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What is you favorite movie out of the six?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. What is you favorite movie out of the six?

    • The Phantom Menace
    • Attack of the Clones
    • Revenge of the Sith
    • A New Hope
    • The Empire Strikes Back
    • Return of the Jedi

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Phantom had that irratating kid play as Anakkin which killed it for me besides that goof Jar Jar. The one redeeming value it had was the lightsaber fight at the end.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

Phantom had that irratating kid play as Anakkin which killed it for me besides that goof Jar Jar. The one redeeming value it had was the lightsaber fight at the end.


Yes :)


I'd have suggested three changes that would have made it a much better movie IMHO


1. Remove any and all gungans. Period!

2. Replace Naboo with Alderaan

3. Make Anakin about 5-6 years older


Remove all Gungans, replace young Annie with a better actor and make the Trade Federation more intimidating. The TF were nothing but cowards with stupid looking droids as their protection.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.


The Gungans and Jake Lloyd were not detriments to the film, yet they did not help it (it was already a great movie with or without)


Jar jar could have been toned down alot that much can be agreed upon (most of his dialogue was just jabbering and not relevant to the movie). The other Gungans had no real time in the movie to make it "soooooo" terrible.



The SW universe and true fans are a "thick and thin" scenario. You either stick through the good and bad together and enjoy, or you get out and "keep yer yap shut".






3: ESB



I'm not sure why, there's just something about ROTS that appealed to me. I mean ROTJ had more of a feel and impact in its closing space battle than ROTS opening battle.

I guess I just felt that Anakin's seduction was quite believable, mainly due to Ian McDiarmaid's great acting (until his face turned into the one we all know and love...).

The duel between Anakin and Obi-wan has to win, hand's down. It was fantastic, unbelievable fast and emotional as far as one was willing to believe in Anakin's corruption. The duel in ROTJ had to be the only other one which felt short but carried a huge impact, Luke had no choice but to kill his father to save his sister but turned away at the last second. That's what carried ROTJ just slightly above ESB.

Sure the acting wasn't great in ROTS, there were some plot holes, and how in the world can they send men into space with faster-than-light travel and not save a woman whose lost the will to live?????


Can't leave without mentioning the music, you need music to have a good movie. ROTJ used the same old stuff, ESB brought us Vader's famous music, but ROTS brought something on par with the music from ESB and that was the piece between Anakin and Obi-wan. The music score was fantastically written and was even able to incorporate a piece of 'Duel of Fates' from Maul's fight. 'Battle of Heroes' just had that more emotional edge over it.

Jar Jar should have been run over in the first minutes we saw him. Those damned Jedi.


pity qui gon saved him, weak jedi and their helping of the weak


imagine that as a kotor scenario:

[Help Jar Jar]

[Run into the forrest, letting Jar Jar get run over]


Revenge of the Sith for the newer versions and The Empire Strikes Back for the classics.

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Jar Jar should have been run over in the first minutes we saw him. Those damned Jedi.


pity qui gon saved him, weak jedi and their helping of the weak


imagine that as a kotor scenario:

[Help Jar Jar]

[Run into the forrest, letting Jar Jar get run over]


Obi wasn't happy to Qui-Gon after that. :rolleyes:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



Jar Jar should have been run over in the first minutes we saw him. Those damned Jedi.


pity qui gon saved him, weak jedi and their helping of the weak


imagine that as a kotor scenario:

[Help Jar Jar]

[Run into the forrest, letting Jar Jar get run over]


Obi wasn't happy to Qui-Gon after that. :)


Trust me - yes he was! :shifty:


Eww, I got sick idea. :ermm: Never mind.


Anyway, best thing in TPM is Duel of Fates :)

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



  Anyway, best thing in TPM is Duel of Fates :)

That is correct. I love lightsaber battles, just like I do battles in space (ships fighting). Not only was the battle good but the music for it was perfect.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.


  Anyway, best thing in TPM is Duel of Fates :)

That is correct. I love lightsaber battles, just like I do battles in space (ships fighting). Not only was the battle good but the music for it was perfect.


I liked the Duel of Fates battle better than the Obi Wan - Anakin duel in ROTS; as far as the emotional appeal of the gimmicks is concerned, the erupting lava, surfing on fire, etc. of the latter were no match for the beautiful choreography of the former.

Zwangvolle Plage!



