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Oblivion Thread


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Good good. I'm up to nearly 60 hours on my first char, the Thieves Guild quests are nearly done as well so I'll probably finish them off then do the main quest. If only to stop Gray Fox from saying "Capital" again. >.<

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SP: how does Azura's Star work exactly? Do you need to use Soul Trap the spell? I don't really get it.




Works just like a regular greater soul stone except it never gets used up.


you need to cast soul tap on something (basic spell only 25 myst) or you could do what I did and use Umbra. Kill it and it will be absorbed into the stone. Click on that and you can recharge anything. It dosnt take the largest souls though (which I why I filled it using summoned creatures).


I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Um. No.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Is there a lot of that kind of stuff? Constantly having to edit your character?


Most common thing is repairing stuff and selling stuff.Later in the game recharging stuff is pretty frequent as well (which is pretty clunky and annoying). Once you have you major and minor skills, there isnt much you can do to edit them. And you only see the level up screen when you use a bed (if you have enough increases to level).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I meant it in a more negitive way, as in do I have to spend four and a half hours trying to change my character's sword?


No that takes about 4 seconds :p Although recharging your characters sword, well thats a different story.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Most common thing is repairing stuff and selling stuff.Later in the game recharging stuff is pretty frequent as well (which is pretty clunky and annoying). Once you have you major and minor skills, there isnt much you can do to edit them. And you only see the level up screen when you use a bed (if you have enough increases to level).

That's actually optional. Go into the oblivion.ini file and there's an option to make it so you instantly get the level up screen once you've gotten enough skill points. But, that just gimps the people who like to metagame. :p

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Stories (yah!)... If you fall asleep there is always the "previous button"


STORY 1; Teh Great Escape.


So I had to get locked up with guy X for some quest. Easy enough, just steal that bowl infront of the guard. So I pick up the bowl. For some reason he didn't notice it though... was it the sudden FPS drop that came out of nowhere during the action? So I just *also* steal the sword next to it. This time it got noticed, and both Jailor and prisoner (how ironic) yelled "thief! thief!" So I ended up getting jailed. Good thing I managed to slip one of those lockpicks with me; so I try to make a break for it. All well, and the lock opens up. Next time I might consider doing that though when the guard isn't standing infront of it :D

I run past the Jailor and went for the door. A nice popup told me guards don't like breakout attempts and added additional gold to my bounty. Who cares? I looted the evidence box and quickly (after all I had to make a run for it) only equiped the chest (Steel plate) piece (shouldn't that be unable to attach during combat?) and made a run for it. Got around the corner and whaam... crashed into 12+ guards who just rushed out of the Guards Sleepingquarters. Good thing the archers hit nothing but other guards and I could make a slip to the right. Tried to yield several times but every attempt was ignored. They were out to kill me! I HAD to make a run for it. Crashed past another guard to the Castle's main hall.

Tried to run out of the castle. 2 more guards, positioned next to the door and alot less bloodthirsty than their prison and bedroom counterparts tried to convince me into paying or returning back to jail (again). I runned past them out of the castle. Several guards followed me when I ran into town. City watch seemed to be alerted as 2 guards with bows came down on me. I then learned shields are way better defense tools as your bare hands for arrows (oh, and other weaponry too!). After getting some souvenir in my hand for trying such a silly defense method I (once again) made a run for it. Several other guards patrolling through town added in the major assault on me. I made it to the Northern Gate and left the town; hopefully getting rest and freedom in the wild. Once beyond the gate another 2 guards awaited me. But so did a horse. So I stole the horse. Guards cried "THIEF", but my criminal record was long enough and the bounty high enough to not care about this additional crime at all. Some guard with a sword tried to beat me of my horse, failing misserably. Another bowguard took some shots. I was hit by one and my horse by another. But it seemed we actually escaped city guard. So I ran away with my horse quickly from the town when we saw a dead body on the road. Curious we approached the body to check it out. It was a bandit... and the kill was fresh! I heard growling and slowly turned around, facing myself eye-to-eye with a huge Brown Bear. It hit me as I quickly jumped onto my horse. It gave my horse some scars as we went of too. The bear soon lost us but was replaced by a wolf. Not that much of a threat though and he was quickly shaken off too. So I was save once again... and actually made that successfull escape. Where to go? I looked on my map and saw the Imperial City was not too far away; that would become my goal. While riding to the City though I met another bear. I tried to shake it off when I suddenly got a Arobatics level up when being mid-air with my horse. Does horse jumping levels you up too? Nope, I quickly learned... the latest XP was from my own jump. After the risky jumped I heard an animalish death-cry beneath me, what appears? My horse just died from the jump I made with him (and it didn't even looked that high :( ) and threw me off in midair. I didn't have alot of time, the bear was still chasing me and the fall from my horse and previous encounters with bears/guards left me severly wounded. One blow from Brownie and I would be done for! So I ran behind the corpse of my horse, rolling beautifully (on a sick yet entertaining kind of way) down the hill and ripped that one arrow from his dead corpse (hey, it's gold!). I still needed to get rid of that bear though when I noticed a shrine. People there could kill the bear for me! So I quickly ran there and noticed when I came in they took out their glass weaponry to assault the bear. Unlike I hoped it still tried to kill me instead of the people trying to hack into him! That psycho! So I had to keep running, avoiding any kind of impact, since it would killed me instantly, hoping the worshippers killed the bear. The plan failed and I was hit... and died. To add salt to the wounds the bear died before I even hit the ground... *sigh* Too late for me.


