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Favorite Metal Bands

Plano Skywalker

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I am not angry, unlike you, you pathetic little androgynous manthing, I am well beyond the emotional surges of the grand Internet.


I am neither a goth, nor a metalhead, just a person with little respect or understanding for the ignorant among us.

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Baley for the win!

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I am not angry, unlike you, you pathetic little androgynous manthing, I am well beyond the emotional surges of the grand Internet.


I am neither a goth, nor a metalhead, just a person with little respect or understanding for the ignorant among us.


u seem upsesst whit speliling, i'm srue u hvae shex whit a dicksionary eevry ngiht befroe u goe to bed

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Okay. Taste in music being a big factor. A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life. Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society. A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones. Obsession with angst and the macabre. Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references. Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy. So yeah, you're definitely a qualified goth. Maybe you Romanians have different standards on what a goth is, but over here in America you'd fit right in.

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Okay.  Taste in music being a big factor. 



I simply listen to good music.


At the moment I'm listening to a Hank Williams Sr song.


Prove your statements.


A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life. 

I'm non-religious and don't pose as being non-conformist, I'm just better than everyone else, it's simple, I don't even much care about the whole concept of conformity.


Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society.


Cynicism =/ goth


A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones.

The last two books I've read were Terry Pratchett's Thief of Time and a collection of Bukowski poems.


Obsession with angst and the macabre.

Obsession with the macabre? Since when? I'm obsessed with the human condition.



Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references.


Themes are often self-deprecative and satirical, always with a sense of humour. Never taking myself seriously, never focusing on my own actual persona.


Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy.


I'm also familiar with Wittgenstein, Sartre, Spinoza, Mencken and others. This just proves I'm well-read. Try again.


And just for the sake of it, I don't agree with Nietzsche on many subjects.


If anything, I'm a hedonist, from a philosophical point of view, at least.



Your statements have hurt me deeply, I'd like you to know that, I'm going to slash my wrists now, Good night.


I am bleeding, Mothman, where are you?!




It's 3 AM, I have no life and I'm dying here!!!


I'm still editing this post!!!


Shiny blood..!!..!!


This is lame, reply you fat bastard!


I mean it!


I'm definitely not talking to myself.




It's cold in Romania.


Think so, eh?

Edited by Baley
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Okay.  Taste in music being a big factor.  A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life.  Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society.  A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones.  Obsession with angst and the macabre.  Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references.  Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy.  So yeah, you're definitely a qualified goth.  Maybe you Romanians have different standards on what a goth is, but over here in America you'd fit right in.

Some Goths are Christian.




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Generally I like hardcore bands, but that kind of intertwines with metal. So... instead of posting my whole CD/Vinyl collection these are my top 5 in Alphabetical order:


Bleeding Through

Bury Your Dead

Darkest Hour

Eighteen Visions


It Dies Today

Remembering Never


Symphony In Peril


Stand Your Convictions and You Will Walk Alone.

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Okay.  Taste in music being a big factor.  A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life.  Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society.  A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones.  Obsession with angst and the macabre.  Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references.  Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy.  So yeah, you're definitely a qualified goth.  Maybe you Romanians have different standards on what a goth is, but over here in America you'd fit right in.


Aha. So, in America, everyone who is not a jock is a goth. Okay, got it. Nice of you to stereotype 99.9% of America's high school going youth, and probably yourself, too. In fact, that's probably all my lit teachers too.


I mean, seriously, you just described every hipster, indie snob, emo kid and geek in existence. And as far as I know, these are American stereo- and archetypes.


All in all, stop being so obliviously emo.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Definitely not.


Okay.  Taste in music being a big factor.  A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life.  Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society.  A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones.  Obsession with angst and the macabre.  Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references.  Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy.  So yeah, you're definitely a qualified goth.  Maybe you Romanians have different standards on what a goth is, but over here in America you'd fit right in.


Aha. So, in America, everyone who is not a jock is a goth. Okay, got it. Nice of you to stereotype 99.9% of America's high school going youth, and probably yourself, too. In fact, that's probably all my lit teachers too.


I mean, seriously, you just described every hipster, indie snob, emo kid and geek in existence. And as far as I know, these are American stereo- and archetypes.


All in all, stop being so obliviously emo.

That's profound. So did you purposely misread my post, or are you really that thick? First off, the qualities I listed were not meant to mean that each individual quality = goth. Otherwise, as you most astutely pointed out, 99% of people in America would be goth. But they're meant to be taken as a whole, each attribute complimenting the other. Duh. Unless of course you mean to say that every person who likes literature has a cynical view of life and is anti-conformist, which I guess makes perfect sense. Anyway, what you're thinking is not what I meant at all. There are plenty of geeks who aren't that interested in literature or the human psyche. Nor do all hipsters have a nihilistic view of life. The qualities of a goth, or any stereotypical social group, comprise of many amalgamated qualities, not just one distinct feature. Or maybe in your attempt to sound intelligent you missed that detail. Nice try, though. Hope that clears things up.

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I don't know if you just ignored it so you could have an excuse to write another self-masturbatory reply or am just too oblivious to see it, but I did take it as a whole.


As for your supposed... arguements... against what I said, I would like to present the fact that not all goths like poetry (my brother is a goth and he hates poetry), not all goths like vulgar sex crap (especially girls), not all goths know about Nietzsche (I've explained it to several) and I even know a goth who recognizes the fact that he's just as much a conformist tool as Trendy McPopcollar, but just likes the attention. The way you just pointed out that stereotypes do not apply conveniently ignores that the same thing works for goths.


Of course, nobody needed me to point that out. Everybody can see that you do nothing but undermine your own arguements simply by reading your posts. I guess that means you need to take another look at "Posting... And You!"

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Fine, let's analyse your argument:

Okay.  Taste in music being a big factor. 

It is and it isn't. There are two types of Goths, the old ones and the teenagers, different demographics, different tastes.




A nihilistic, non-conformist, anti-theistic outlook on life. 

Most Goths tend to consider themselves "spiritual but not religious", you'll meet very few philosophical nihilists, in the atheist goth camp you're more likely to meet philosophical satanists, as it is a more angsty outlook on life.


Goths pose as being non-conformist, there's a difference.


Generally pessimistic attitude and a negative view of society.



A high interest in literary works and poetry, especially ones with dark tones.


False, Goths as a subculture are hardly well-read, unless you consider memorising Anne Rice books a high interest.



Obsession with angst and the macabre.


True, but it's more of a faux-obsession, a desire to fit in.



Writing poetry/literature of one's own with the same themes, including replete vulgar sexual references.


Repeated vulgar sexual references are hardly a Goth literature characteristic. Except for that, true. It's more to do with the desire to shock the reader. But Goths would more likely use obtusely verbose language. (My work wishes to amuse the reader, there's a difference)


Not to mention familiarity with Nietzsche philosphy.


Utter nonsense, Goths are as familiar with Nietzsche as I am with a good ****. They might know something about him, I suppose (his name most likely, or that famous quote), but that's where it ends.


With how many Goths have you conversed Mothman dearest?

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