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Oblivion Thread


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Okay, how many pages are there to read?


They vary. Some have few as 5-6 pages and some can get pretty lengthy, up to 80 pages. There are probably some with more than that but I haven't found them yet. When it's all said and done I'll probably have more time examining books than actually fighting badies.

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I was just ribbing you. Yeah, some of the books are actually well done. A lot of them are just stultifyingly boring. Still, I respect the effort it took to place that many books in the game world.

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a good way to find the skill books is to look for the more costly ones... they usually cost at least 50 gp to give you a skill, but not always. Plus the really large proportioned ones tend to give you skills

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I managed to snatch Oblivion from a buddy of mine, and after much tweaking I got it running fairly well on my system.


Anyway, I've been mostly playing around with the face generator and this was my second try. I'd say it wasn't too bad.



Edit: I can't seem to get mouths with thinner lips and the eyes always appear a bit weird. Any advice?



Edited by Soulseeker

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i like to try to create my favorite movie/book characters, such as rand al'thor

i made him a breton, but that didn't fit too well cuz he is supposed to be tall

it just makes the game more interesting the second time around

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