STORY 2; Cleaning House.


A reload later I found myself in the same town as story 1. Guards still friendly with me though. I was back at town to sell some goods and was heading back to a bandit-infested camp to finish the job and get some more loot. After everything was done in town I returned to the cave. I exited the same Northern exit and came past 3 bodies. These bodies were not sudden though... 2 died by my hand, and the other... Well, let's tell the story of all 3 corpses there.

Corpse 1, Imperial Forester: Some while before the current story I walked around this same area for a quest. I found 2 Foresters killing each other. Apparently the dead deer had something to do with it. They had some hefty bit of combat with each other and after 1 won he immediately ran away with an amazing speed I had only seen before on the Khajiit of the Imperial City. I robbed that corpse clean before continuing and that is how I found him back again on the road.

Corpse 2/3, Bandits (male redguard/female altmer): After finishing the quest mentioned in the Foresters' death story I returned to town to get my reward. These 2 ambushed me. I easily disposed of both of them and since they had both the same equipment I took the stuff of the woman (couldn't carry both equipments) :( . Now I properly looted both corpses though ;)

I went forward for the cave I was looking for. Came by a farm house before that though. Picked the garden clean of anything eatable and wanted to pay a little visit to the owned of the house. Door locked; How rude! So I just *took* the liberty to get into her house. Her dog (Jake) welcomed me with some barks. She was less welcoming of me though, and never said more to me than (an old) rumor! How dares she. Even my Elven Sword of 12 Attack could noy convince her. Maybe swinging it close would loosen her tongue?

Oops! :"> That was a little bit too close; and I think I cut of her tongue instead of loosen it. Or was there some other reason she ran out of her house and dissapeared into the mountains, screaming (hey, maybe she didn't loose her tongue)?... Anyways, during her escape I tried to do a charge upon her, yet missed and threw her dog through the entire house. He landed on the ground with his mouth wide open (guess I hit during a bark)? So after she dissapeared from the crime site I went back in to search her dog. I guess the open mouth invited me to some disgustingly deep investigation into the dog (ah, I AM still a cat after all... no love for the doggies :( ) and I actually retracted a gold piece from...somewhere. Left him to rot and went to the cave. Entered (Special note: all enemies in the cave wore Mythrill equipment. NO EXCEPTIONS).

So; there I was again. Some bandit actually was sleeping in the first real "hall" of the cave... despite 2 dead mates and a rat lying there.... he had guts! For this I promised him a fair dead... so no "sneak attacks" while he was sleeping. Okay, I DID get a free shot or 3 on his head when he waked up but that doesn't count!

Having space again I properly looted the new made corpse and the old corpses. Went left further into the cave. Two other bodies now finally receiving their proper looting, and some boxes. Hmmm, a dog in the distance! And the thing smelled me. A quick one-shot-one-kill later I continued on searching the next "room". 2 dead rats... nice dog! Some more chests to loot and a door further inside the cave. Went another "room" further and met a Ranger type enemy. When being a ranged enemy she was weak, the arrows just upped my blocking skill. When I advanched to start beating her on her head she pulled a glass dagger. And she was FAST with it. Hell, she damaged me more in one flurry of that dagger than some huge axe-wielding friends of her did... she did not live out to teach others the quick skill. Looted corpse and room and had some space problems. From then on just dropped lower priced stuff if better priced was available. I can't travel up and down forever!