ROTS would be my favorite, i liked the opening battle scene. and ESB would have to be next. then AOTC. TPM wasnt so bad with the ending battle, but i hated the gungans. ANH and ROTJ were just terrible in my opinion, i hated the sappy, happily-ever after endings, especially all the fireworks in ROTJ and the rebel gathering in ANH. the award metals given to the heroes just made it feel too much like a fairy tale. i prefer movies where the good guys sort of win, but lose as well. or even better, when the good guys lose :o

as for lightsaber battles, the one in TPM was cool. the one in AOTC between yoda and dooku was really cool. the fight between yoda and palpy wasnt a lightsaber dual so much as it was a challenge as to who was stronger in the force. the stunts were still pretty good, though. the dual between Anakin and Obi-wan just blew me away, but i thought the ending came around as unexpected, almost too quick. Obi-wan's dual with grevious had a lot of potential, but wasnt much in the end. you never really got to see how grevious could fight against less powerful jedi. the dual between Anakin and dooku in both movies did not contain much acrobats, but the emotion in them made the duals interesting to watch.

compared to the NT, the duals from the OT "are like children playing with toys", as kreia said. I watched them all in order, just for fun, and was sorely dissapointed with the action. the dual with vader and luke in ESB could be summed up by saying "they fight". same with the dual in ANH. i know these are much older movies, but that is why i like ROTS better. the space fights in the OT were bad as well.

anyway, there's my opinion. dont flame me if you dont agree.


"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

Posted (edited)
ANH and ROTJ were just terrible in my opinion, i hated the sappy, happily-ever after endings, especially all the fireworks in ROTJ and the rebel gathering in ANH.  the award metals given to the heroes just made it feel too much like a fairy tale. 


Star Wars IS fairy tale <_< (some sort of)

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



I guess I just felt that Anakin's seduction was quite believable, mainly due to Ian McDiarmaid's great acting (until his face turned into the one we all know and love...).


I must respectfully disagree. I found it completely ridiculous. "Help me save my wife!" "Sure, but you must convert to the Dark Side!" "Okay, I'll go kill some kids now."


In contrast, ESB was filled with excellent character development, cliffhangers, plot twists, and more mature treatment of good and evil (in an imperfect world, should one let one's friends die in order to ensure victory for Good later, or save them now, and risk Evil triumphing?).


I guess I just felt that Anakin's seduction was quite believable, mainly due to Ian McDiarmaid's great acting (until his face turned into the one we all know and love...).


I must respectfully disagree. I found it completely ridiculous. "Help me save my wife!" "Sure, but you must convert to the Dark Side!" "Okay, I'll go kill some kids now."


In contrast, ESB was filled with excellent character development, cliffhangers, plot twists, and more mature treatment of good and evil (in an imperfect world, should one let one's friends die in order to ensure victory for Good later, or save them now, and risk Evil triumphing?).


I don't whole-heartedly disagree, ESB was everything you say it was, but to say Anakin's seduction was completely ridiculous is slightly over-the-top.


Firstly, Love is a strange thing. It helps people to have a purpose in life, being loved by someone brings people comfort and knowing the sense that if anything were to go wrong that person would be there for you, to hold you up as the world crashes down around you. There are a lot of people who give anything to hold onto that connection.


Sure most people wouldn't kill children to save that connection. But for the same reason why mankind isn't perfect, there are people who will do just that.


I'm not going to be racist or anything, but you can drew comparisons to today's world. There are people who are willing to become martyrs, and kill people, children even perhaps by accident, to protect their beliefs but most importantly for those they care about.


And when you see Anakin in that light, I realise that his just another one of those people who are willing to do what they think is right for their loved ones.


Now being a martyr doesn't mean you have to turn to the Darkside, because remember even in the Star Wars Universe, 'Good' and 'Evil' is a point of view as said by Palpatine in the Opera house.

Anakins view was that the Jedi were Evil, and what he was doing was Good in order to protect the ones he loved.


Lucas has been known to draw his ideas from myth and legend, but also from today's society. His not brilliant at it, compared to perhaps the Wachowski Brothers (dudes behind The Matrix), but he knows how to get an idea across.


What's your point of view? You have to ask yourself what would you do to hold on to that connection? knowing that possibly you could never find it again.


  Anyway, best thing in TPM is Duel of Fates :)

That is correct. I love lightsaber battles, just like I do battles in space (ships fighting). Not only was the battle good but the music for it was perfect.


Agreed. That lightsaber battle was the wildest thing I ever saw, both for the actual fights (Nick Gillard :luck: ) and the excellent must (Williams :thumbsup: ).


It was incredible that they could take it all up a notch in RotS after that. And it would be an understatement to saw that I'm impressed by John Williams' ability to make Star Wars grow musically even then - he's been in this saga for so long, made so many classic themes for it, and he somehow manages to mix the old and known with new themes, that are just as classic. "The Battle of the Heroes" is wonderful music in RotS, as is the music when Anakin ponders his options...

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