes you honestly is playing a whole different or new game when you replay most games. is not that the second 20 hours is gonna be near as good as the first 20... and that is assuming that the first 20 is good... which given the substantial cuts that has had to be made recently sounds kinda iffy.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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"I usually save at the turning point then play to the end as the good guy then reload to that point and take the bad guy path. In any case you are still doing the same bits. The difference between being a good guy and being a bad guy in JE and KotOR are minor and doesn't have far reaching changes in the game."


True. For the official different endings. But, completing the quests good or evil (as well a svariations thereof) is all over both of these games so completing a quest one way is different than the other.


I think not counting replays as part of the package is silly; but to each their own.


After, I would think a game like BG that you've played so many times is like more memoral and 'fun' for you then what that you played once, enjoyed, and then threw away even if that one play through was actually longer than one play through of BG.


Ah well..


'Tis life.


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"after the X Box 360"


Come on. We both know you'll buy the x-box 360 when ME come sout, and espicially will when/if JE2 comes out.






"Short games suck."


Really? You enjoyed JE and FO. Oh yeah... both those games somehow managed to take 40+ hours for you to complete.


D0uble R00fles!!

Edited by Volourn


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