Returned back to the start and to the right this time. Just rats and mudcrabs to be found there. Easy kills and some quick extra loot.

Returned to the door further into the cave. Saved before entering (thank god I did that!). Inside many mushrooms I collected and a trap, that I easily spotted and dismantled. Continued on to the main area of this cave, where 3 enemies (or 4) were holding up VERY close to each other. This means trouble (and trouble came!)...

* Attempt 1 (Special mention: Only time I met 4 enemies, also only time I had 2 enemies with Fire Damage weapons. Nasty me being a Vampire!):

3 of the 4 sticked close. Very close. I was actually lucky when they spotted me 2 ran upstairs (more on this later) and the weakest (the 4th not on any other attempt... a sleepy Khajiit) was attacking me. Quite easy that one if I may say so. Less so with the 2 other enemies. Besides them being very damaging with their heavy axes, they could also use them fast AND they gave heating damage. I was either Blocking or having my "Heavy hit stumbling back animation" 24/7, never even could get a hit on them when they decided to kill me. Painfull.

* Attempt 2 (The area gets alot less worse):

Only met 3 enemies now. 2 very close. When 2 spotted me they ran up (more on that later) and then proceeded to me. Cannot really recall this battle precisely, but I do know one weapon made me light up dark blue entirely and the other was lifestealer. I could kill one, but the other overpowered me

* Attempt 3 (The successfull one):

Once again 3. Once again 2 close. Once again going up (once again see later) and then they came for me. One was a dunmer with a heavy mace type thing which he used very slowly on me. The other was a Nord on speed with an axe on speed. So they came for me and I blocked and hit for my life. They damaged me pretty badly but the Dunmer hitted the bucket pretty soon luckily, allowing me to fully concentrate on the Speed Nord. Also got lucky on this guy as he got stuck in some broken box lying there. It was just a matter of staying back during his flurries and Charge during his resting times. Quite easy as that. One to go, who also went upwards. This allowed me to heal and loot some part of their base, gaining some additional gold/potions and ingredients. The 3rd was downstairs and with 4/5 health again I moved up to him. While he was being a ranger he noticed me when in melee range and never used any of his arrows on me. Being a ranger he didn't really stand a change melee against my Soldier and thus another dead person. Detect life told me this was all in the cave and I looted all on ground level.

Now I went to the First Floor to check out what was there. When being on the way up I noticed several corpses of Mudcrabs and Rats. So that was what those guys where killing each time they tried to ran up! Ah well, let the enemies slaughter each other, eh? So the level was pretty clear and I moved quickly to the latest chest of the cave (level 16, having enough skill for 17) protected by a trap I just triggered and outran. Opened the chest to find a handsome reward in expensive Misc. items, a very expansive amulet and a 14 Attack Ebony Longsword. Yah! When scanning my inventory after that I seemed to have lost my 14% reflect magic amulet somewhere... too bad I cannot remind where, and I already do not expect to see it back again. Hopefully I can find something better somewhere soon then. Now I have to choose. Return to town to sell loot or check out that nice looking Aryleid (sp?) ruin just North of the cave? I will sleep a small while over that... adventure (and a levelup :() awaits!


@ Judge Hades;

You read fast... or just skimmed the text... :D

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I read that too. My mind feels...violated.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Okay, Deirdre is much better than Catherine. She's leveled faster, but fast leveling doesn't hurt a mage nearly so much. As long as she has her spells, she can take on the bad guys. Also, the only gate Catherine closed was Kvatch. Deirdre has closed a total of four now. Deirdre is well on her way to running the Mages' Guild. This time, however, she will also join the fighter's guild, but I think that will have to wait until the danger from Oblivion is gone. On the main quest, I'm getting ready to finish up some business with spies. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until I have a new home in the Imperial City, at the top of the Mages' tower.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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The Dark Brotherhood is a scourge upon the earth. They strike terror in the hearts of all good people. Except, perhaps, for those good people who have no fear of them.


When the Dark Brotherhood has a nightmare, it dreams of me.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Mages ftw :(


Hey, Eldar, how would you rate this game on a 1-10 scale?


I really hate to give a numeric value to a game. I just don't know how to assign the numbers.


I would unreservedly suggest this game to anyone, however. I've spent hours playing and it's still fun.


The game isn't flawless, but it's damned good. I'll edit in a repost of some earlier comments.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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